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Father, guide our government in regulating and controlling AI. Direct our leaders to those with whom they can collaborate as they navigate this new, complicated industry.
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Our government is looking for help in directing AI, but are our leaders seeking that help from the right people?

From POLITICO. Key members of the House Science Committee are sounding the alarm over a planned research partnership on artificial intelligence between the National Institute of Standards and Technology and the RAND Corp. — an influential think tank tied to tech billionaires, the AI industry and the controversial “effective altruism” movement.

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Lawmakers from both parties sent a letter to NIST on Dec. 14 that chastised the agency for a lack of transparency and for failing to announce a competitive process for planned research grants related to the new U.S. AI Safety Institute.

The lawmakers also warned NIST about the quality of AI safety research stemming from outside groups, saying they routinely “hide behind secrecy,” “fail to provide evidence of their claims” and often disagree on basic definitions or principles. …

NIST, a low-profile agency housed within the Commerce Department, has been central to President Joe Biden’s AI plans. The White House tasked NIST with establishing the AI Safety Institute in its October executive order on AI. …

But NIST is also notoriously resource-strapped, and will almost certainly need help from outside researchers to fulfill its growing AI mandate. …

recent RAND report on biosecurity risks posed by advanced AI models is listed in the House letter’s footnotes as a worrying example of research that has not gone through academic peer review. …

RAND’s nascent partnership with NIST comes in the wake of its work on Biden’s AI executive order, which was written with extensive input from senior RAND personnel. The venerable think tank has come under increasing scrutiny — including internally — for receiving over $15 million in AI and biosecurity grants earlier this year from Open Philanthropy, a prolific funder of effective altruist causes financed by billionaire Facebook co-founder and Asana CEO Dustin Moskovitz.

Many AI and biosecurity researchers say that effective altruists, whose ranks include RAND CEO Jason Matheny and senior information scientist Jeff Alstott, place undue emphasis on potential catastrophic risks posed by AI and biotechnology. The researchers say those risks are largely unsupported by evidence, and warn that the movement’s ties to top AI firms suggest an effort to neutralize corporate competitors or distract regulators from existing AI harms. …

In the letter, the House lawmakers warned NIST that “scientific merit and transparency must remain a paramount consideration,” and that they expect the agency to “hold the recipients of federal research funding for AI safety research to the same rigorous guidelines of scientific and methodological quality that characterize the broader federal research enterprise.”

A NIST spokesperson said the science agency is “exploring options for a competitive process to support cooperative research opportunities” related to the AI Safety Institute, adding that “no determinations have been made.”

The spokesperson would not say whether NIST personnel told House Science staffers in a Nov. 2 briefing that the agency intends to partner with RAND on AI safety research. …

Share your prayers about AI and its many dangers below.

(Excerpt from POLITICO. Photo Credit: BlackJack3D/Getty Images Signature via Canva Pro)

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December 31, 2023

Father, as Your Ekklesia, we have been given authority over all the authority of the enemy according to Luke 10:19 , so we say NO to AI taking over our nations businesses and corporations in the mighty name of JESUS! We also stand on and USE Your word from Matt 16:19 that tells us if we bind ( forbid or declare unlawful) anything on earth that it has been bound in Heaven already, so according to Your word, we bind every demonic plan of the devil against believers, patriots and innocent Americans through the use of AI to track and trap them in Jesus’s name!! Thank you for the supernatural protection of the “secret place” as we take shelter under Your mighty wings so that You can deal with the evil ones and the enemy’s schemes this year!!

Deb C
December 31, 2023

Most High God: How many times has man profess that his wisdom is better than Yours? As in the Tower of Babel (Hebrew form of the name Babylon),

Gen 11:4: “Come, let us build ourselves a city, and a tower whose top is in the heavens; let us make a name for ourselves, lest we be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth.”

(:5) BUT THE LORD came down……….
(:7) Come, let Us go down and confuse their language, that they may not under stand one another’s speech.

And countless other times ….

Father- The Almighty: Artificial intelligence IS artificial and is limited as it is from man’s view. Father, confound this matter. Open the eyes of people everywhere that this is but another jaunt down a destructive path. Come as You did in the Old Testament and thwart the desires of the evil ones. I am grateful for Isaiah 65:24- “And it shall be that before they call I will answer and while they are yet speaking I will hear.” In the Name of Jesus- US come down – bring Your mighty hand of intercession and make known Your power and wisdom.


The one who is behind AI, is the one who is most artificial.

Victoria Z
December 30, 2023

Father, protect us from “mad scientists” who are fueld and encouraged by Satantic spiritual advesaries who want to present AI as a modern day idol. Father i believe this is the “abomination of desolation” and the “image of jealousy” that prophetic scriptures warn of, so while i know that all prophetic scripture from You will indeed come to pass, i pray that you protect us and our families and friends from it and give us all the wisdom, discernment, and conviction we need to resist it and it’s deceptions. Thank you for always hearing and answering our prayers.


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