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I Prayed have prayed
Lord Jesus, we thank You for appearing to and ministering to these men. During this brutal war, we ask that You would continue to show up and bring Jews and Muslims to You.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Lord is working unbelievable miracles in the Israel-Hamas war! Hundreds of Muslims all dreamed of Christ on the same night. Praise God! In addition, we just added this incredible miracle:

From The Western Journal. More than 200 Muslim men in Gaza have converted to Christianity after reportedly seeing Jesus in their dreams, said Christian professor Michael Licona. …

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In a recent Facebook post, Licona said he received a report from “underground Christian ministries” in the Middle East that detailed the miraculous conversions.

“God is working in the midst of war!” his post began.

He then quoted the report from the ministries.

“Over the past two days, we have ministered to hundreds of fathers who have lost most, if not all, of their children in the war. As we moved these men to safety, we fed them, washed their clothes, and began to read the Bible to them — sharing the way of peace through Jesus.

“Then, a big miracle happened. Last night, Jesus appeared to more than 200 of them in their dreams! They have come back to us to learn more from God’s Word and are asking how to follow Jesus,” the report said. …

This isn’t the first report of such dreams affecting Muslims.

About a month before the Oct. 7 Hamas terrorist attack, Assemblies of God News reported that Muslims around the world were dreaming of Jesus and converting to Christianity at an unprecedented rate. …

Here is another miracle. The Lord flooded Hamas underground tunnels with water. Watch . . .

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(Excerpt from The Western Journal. Photo Credit: Myriam Zilles on Unsplash)

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George Leaf
November 26, 2023

Lord God almighty be glorified in Jesus name. Bring truth and compassion upon this place called Gaza. By your word true Love never fails. Lay hold upon the demonic spirit driving this conflict. Shine your Devine light upon his doings, lies, and deceptions. Let nothing be hidden. No motive, no value, no lie, no deception of any kind. Give your deep and lasting peace to those seeing the truth of war and it’s horrors. Oh woe upon those who use such calamity for political gain. Who give no value to the lives and wellbeing of those living in Gaza. Send dreams and visions to the warriors sent into this conflict that your Holy and righteous will reign in Gaza. Amen and Amen

Grant Windholz
November 25, 2023

Lord God Almighty, please bring Jews and Muslims to you! You can do anything!! Help these cultures of men and women know that life is all about faith and truth about Jesus and not their religious beliefs throughout this Israeli War!!

November 24, 2023

God works in mysterious ways! Killing thousands to convert 200. But what about the hundreds of thousands made homeless with anger? Don’t think this strategy is working well for them!

Bob Kempfer
November 23, 2023

Praise God

Michael Lampard
November 23, 2023

This is always going to be a ‘supernatural’ outcome in this type of war. First, Praise God, we are seeing the grace and mercy of God towards Muslims. Fantastic! Pray that all who receive this visitation will respond and that we a Believers will receive them into Fellowship.
I think the time will come when something like the Revelation version of ‘the great tribulation’ will not be far off. We need to prepare. Our hearts need to be ready.

Susan Richter
November 23, 2023

Lord heal these men from the loss of their kids, and we give you thanks and praise for the way you spoke to them, in dreams, the way they needed, and for the Christians ready to minister at the right time.

Grant Windholz
November 22, 2023

Yes Lord God Almighty, we as believers from all over the world, pray that you can bring Jews and Muslims to know Jesus Christ died for their sins!! This Israeli war is all about spiritual warfare that has been going on for centuries!!

November 22, 2023

Ever since the disastrous Afghan withdrawal 2 years ago, I have been praying for the Lord to do the miraculous in these events and related Middle East events.. just as he did with reported visions of Jesus and other miraculous events during that time.. in line with the comments of my brothers and sisters here-, the intercessors of IFA ,concerning the Lord God moving in the miraculous.

Lord God you are the faithful god, Jehovah who answers our prayers and keeps those who are oppressed under your wings and his faithful to answer prayer.. even as you keep us all on your wings as we seek you Lord and praise is and blessings and thank you for these miraculous events where 200 men were converted and you appeared to them in their dreams. Thank you Lord that you have provided these ways that you contact us and minister to us all , in Humanity.
In Jesus mighty name, Amen

November 22, 2023

Help! “The Angel in Gaza” recording is difficult to understand. Is there a written form?

