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Lord, we lift our children and the entertainment they consume up before You. Protect them from indoctrination — keep them grounded in Your Word!
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One of Netflix’s most popular children’s shows features a scene with two gay dads and a cross-dressing child. Many are calling this scene “indoctrination” and “terrible advice.”

From CBN. Netflix is facing criticism over a scene from its popular children’s cartoon “CoComelon Lane” in which a little boy dresses in a tutu and tiara after being encouraged to do so by his same-sex parents.

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The clip went viral in late December after being shared by the X account “End Wokeness.”

The series, which has been wildly popular with toddlers, features two homosexual males co-parenting a boy named Nico, encouraging him to explore his gender identity.

In the scene from episode eight of season one, the dads sing, “Something that we know about you, you love to get up and dance.” At that point, Nico changed into a tutu, put on a tiara, and started dancing. …

Ben Shapiro, a conservative radio host and the founder of The Daily Wire, added, “Stop letting Hollywood indoctrinate your kids in gender garbage,” pointing people to his company’s family-friendly streaming service, Bentkey.

Independent Women’s Forum senior policy analyst Inez Stepman wrote on X, “Even aside from the gay and transgender stuff in this, ‘just be you’ is terrible advice to a toddler. The you most of us are at age [two] is the you that screams for ice cream.” …

What do you think of this scene? Share this article to warn parents about the content on Netflix.

(Excerpt from CBN. Photo Credit: DCL “650” on Unsplash)

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Rita Burkholder
January 15, 2024

The systematic, methodical and insidious indoctrination of our children is every where now. Schools, TV and the internet and the phones we carry with us. We can not mindlessly allow our children to watch children’s programming that we could at one time somewhat trust. We are being desensitized to evil. Cute little monsters who are cuddly, gender identification and things that go against God’s Word is being presented to those who are not mentally mature enough to discern danger when it is trying to do what the enemy does best: kill, steal and destroy. Prayer is needed as well as refusing to be quiet and let these people selling misinformation what we really think.

Carol Lucero
January 11, 2024

The enemy is especially using the mountain of arts and entertainment to push this demonic agenda as an attempt to redefine family as God instituted it. Truth… God made us male and female. There are only two genders. Marriage is between a man and a woman, period!

As the church we need to seen this assault for what it is, and take a stand against this indoctrination/attack on our children and the culture at large. But where to start?

Initially, I allowed anger and apathy to set in because the giants in the land seem to big to topple. Eventually I realized I could not sit back and watch this happen, so I repented for my lack of faith and asked God to show me WHERE and HOW he could use me to restore the family back to Him.

He led me to the Don’t Mess With our Kids Movement, a nationwide pray, fast and stand movement led by prophet Lou Engle and Jenny Donnelly who has been in ministry with her husband for many years. I am grateful the Lord let me to this Holy Spirit inspired community of women from every state who are united in their common goal of restoring our children and our nation back to its biblical and moral roots.

In addition to community prayer and fasting, I have gained access to support, encouragement and strategies to help me proactively engage in this battle. It’s been a gamechanger! Should you, like I was, be searching and praying for a way to engage in this battle for our children and families visit hervoicemvmt.com.

Peg B
January 11, 2024

Heavenly Father, we come before You remembering Your word in Matthew 18:10 taught by Jesus to the Disciples. “See that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I say to you that their angels in heaven continually see the face of My Father who is in heaven.” LORD, our children are being despised and misled intentionally. Send Your angels to fight for them in the heavenly realms. Close the little ones ears to the lies and instead let them hear they are fearfully and wonderfully made by YOU! Rebuke the adversary, close the mouth of the liar and let the devil flee. We praise You that this evil will not prosper and will not prevail. You are Jehovah Nissi (The Lord, my Standard of Victory), therefore, let Your banner of Victory be seen by all. In Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.

Sheila Neuburger
January 10, 2024

Psalms 95.7 Hebrews 3.7 Hebrews 4.7
Leviticus 23 The Lord’s Appointed Times
Ezekiel 18 Repent
Ezekiel 33
John 1.1-18 Yeshua
Hear the Sound of the Shofar!

Miri Boafo
January 10, 2024

Lamentations 2:19.
Arise, cry out in the night: in the beginning of the watches pour out thine heart like water before the face of the LORD: lift up thy hands toward HIM for the life of thy young children, that faint for hunger in the top of every street.

Audra Austin
January 10, 2024

Lord deliver America’s children from the global elite pedophiles and perverts in high places. Protect them and stir parents to pray and push back in the natural. In Jesus Name Amen.


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