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Lord, we pray that the truth would be known throughout the world. Dispel the lies about Israel and make your favor of the nation known.
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This article, written by an expert in urban warfare, uses evidence to demonstrate that Israel is not committing war crimes, despite what some are saying.

From CNN. All war is hell. All war is killing and destruction, and historically civilians are inordinately the innocent victims of wars. Urban warfare is a unique type of hell not just for soldiers, who face assaults from a million windows or deep tunnels below them, but especially for civilians. …

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The destruction and suffering, as awful as they are, don’t automatically constitute war crimes … Scenes of devastation, like Israel’s strikes on the Jabalya refugee camp in northern Gaza earlier this week, quickly spark accusations that Israel is engaging in war crimes, such as indiscriminately killing civilians and engaging in revenge attacks. But war crimes must be assessed on evidence and the standards of armed conflict, not a quick glimpse at the harrowing aftermath of an attack.

Hamas forces indisputably violated multiple laws of war on October 7 in taking Israelis hostage and raping, torturing and directly targeting civilians, as well continuing to attack Israeli population centers with rockets. Years of intelligence assessments and media reports have shown that Hamas also commits war crimes by using human shields for its weapons and command centers and by purposely putting military capabilities in protected sites like hospitals, mosques and schools.

On the other hand, nothing I have seen shows that the Israel Defense Forces are not following the laws of wars in Gaza … The factors that need to be assessed are the major dimensions of the most commonly agreed to international humanitarian law principles: military necessity, proportionality, distinction, humanity and honor.

Though Gaza’s legal status is unresolved under international law, Israel needs no permission to enter the territory and resort to using force in order to wage defensive operations because Israel’s right to immediate and unilateral self-defense in accordance with Article 51 of the UN Charter is universally recognized.

Israel has pledged to obey international law, and one of its cornerstones is proportionality. … But proportionality is actually a requirement to take into account how much civilian harm is anticipated in comparison to the expected concrete and direct military advantage, according to UN protocols. In other words, a high civilian death count in Jabalya could potentially be considered legal under international law so long as the military objective is of high value. The Israel Defense Forces said the intended target in this case was the senior Hamas commander who oversaw all military operations in the northern Gaza; neutralizing him is an objective that most likely clears the proportional bar. …

The attack also passes muster on the level of “military necessity,” the principle that the action was necessary to pursue an allowed military goal (killing enemy troops), rather than an illegal goal (causing civilians to suffer). The IDF has said that its aim is to remove the rockets, ammunitions depot, power and transportation systems Hamas has embedded within their civilian population. …

Of the remaining principles of the law of war – distinction, humanity … and honor in conduct of waging war – the principle of distinction is the most complex. Distinction requires Israel to “distinguish between the civilian population and combatants” and between civilian  facilities and military targets, while taking all feasible precautions to avoid civilian casualties. So far I have seen the IDF implementing – and in some cases going beyond – many of the best practices developed to minimize the harm of civilians in similar large-scale urban battles. …

When Hamas uses a hospital, school or mosque for military purpose, it can lose its protected status and become a legal military target. Israel must still make all feasible attempts to get as many civilians out of the site as possible, but the sites don’t need to be clear of civilians before being attacked. …

Like all similar conflicts in modern times, a battle in Gaza will look like the entire city was purposely razed to the ground or indiscriminately carpet bombed – but it wasn’t. Israel possesses the military capacity to do so, and the fact that it doesn’t employ such means is further evidence that it is respecting the rules of war. It is also a sign that this is not revenge – a gross mischaracterization of Israeli aims – but instead a careful defensive campaign to ensure Israel’s survival.

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(Excerpt from CNN. Photo Credit: Ahmad Hasaballah/Getty Images)

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Laura Nolan
November 10, 2023

Father God. Israel has worked hard to have peace with their neighbors. Nevertheless, Hamas does not want peace with Israel. You say in Romans 12:18, “If it be possible, as much as lies in you, live at peace with everyone.” Help the leaders in Israel to be wise in everything they do. Help them to manage well their strategies to get their targets and eliminate the weapons being used against them.
In Romans 12:19 “Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written, ‘It is mine to avenge, I will repay,’ says the Lord.” Lord, your ways are greater. I ask you to see what is happening and has happened, and do what it takes to bring peace to Israel. I ask this in the name of Jesus.