November 22, 2023

Praising God for the miraclses!!!

Erin Songco
November 22, 2023

Thank you LORD!!! We pray a prayer of gratefulness for your hand of protection on Israel!!

Ellen Hoffman
November 22, 2023

We prayed for this to happen in our prayer group on Sunday morning. I’m sure we weren’t the only ones. Prayer moves the hand of God!

November 22, 2023

We pray for Jewish people and Christians God will come soon. And God will prevail 🙏

Janie Tink
November 22, 2023

So encouraging to see God’s miraculous hand of protection. Praise Jehovah Nissi our banner!

Sandra Hogue
November 22, 2023

There is nothing too hard, no heart too far away from God’s only Son and Savior, Jesus Christ, that He, in His great love, cannot reach with the Truth. May every heart deceived and locked in the grip of the Islamic doctrine be brought near to God through His revelation of Jesus Christ, Savior of the World, to them individually. Sweep the Muslim world with the Good News of Jesus Christ, Oh God, bring peace to Jerusalem and to the most hostile Muslims in the world, through Jesus, the Prince of Peace Himself.

Shpend Shyti
November 21, 2023

Every dark force that tries to attack Israel and Jewish People must know that will fail, because of none can fight against the Chosen, the Blessed People by the Almighty.
May Love and Peace prevail, and may this struggle create opportunities for the light of Jesus in the hearts of those who don’t know Jesus, as Lord and Savior.
In the Name and in the Blood of Jesus Christ, Amen!

November 21, 2023

Glory to God in the highest!!! How wonderful that He’s reaching out to all people. He is not willing that any should perished but that all will come to eternal life. God’s power and glory and love is being revealed in supernatural ways and miracles as we head towards the last days and the coming tribulation. First Peter 3:9 “ The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering towards us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance “ Praise His Name forever!! What a joy and a privilege to be part of Father’s plan and to help it come to pass.

Michelle Spencer
November 21, 2023

Praying Psalm 35 every day!

November 21, 2023

Thank you Lord God for your goodness. Thank you for the Gifts of Jesus our Lord and The Holy Spirit. Thank you for Salvation through Jesus and your Spirit sent to these Muslims accepting salvation in the name of Jesus. Your ways are truly higher than our ways. Your mercy endures forever. Continue to help your people Israel and get them back into a time of peace, that they may praise you and than you for their help.

Dawn Satsuma
November 21, 2023

Thank you Lord Jesus for visiting these people and for ministering to them and for Holy Spirit opening up their hearts to know more about Jesus. We pray for an even greater Holy Spirit outpouring upon all and for millions of souls to be saved. Thank You Jesus hallelujah 🙏🙏🙏☝️

Ted Bjorem
November 21, 2023

Yes yes yes
And praises Lord

November 21, 2023

I pray to our Father in Jesus name that the Israel forces will have your protection and guidance surrounding them and that they will be successful. If it is your will I pray that the evil force will be destroyed and that the truth of your love for people will be known and that the entire world will see.
I pray for comfort for all who have lost people they love.

Charlene Dorame
November 21, 2023

Thank you so much for sharing this! I have been praying for Divine Intervention! This is confirmation! Thank you Jesus! All Glory to God!

November 21, 2023

Thanking and Praising You Lord Jesus for answering our prayers. Rejoicing over Your miraculous interventions through angelic visitations for the IDF. Loud shouts of joy and thanksgiving for the hundreds of Muslims who are seeing You in their dreams and receiving You Lord Jesus into their hearts and lives. In Jesus’ Redemptive Name I rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory!

Robert Frederick
November 21, 2023

Google has set up a new protocol that makes it impossible to share this article without agreeing to all sorts or access I don’t agree with so I can’t share these anymore.

    Darlene Estlow
    November 21, 2023

    I don’t understand the problem. I have shared several articles and there has been no problems.

    November 22, 2023

    Don’t use google! Try something else. I have no problem sharing thru text messages.

November 21, 2023

I continue to pray for Isreal to defeat and destroy all Hamas Terrorist in their nation. I pray for the recovery of all captives and for Muslims and Jews to turn Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior!

