I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray against the affects of 'TikTok Brain.' Protect our children and keep them from succumbing to this new phenomenon.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Children are being manipulated and changed by addictive apps like TikTok. How will these changes affect America in the future!

From Breitbart. There are many concerns about the China-owned app TikTok, such as its effects on mental health and it being a national security risk, but researchers are also interested in how it impacts kids’ brains after they binge-watch the app’s nonstop stream of addicting videos. They have nicknamed the result “TikTok Brain,” and it is impacting the lives of young Americans. …

Pray for your fellow intercessor.


Young people who binge-watch short-form content like TikTok or Instagram Reels find it harder “to participate in activities that don’t offer instant gratification,” the Wall Street Journal reported.

The reward system in a person’s brain seeks reaction via continuous scrolling through TikTok and Instagram reels. …

Neuropsychologist Sanam Hafeez told Bustle that “When you scroll and hit upon something that makes you laugh, your brain receives a hit of dopamine” …

Continuing this behavior could eventually train a person’s brain to crave the rewards they get from taking in short content. A recent study published by Guizhou University of Finance and Economics in China and Western Michigan University suggests that TikTok videos and similar YouTube Shorts engage users via “short bursts of thrills,” which can even develop addictive behavior.

Moreover, a 2019 study published in Nature Communication reportedly suggested that our “collective attention span” appears to be narrowing due to how quickly people consume content on social media. …

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(Excerpt from Breitbart. Photo Credit: Solen Feyissa on Unsplash)

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August 22, 2023

Father God we pray for our families to regain their adhesiveness and Godliness. Tik-Tok is probably the most harmful social media available because the intentions of the Chinese government leaders
are to use this to destroy our country. Tik-tok can seem innocent on the surface, even fun,
but there is an evil agenda underlying it. Now we know it produces short attention spans which can destroy a child’s future. Also there is much on Tik-tok that is immoral and it promotes radical woke beliefs unbacked by any data or research. Parents and grandparents need to be setting
limits on social media or maybe even forbid it after talking it over and expressing family values and why this is a good thing. Let’s encourage good Godly values in our children so they grow up mentally and physically healthy. How about a family Bible study instead, making it fun and interesting to the children? They’ll be grown up before we know it. What kind of adult are we molding? Is what we’re doing or allowing pleasing to Jesus? 🧑🏽‍🦱👱‍♀️

Darlene Estlow
August 21, 2023

Father, help us protect our children. May parents be aware of what they are subjecting their children to by TicTok and others like them.

August 21, 2023

LORD JESUS CHRIST please block access for our kids and grandkids from this wickedness


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