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Father, we bring this lawsuit up to You: Use it to see that our elections are free and fair — exactly as our Founders intended!
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Do governors and presidents have the authority to run elections, or does that authority rest solely with a state’s legislature? Republican legislators in Pennsylvania are seeking the answer to this question.

From The Epoch Times. A group of 24 Republican legislators in Pennsylvania have filed a federal complaint against President Joe Biden, Gov. Josh Shapiro, and representatives of the Pennsylvania Department of State, saying they have usurped the authority of the legislature by changing voter registration and election rules.

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The legislators say the Elections Clause and the Electors Clause of the U.S. Constitution give state legislators the sole constitutional right to determine the manner of elections, and there is no role for the president, governor, or other executive officials, such as the secretary of state, to create, rewrite, or disregard the laws established by the legislature. The group alleges they have been unconstitutionally excluded from the law-making process regulating federal elections for president and Congress. …

Their complaint in U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania asks a judge to declare three actions unconstitutional: a voter registration executive order made by President Biden; a voter registration action by Mr. Shapiro, and some Department of State directives. They also request that the judge issue an order prohibiting the president, governor, or state executives from making future changes to the elections process in Pennsylvania without following the legislative process. …

Biden’s Executive Order

In 2021, President Biden signed Executive Order 14019 for “promoting access to voting,” requiring all federal agencies to develop a plan to increase voter registration and participation. …

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development instructed more than 3,000 public housing authorities managing some 1.2 million public housing units across the country to run voter registration drives in those units.

The U.S. Department of Education sent a letter to universities, directing them to use Federal Work Study funds “to support voter registration activities.” …

The U.S. Department of Agriculture issued letters to state agencies administering the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and the Women’s Infants and Children’s (WIC) low-income food program, instructing them to carry out voter registration activities with federal funds.

The legislators say voter registration drives are not a government function. …

President Biden’s executive order also directed federal agencies to use taxpayer money to choose “approved, nonpartisan third-party organizations and state officials to provide voter registration services on agency premises.”

The Pennsylvania state legislators have, through legislative acts, passed a law that prohibits the influence of third-party entities in elections. The executive order contradicts Pennsylvania state election laws, court papers say.

Shapiro’s Automatic Voter Registration

In September 2023, Mr. Shapiro announced in a press release that he was changing voter registration laws by enacting automatic voter registration. According to the press release, anyone eligible to vote is automatically registered to vote when they get their driver’s license.

Pennsylvania lawmakers have tried several times, using the legislative process, to implement automatic voter registration in Pennsylvania. Every attempt has failed. At the time Mr. Shapiro announced this change, there was another bill pending in the legislature to enact automatic voter registration. Lawmakers in the court filing say Shapiro’s action was not legally authorized by any state law. …

What do you think? Are the actions of Biden and Shapiro unconstitutional? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from The Epoch Times. Photo Credit: paulbrady via Canva Pro)

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February 1, 2024

We ask for Your protection of our election process and to block all illegal attempts to circumvent the establishment of protective measures already in place as Constitutional Law that prohibits federal and state officials from interfering and misusing tax funds for their illegal activities. Hold them all accountable for breaking the law. We pray in the Mighty Name of Jesus, LORD of Lords Amen!

January 31, 2024

Why is this article written from the opposite point of view of the already existing constitutional laws-,that the globalists are feverishly working to deconstruct?..
it sounds like the epoch times is on the side of the biden regime.. Why would we need a news organization..and a leading conservative organization , at that..to play devils advocate?… Is our battle not-,already hard enough?

Lord-, let any of your Warrior Advocates that are in place be strengthened and encouraged to rise up.. as you would guide them to be a conduit for your word to be spoken..to stand for goodness and proper lawmaking jurisprudence.. founded in your word.., Doug Mastriano comes to mind.. who was a candidate for Senator or Governor.. I forget now ..but he lost.
I think it was for governor-,nonetheless..Lord let these people who are courageous enough to stand for godliness in government-be encouraged.. and held up by the power of your holy spirit.. let them not grow weary Lord.
In Jesus name, Amen

    Darlene Estlow
    February 1, 2024

    I don’t understand your take on the article. They are explaining what is happening, not siding with the administration or state officials as they try to take power where none constitutionally exists. We need to understand the situation, otherwise we cannot act in the right way.


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