Paul Fishman
November 21, 2023

Can we pray this: Lord I ask that a New Palestinian homeland for those in Gaza can be made far from the Middle East so that 2 million plus civilians have a safe and large place to live? Give enlightenment and wisdom to the United States and Israel to evacuate these precious people to live in Utah for their own new homeland safe from war and interference from Iran that provoked Hamas to have the IDF bomb these people. Israel still is the homeland for the Jewish people and may both Jews and Palestinians live in peace even though not all of them can live together.

    November 21, 2023

    Paul, You are delusional to put
    Hamas, Islamic jihad, PLO Fatah, in Utah!
    Obiden already has 100’S of countries. . .
    What state are you from?
    Do you want them there?
    Have you asked people in Utah?

      November 22, 2023

      Not to mention all the Chinese Nationals of military fighting age- -,tens of thousands..that have come across the border and are being warehoused in Texas

    November 21, 2023

    75% of Judea-Samaria Palestinians support PLO Fatah, Hamas, Islamic jihad, Hezbullah, *OCT7, and have weapons from IRAN, delivered through the Palestinians in JORDAN
    *settlers uprising is another large lie versus stabbings, car-rammings, suicide-bombers of other side!!!

    STOP, believing lies of fake news;
    *Peaceful civilians, 1,000 took … hostages, killed many, even Nepal students with axe/knifes/garden hoe/fire, raped with Hamas.
    *Hospital Staff knew of hostages taken to tunnels by terrorists.
    *Teachers knew of weapons in schools, boys’club, playgrounds, Mosques, etc…

Marsha Bashor
November 21, 2023

Dear Lord thank you so much for this notification of what’s going on there in Gaza and Israel, thank you for the report of how the IDF is fighting, you are giving them victory step by step, thank you! And thank you for the report on the many salvations of Muslims and the appearing of Jesus himself to them in their dreams. Thank you Lord. This information is so encouraging to hear. I continue to pray for the success of the IDF to rid Hamas and Hesbollah from Israel completely Lord, I pray they are gone completely. Please Lord , let Prime Minister Netanyahu hear your wisdom and instructions thoroughly in this matter. Please let him do the right thing for the safety of Israel!!! And I do pray for the peace of Jerusalem!!!

    Remy Ochoa
    November 22, 2023

    I prayed in Jesus name to peace in Israel, Gaza, United States, and entire world. Amen

November 21, 2023

Thank you Heavenly Father for loving Your people enough to show Yourself to them in dreams! We praise and honor You and ask for You to protect the innocent and end this war quickly!

November 21, 2023

Where did that come from,that 200 Muslims got saved.??

November 21, 2023

Where were the women and children? Were these all men of fighting age? Curious?

November 21, 2023

Thank ayou, LORD, for showing Yourself strong and for continuing to honor Your word to Your people!!

November 21, 2023

Praise GOD from whom all blessings flow.
Dear JESUS send YOUR rain upon Gaza to flood the tunnels causing such confusion down there that YOU enable the hostages to escape.
Thanks be to the only ONE able to provide safety for the captives.!

November 21, 2023

This is deed a miracle for about 200 Muslims to see Jesus in the dream .It is an encouragement to all of us in prayer Ministry that God is using our prayer as raw materials to work miracles.


Susan Liparota
November 21, 2023

This is so awesome!!! Praise God!!!

November 21, 2023

Lord, we give you all the glory for your wonderful miracles and how you are moving in the Middle East. We pray for the peace of Jerusalem. In Jesus Name.

November 21, 2023

Father God, Creator and Lord of the Universe, we come to You praying in Jesus’ Name and praising You for this answer to prayer! You are good, Your mercy is everlasting, and Your truth endures to all generations. We earnestly beseech You to go to Muslims and Jews alike; that You would appear to other religious peoples who do not know You, and that You would appear to those who deny You. Do a mighty work in them and in all our hearts, no matter what. Help us to love You with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and our neighbor as ourselves. Bind satan who is the worst enemy of our souls. Thank You for saving Your people! Help us to stay true to Your Holy Word which is the Truth. Change hearts, and convict us of sin, dear Holy Spirit, and forgive us. Have mercy on us! Amen!

    November 21, 2023

    FATHER, reach out with THE Man In White, With Scars, Dreams to the families of the “prayer” festival, JewBu’s of Buddha Novel Music Victims. Bring many to YOU YeHoVaH.
    THANK YOU for saving many from death, like sending a dove to rest on tripwire to reveal danger and an ANGEL to warn troops to get out of a tunnel entrance house before it exploded. We give YOU ALL GLORY HONOR PRAISE WORSHIP IN YESHUA’S HOLY NAME AMEN AMEN

    The People of Israel LIVE

    SHALU SHALOM YERUSHALAYIM OHAVAYICH Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem

November 21, 2023

Hallelujah!! Glory to God in the highest! Praise Him! Lord, keep saving your creation! Praise you Lord Jesus and thank you!

