I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we pray for Your truth to abound in our nation. Keep our young people from falling into extreme ideologies on any side of the political spectrum, and promote true, authentic Christianity.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Many people are being sucked into radical movements and agendas. What should we do?

From WORLD. Perhaps you’ve heard of the “woke mind virus.” This mindset makes one deeply doctrinaire, authoritarian, and tribal. There is no questioning the woke narrative, no matter how absurd, destructive, or contradictory it may be. … It’s a social contagion, for sure.

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The opposite side of this coin is what a colleague calls the “based mind virus.” Offending woke sensibilities can be exciting, and it can gain you plaudits from your own tribe. Of course, the question is how far you will go in this endeavor, and how honestly you engage the issues.

For many, they go too far into the realm of alt-right fascism and racism. … What happens when this folly enters a context of Reddit and 4chan—a world marked by artificiality, alienation, and isolation that instills a craving for authenticity, belonging, identity, and significance? Men whose great-grandfathers stormed the beaches of Normandy toy with Nazi rhetoric, often behind the mask of anonymous social media accounts.

What do we do about this as Christians? How can we pull people (most of them are young men) out of this darkness and prevent our own fellow church members from succumbing to it? …

First off, believers do well to equip themselves with sound, truthful arguments and resources that dismantle ideological claims. … We need to debunk pseudo-science and discern moral wisdom from history, philosophy, and theology. …

Next, we must know when to cut ties with someone over vicious error. On the one hand, we hope to persuade someone of the truth and call them away from sin, and that can take a certain degree of patience. …

On the other hand, Ephesians 5:11 is clear. Paul insists that we are to have “no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.” We cannot be party to racism. Those that embrace racism must repent or face church discipline.

Finally, as others have noted, young men need to be affirmed in their manhood and personhood. They need worthwhile vocations like meaningful work, ministry, marriage, and child-rearing, and they often need practical advice on how to do that (not just angrily yelling at them to “man up!” as preachers of certain vintage seem to do). While pastors should not be self-help gurus, they do need to be able to offer authority and guidance alongside congregants who can offer friendship and mentorship. … They can offer spiritual fatherhood to a generation plagued by fatherlessness. …

Share this article to encourage people to pray about both the “woke” and “based” mind viruses.

(Excerpt from WORLD. Photo Credit: Eugenio Marongiu/Canva)

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Holly Timbers
September 7, 2023

God, we pray that you will continue to fill our hearts with love and forgiveness. We thank you and praise you for the love and forgiveness you have already shown us!

Ellen Hoffman
September 5, 2023

Oh Lord, I agree with this prayer and I ask You to expose the lies of the enemy that parade around as truth! Truth is absolute. It is not maleable and the only truth that matters is Your truth. We can see this by the fruit. I pray You open hearts and minds and cause us Your people to grow so we can make an impact in our part of the world! The enemy has us fighting so many fires and tending to so many hurting. Lord we need fresh wind, fresh fire to overtake us again.

September 5, 2023

FATHER, man has changed;
Laws(CA pedophilia consent age),
Definition of Words(vaccines)
Diagnosis(gender confusion)
Rom1 states YeHoVaH gave them over to;
1. Evil desires of their hearts…
2. Shameful passions…
3. Depraved mind…
Verse 32… those who practice deserve death, they that do them BUT WHO ALSO APPROVE AFFIRM CELEBRATE of others who practice the same!
FATHER, open up the eyes of your Ekklesia to YOUR TRUTHS IN YESHUA’S HOLY NAME AMEN AMEN

Peg B
September 5, 2023

Heavenly Father, we thank You for the wisdom You possess and freely give to us. Let our young people listen to their father’s instruction and not forsake their mother’s teaching, may it be a garland to grace their heads and a chain to adorn their neck. Let them not be enticed by sinners nor give into them. (Proverbs 1-10). Instead Lord, let them accept Your words and store up Your commands. Turn their ears to wisdom and apply their hearts to understanding. Let them search for it as hidden treasure, then they will know the fear of the LORD and find knowledge of God. (Proverbs 2::1-6). We thank You LORD, that You have the plan and path they need most. Please set them on this course and watch over them. In Jesus mighty name. Amen.


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