Norma Ramey
November 10, 2023

“Let justice roll down like water and righteousness like a never failing stream!”
Let truth, the Word of God sweep away the lies and evil.!
“Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord!”

Paul Davis
November 9, 2023

Wow. Jesus would never condone the killing of innocent women and children in Gaza. It is you who are believing lies. Israel has already killed over 10,000 Gazans, half of which are innocent children. It bombed a Christian church and killed Christian Palestinians. There is absolutely nothing honorable about the way Israel is fighting this war. You are deceived. It’s unfathomable that a Christian could write this article. Did you know Netanyahu made a lucrative deal to build a canal, high speed rail, and development in Northern Gaza worth $8 billion per year? The only problem was he had to get rid of the Palestinians in the way. Tell me, why did it take the IDF six hours to respond to the Hamas attack when they have hundreds of Apache helicopters that can fly anyway in Israel in 30 minutes or less? How did the most advanced intelligence forces in the world miss an attack 2 years in the planning? It’s because Netanyahu’s government wanted an excuse to wipe out the Palestinians. This was no failure. It was a false flag. God will judge all of you for standing with the genocidal maniac, Netanyahu, who is anything but a God-fearing man. Israel may be God’s chosen people, but their government right now is evil. What did God do when Israel acted in an evil way in the OT? He sure as heck didn’t bless it, and neither should you. Shame on you. God will judge you for writing this article.

    Mary Beth
    November 10, 2023

    Paul, I suggest you rethink – this article is from CNN and it does not cite an author, so how do you know whether it was written by a Christian or not? In reality, I don’t think it matters who wrote it. They are making statements about whether Israel has committed war crimes based on international law regarding war, not making a moral judgement. I believe they are right, and I feel no shame at all. I am praying for the innocent Gazans who are caught in this war, and who are being used as human shields by Hamas.
    What concerns me even more than your condemnatory attitude toward whoever wrote this article is that you said nothing about the atrocities committed on Oct. 7 by Hamas. Innocent men, women, children, and babies who were Israeli citizens and some from other nations were slaughtered, mutilated, violated, terrorized brutally. Where is your compassion for them?

John F Doetzer
November 9, 2023

The IDF is using more caution than is required to prevent civilians. I pray for them that they will be successful in destroying the Hamos terrist.

Grant Windholz
November 9, 2023

Yes Lord God, let your truth 🙏 be revealed throughout the world that Israel has every right to bear down and protect themselves against all out terrorists like Hamas!! Wipe them out once and for all!!!

Chris, RN
November 9, 2023

I pray for all the suffering people, most especially the innocent, in the Holy Land. Whenever we engage in war, even under the circumstances of absolute necessity and justification, war itself takes on an energy of its own. So more important that we pray, remembering that salvation is to be found in the Lord alone. May the Lord see that justice prevail, justice tempered by His mercy, and may His peace reign.

Mary Beth
November 9, 2023

Thank you for sharing this rational explanation of “the laws of war”. It clearly shows who has violated these laws – Hamas, and who has upheld these laws – Israel. I would argue that Israel has at times bent over backwards to protect innocent civilians, and endangered the IDF as a result – because of world opinion holding them to a different and unfair standard.

November 9, 2023

According to Isiah 62: For the sake of Zion I will not keep silent. For the sake of Jerusalem I will not rest. The LORD has proclaimed to the ends of the earth: Say to the daughter of Zion, see your salvation comes. You shall be called sought out, a City not Forsaken.

November 9, 2023

…My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth….. Indeed He who watches over Israel will never slumber or sleep…. The Lord will keep you from all harm. He will watch over Your life. The Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore. Amen 🙏

Angeline Kopp
November 9, 2023

Psalm 123

November 9, 2023

Jesus we pray that the truth will be known throughout the world that Israel is fighting honorably in this war we know you are with them and we pray for victory over Hamas in Jesus name


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