Linda K
November 21, 2023

Thank You Lord for helping Israel’s IDF fight this battle. You sending the deluge of rain and dreams to the terrorists are an outstanding example of Your mercy AND Your judgement I ask You Father to continue in Your miraculous ways to bring victory over evil! ! May we live daily in the fear of the Lord and in awesome respect for You and Your holy Presence around us all. !! In Jesus name. Amen.

Macrina Valenzuela
November 21, 2023

HalleluYah, praise be to God for He is a Just Judge, we are praying, God I Magnify your Holy name Yahweh, and Yeshua HaMashiac Son of the living God, for victory is Yours Abba Father! Thank you Adonai for your goodness and mercy, I give You praise, glory and honor because You are Worthy of it!!!

Brian lynch
November 21, 2023

Praise God! What satan meant for evil, God is using for good! To God be the glory.! I have a strong sense that greater things will occur as time goes by. Thank You, Jesus, for what You have done, and will continue to do to bring glory to Your kingdom.

Connie Segeleon
November 21, 2023

God, i praise you for your wonderful works 🙏 You are our almighty Heavenly Father. 🙏 Thank you 🙏 Thank you for showing us how much you love us 🙏 Thank you for showing us with unconditional Love 🙏🙏🙏❤️

Jeff Johnson
November 21, 2023

Yeshua is on his throne and at work in this situation. We must remember that we are praying from victory and not for victory which is already secured in Jesus the Savior. praise to the lamb of God and Lion of Judah 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙏

Mary Beth
November 21, 2023

Thank You, LORD!! Another reminder that what the enemy has meant for evil, You are able and willing to use for good. (Genesis 50:20) I love Your divine reversals! As Joseph reminded his brothers, his difficult experiences had resulted in his promotion to a position where God could use him to accomplish “many people’s lives being saved”. How much more important is the salvation to eternal life that many are finding as Yeshua is being revealed to them in the midst of difficult circumstances.

Maria Pera
November 21, 2023

We glorify you Lord for your faithfulness and keeping Iareal safe from all their enemies. You will continue to show yourself. We worship you for the divine protection over your land Isreal and giving the military strategies on how to locate the Hamas military and rescue the captives. In Jesus name we pray Amen

November 21, 2023

Dear Lord God thank you for this update thank you for your hand upon Israel and IDF thank you for your mercy and Grace on so many around the world including the Muslims dear Jesus May they all continue to turn to you and surrender to you. May all come to know Jesus. Bless Israel Lord and may those that do not know you Jesus may they turn to you and believe in Jesus name

saundra Preston
November 21, 2023

I prayed that the ones that have died 7 times that will give their
life to Christ!
God is Miraculous!!!

Russell Evenson
November 21, 2023

This is what we’ve been praying for that they would have a revelation of the light of the gospel of Jesus Christ shine in their hearts to be reached before they enter eternity

Paul Berndt
November 21, 2023

Faith in Christ turns the death sentence upon all men into the resurrection life of Christ. All men! No matter where they are from or what they are like. Thank you Lord!

Vickie Keith
November 21, 2023

My heart is also for the lost in Gaza and Israel. My prayer has been to ask that any seeds planted in their hearts over the years, even hearing conversations about Christ at a young age, not knowing how to respond, now begin to come forth and germinate. May God’s love fill them and bring them to Christ. Amen. Hallelujah! Shaloam

November 21, 2023

We give the Lord all praise and glory. We pray for Israel and trust the lord to end this war.

Donna Patrice Lumpkin
November 21, 2023

Praise God for His mighty strength. It is You, Lord God, who created the heavens and stretched them out. Just LOOK at God and what He is doing!! Let’s keep praying 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏.

Karla Lowman
November 21, 2023

Praise the Lord for these hearts that have come to Jesus! We thank you for their transformation through the power of the Holy Spirit of God. Lord this is part of what we are praying for as we pray for the Peace of Jerusalem…… All Glory and Praise to Jesus alone.


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