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Father, expose any links between the U.N. and terrorist organizations like Hamas. Bless Israel with the support it needs.
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Is the United Nations Relief and Works Agency tied to Hamas? Were its employees involved in the deadly terrorist attacks of October 7?

From The Wall Street Journal. Growing numbers of Western countries suspended aid to the U.N. agency for Palestinian refugees Saturday after allegations that a dozen of its staff took part in the Oct. 7 attacks in Israel that killed some 1,200 people, the biggest single loss of Jewish life since the Holocaust.

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The U.K., Finland and Italy all paused funding to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency a day after the agency said it was investigating information it had received from Israel’s government that some of the agency’s staff took part in the attacks. The U.S., Unrwa’s biggest donor, as well as Canada and Australia had said Friday they would suspend aid to the agency pending an investigation. …

The funding suspension comes at a critical time for the agency, which has become the main conduit for aid going into Gaza during the war that Israel launched in response to the Oct. 7 attacks. …

The allegations are the latest scandal for the agency, which oversees aid for more than five million Palestinian refugees in the West Bank, Gaza, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon. Republicans in the U.S. and Israeli politicians have long accused the agency of pro-Palestinian bias. Israel has in the past accused individual Unrwa staff, including the former head of its union in Gaza, of ties to Hamas, which is considered a terrorist group by the U.S. and Europe. Most of the agency’s roughly 30,000 staff are Palestinian.

Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz said Saturday that Unrwa should be removed from postwar Gaza, that its leadership should be fired and that there should be an independent investigation into its activities. …

Unrwa head Philippe Lazzarini said Friday that the agency had terminated the contracts of the people allegedly involved and would hold them accountable, including through criminal prosecution. …

Share your prayers below that the truth would be revealed.

(Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal. Photo Credit: cristianl/Getty Images)

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February 9, 2024

Yes, for sure this organization should be done away with. I pray, as well as many others, that the truth will come out, be totally exposed and justice will be served. I pray for Israel that she will prevail, as God in heaven plans for her. May God will bless us also as we give and pray for Israel. One day, Jesus will rule from Jerusalem! May His will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Amen.

February 5, 2024

Thank you for exposing and stopping funding and collaboration for all in any way involved in the October 7 attack on Israel. Replace these hearts of stone with hearts of flesh and cause them to all turn to you, the one true God.

February 5, 2024

It has been proven that UNWRA is involved, and I wouldn’t be surprised if the UN isn’t involved. What dishonesty reigns in our midst!

Grant Windholz
February 3, 2024

Lord God, as believers we know the United Nations has been wicked for years and it just keeps on building. Please let all leaders see the truth of their evil schemes and end their madness and save your motherland of Israel!!!

Susan S.
January 30, 2024

We should look carefully at all the funding the U.S. gives to the U.N. and N.G.O.s. We should defund all the organizations that fund terrorists, illegal immigration, human traffickers, cartels and other things that damage the U.S. and our allies and their people. We are already deep in debt and should not pay for all of this.

January 30, 2024

This and many other agencies within the UN have for decades been known to perpetrate evil around the globe but little was done about it. My own nation signaled its “virtue” by giving UNRWA and the UN millions of dollars with no accountability. They continue to boast about how UNRWA has helped Palestinians with no mention of the millions siphoned off by Hamas. May God bring accountability and destruction to this demonic organization.

January 30, 2024

Noting that “Most of the 30,000 staff are palestinian” must surely sound alarm bells around the World ?
Gaza has been a hotbed for terrorism for many years – indeed one could simply claim that “Gaza lives off terrorist supporting agencies !”
When will the World wake up and smell the stench of the “palestinian” terrorists in Gaza ?
Lord – awaken the senses of the good people who mistakenly help pay the wages of sin through “palestinian Gaza terrorists !”

Diane Phillips
January 30, 2024

If so every single one that participated needs to be in prison and get the death penalty

Brian lynch
January 30, 2024

If this is true, I would not be surprised. The U.N. is very liberal. Their lack of concern for Israel is a symptom of their misguided, evil attitude. Lord Jesus, please, wake the U.N. representatives up to the error of their ways. Show them how important their support of Israel needs to be. Thank You, Lord.

January 30, 2024

It seems the USA government we now have supports all our enemies with our money, Is not open borders and funds to destroy our country considered TREASON against our country? No weapon formed against God’s plan and purposes will continue to prosper.

Maggie Williams
January 30, 2024

Lord of all nations, continue to protect Israel and promote the salvation of all people. We can never adequately express our gratitude for your magnanimous grace to us. May your reign of Justice and peace come soon! AMEN

There is more information on this topic by an Isrseli Christian website called Behold Israel.


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