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I Prayed have prayed
Reading Time: 4 minutes

The weariness from prayer and the realities of what the next two years will be like on the national landscape can be overwhelming. For those who are discouraged about the recent election or anxious about the great divide in our nation, we must think beyond the present crisis and consider the deeper underlying purposes of God if we are going to persevere for the greater promise.

We are not in a war of parties but of principles. It is because of our values and personal priorities that this division cannot be settled simply by winning an election. We shouldn’t be surprised at the outcome because our nation’s government is but a reflection of the Church. Because we are not united, these states are not united. Thus, we must dig deeper if we are to see any positive change for the future.

Whether Republican Christians like it or not, there are many Jesus followers who feel strongly about supporting the Democratic ticket. As much as some would like to demonize them all, we must be willing to consider why it is that some believers hold on. Reminding them of the platform they stand on and its devaluing of life and biblical family, has not been enough to win them over. We must engage at a deeper level of conversation if we are to overcome our division and find common ground for the greater good of the Kingdom.


I have observed that many who sympathize with the Democratic platform are focused on helping others. They value loving their neighbor, serving the poor, and aiding the disenfranchised. It is their heart of MERCY that pulls them towards those who have been victimized and it is this value that supersedes any other value or truth. Relationship is priority.

For those who stand by the Republican ticket, you will hear repeatedly their call for TRUTH. They are focused on what is right, looking for the facts, and holding to the law. They look for justice because they believe that truth is freedom. Even if it means a few relationships are negatively affected, they believe any temporary cost will be for the greater good.

Obviously, these are gross generalities, yet both principles are biblical values, and thus the great divide within the Church. Our battle cannot simply be between political parties. There are deeper spiritual realities at war. If we truly believe that the Ekklesia has the overriding spiritual authority in this land, it is this battle for Mercy and Truth walking and working together that we must face. It is when these two marks of heaven come together that we will see the needed breakthrough in our government, as well as unity of heart and purpose within the Church. The poisoned root system of our nation’s government cannot be fixed by our votes. It is only when we as believers stand together for something greater that we will see the shift we so desperately need.


Scripture tells us how to bridge this gap between Mercy and Truth. It is the FEAR OF THE LORD.  “And His mercy is for those who fear Him from generation to generation.” (Luke 1:50 ESV)

Before we can even hope for Mercy or Truth to bear fruit in the land, we must acknowledge this prerequisite – to have a holy fear of the Lord and walk in absolute obedience to His ways. God promises His steadfast love and mercy to those who FEAR HIM and KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS (Dt 5:10, 7:9; Ps 103:17). He is compassionate, yes, but also a holy God who requires a holy people.

Without the fear of the Lord, Mercy can become self-serving, victim-minded, and limited in long-term vision. Likewise, Truth can become religious and overbearing unless tempered with compassion. The fact is, there is no true mercy apart from God’s truth. Nor can we walk in absolute truth apart from His mercy. It is these two extremes that must turn their focus towards what it means to walk in the Fear of the Lord. This is what keeps our hearts in check and our motives pure (Heb 10:28-31).

For those who want truth to prevail in the land, we must show compassion to others. We must demonstrate it in our conversation and in our Facebook posts. We cannot allow the world’s hostility and rebel influence to stain our witness. For those who want mercy to be shown, we must recognize all the facts and be willing to confront some hard truths. It may require some tough love, recognizing the hand of a loving Heavenly Father disciplining His children for their ultimate well-being.

I believe these next two years have been given to us to clean up our act. Weary or not, we must continue to persevere, not simply for another election, but for a sanctification of hearts and purifying of motives. We must clean up our conversation and learn to process together and not simply shout sound bites over social media.

No Republican Party or Cyrus President can fix our deeper issues. WE THE PEOPLE of God must guard our hearts and minds and learn to cross the aisles of political rhetoric and personal opinion in order to form a more perfect union of a heavenly kind. I pray we have the grace to walk it out and come out, not only on the right side of history, but on the right side of eternity.

“Do they not go astray who devise evil? But mercy and truth belong to those who devise good.” (Prov 14:22 NKJ)

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January 1, 2020

Thank you for this important insight. I wasn’t blessed to see it last year but so glad I have now. I pray for myself to have more Christ-like love, compassion, understanding, discernment, and mercy for my fellow believers who don’t see things the way I do. In Jesus’s Name. Amen.

December 31, 2019

[…] Christ. It has been increasingly obvious that we are not a very united country or united Church. (See that article HERE.) In that article, I […]

Donna Frankel
December 13, 2018

Thank you for this article. May it open doors of reconciliation. As you focused on Mercy and Truth, I think we need to also explore both as we try to reconcile them. We have become a post-truth culture and we often do things that we think are merciful, but only result in dependence. may our Heavenly Father help us to learn and apply Truth and Mercy as He has directed.

December 12, 2018

Thank you for this word if wisdom. Simple yet profound.

Felicia Penner
December 11, 2018

Brilliant article. Lord, we have lost our way. We treat you more like a Butler than the Almighty God. We question your love because you are a consuming fire and burn up our false self with trial and tribulations. We are proud in our religion not realizing that pride is the worse abomination. Mercy and Truth walk hand in hand in your Kingdom, help us to promote that kingdom more than this one called America. In Jesus name, Amen

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