I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we thank You for hearing our prayers and granting us victories.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

God is moving in the states and IFA state groups! We asked IFA leaders to share with us answered prayer to encourage intercessors. Connie Seglem, IFA Kansas, wrote this great story of wins in prayer as well as some of the strategies they are using in Kansas.

Our greatest prayer victory here in Kansas was the passage of several vital pieces of legislation during the fall session. Gov. Laura Kelly proceeded to veto some of the most important new laws, but our representatives were able to overturn many of those vetoes.

Visit your state page to pray.


The legislature actually set a record for the number of vetoes overturned in any Kansas legislative session.Ā The bills included:

  • HB 2350 ā€” establishing human smuggling as a crime in Kansas. Two new legislators proposed this legislation.Ā We had no laws on the books about smuggling before this;
  • SB 180 ā€” the Womenā€™s Bill of Rights; I watched Riley Gaines testify in committee about womenā€™s rights; passage of this bill is a major victory;
  • HB 2313 ā€” the Born Alive Protection Act;
  • HB 2184 ā€” provides funding for alternatives to abortion.

Kansas is fighting a decision by our Supreme Court supporting abortion, so each protection we can get through our legislature represents one more step toward protecting our babies.Ā The overturning of the governorā€™s veto was often accomplished by only one or two votes.Ā One of our Democrat representatives stood strong in support of life and gave us the winning edge.Ā Unfortunately, he is still being condemned by his own party for his vote.

In April, the legislature overrode gubernatorial vetoes on three life priorities: the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act; a bill involving informed consent on the abortion pill; and funding alternatives to help women facing unexpected pregnancies. These were the first such pro-life override victories in Kansas history!

And below I share a post from two Kansas IFA prayer warriors ā€” Pam Popp, and her husband, Conrad:

ā€œMy husband and I read Give Him 15 every morning, and we have read Gina Gholstonā€™s book, Carry On. We felt led to take our tiny teardrop camper and drive 1,550 miles around the border of Kansas. We stopped and anointed each border county in Kansas and felt led to leave a stalk of wheat. We decreed and prayed to the Lord of the Harvest for a tremendous harvest of souls in Kansas and more workers for the harvest (see Matthew 9:37ā€“39). We spent time praying in each corner and at the geographic center of the lower 48 states. Our goals were to:

  1. Anchor Kansas in hope
  2. Appeal to Heaven
  3. Apply the Oil
  4. Activate the Harvest of Souls.

ā€œā€¦ As I prayed about what we could leave in each county and at the geographic center, I first thought about seeds. But as retired farmers, we love the season of harvest, and I felt the Lord say, ā€˜This is the season of harvest, not planting.ā€™ So I gathered stalks of wheat, which we took with us, leaving one in each county after we prayed and decreed. It is the time to call in the workers for the harvest because it is harvest time (see Matthew 9:37ā€“38). So, using our Appeal to Heaven flag, we asked the Lord of the Harvest for more workers to bring in the great harvest of souls.

ā€œā€¦ We spent time praying at Mt. Sunflower and were joined by friends. The warfare there was intense but rewarding.

ā€œā€¦ We were met with a bald eagle outside Baxter Springs; he sat in a tree and waited for us to get his picture. ā€¦ His head was held high. What a beautiful sign from God!

ā€œWe prayed at the Mine Battlefield museum and were particularly touched while contemplating the battle that took place there in the Civil War. We are in a battle now ā€” not physical, but spiritual. The Union forces won this battle in one hour, even though they were outnumbered 8,000 to 1,200. We read ā€˜The Gettysburg Addressā€™ and sang all the verses of ā€˜Battle Hymn of the Republic.ā€™ This was a very moving experience. My husband said the Union troops had the advantage of being on the higher ground. May we battle this fight with the full armor of God from the ā€˜higher groundā€™!

ā€œIn several counties, we used the words of Abigail Adams in the letter she wrote to her husband [John Adams] on June 20, 1776. These words seemed to be very fitting. She wrote, ā€˜I feel no anxiety at the large armament designed against us. The remarkable interpositions of heaven in our favor, cannot be too gratefully acknowledged. He who fed the Israelites in the wilderness, who clothes the lilies of the field, and who feeds the young ravens, when they cry, will not forsake a people engaged in so right a cause, if we remember His lovingkindness.ā€™

ā€œIn White Cloud, Kansas, the northeast corner of the state, a beautiful zebra-striped swallowtail butterfly landed at my feet and flew in between my legs several times, while three hawks soared high above our heads.

ā€œAt the geographic center of the United States, we soaked several stalks of wheat in oil of frankincense and left them there. As we were leaving, I felt the song ā€˜Spring Up, O Wellā€™ in my spirit. We prayed and decreed in The Tiny Chapel, another key spot. Our God is so faithful.

ā€œWe came home exhausted but also thrilled that the Lord had given us safety, protection, and many prayer warriors to help us complete this journey. ā€¦ ā€

How are you praying in your state? Please share in the comments.

Connie Seglem is an IFA state prayer co-leader for Kansas.


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Bob Sullivan
August 2, 2023

My wife and I and another couple were led to paint the borders of our state with prayer . We began at Race Point, the at the very end of Cape Cod, Massachusetts. We anointed the shoreline and prayed for our state. We prayed and decreed God’s will be done and that the Holy Spirit would blow through our state and bring His light a great awakening
here. We also read Governor Winthrop’s declaration and covenant that we would become that City on a Hill. We then drove across our stater and for the next two days anointed our borders with Connecticut, New York, New Hampshire and Rhode Island. We sensed the presence of God the whole time. Praise God!

John Sipley
July 31, 2023

My wife, daughter & I are driving from our state capitol (Iowa) to each of the 4 corners of our state. Releasing decrees & prayers and then anointing a bit of local soil some of which will be brought back to the corner of the capitol and released there. Also a small sample is deposited at the following corner thus securing the governmental center to each corner and back to the center as well as the 4 corners to each other.

Priscilla Meyenburg
July 30, 2023

God as I read about the powerful words of ā€œIFA prayer warriors ā€” Pam Popp, and her husband, Conrad: these dedicated steps they took to surround KS. With prayers was serving God to the fullness of Him! They went prepared and had planned everything, because they listened to Godā€™s voice and direction of what needed to be done. God we thank you for the hearts of Pam and Conrad as they prayed to Anchor Kansas in hope, as they made declarations and made appeals to heaven from each corner and the boundaries of KS. God we give praise as they applied the anointing Oil to Activate the Harvest of Souls. God we ask that you honor these prayer warriors and their prayers to completely Remove the sin from KS. And the stand that the Governor of Ks. And the legislation have concerning the Life of babies. God remove these desires from ā€œLaura Kelly proceeded to veto some of the most important new laws, but our representatives were able to overturn many of those vetoes. Prayer was applied to these overturned Bills and Victory came from God and these bills that were passed. God as we pray we know your voice will speak and be heard. ā€œ9 ā€œThis, then, is how you should pray:

ā€œā€˜Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
10 your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
11 Give us today our daily bread.
12 And forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
13 And lead us not into temptation,[a]
but deliver us from the evil one.[b]ā€™
14 For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 15 But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins. God I pray that every state will apply this painting to each state as prayer warriors begin to receive these desires for other Warriors. Bless this state with more Bills to be passed as hearts will be changed. šŸ§Žā€ā™€ļøšŸ§Žā€ā™€ļøšŸ§Žā€ā™€ļø

Grant Windholz
July 29, 2023

Lord God bless the state of Kansas for the “season of harvest.” May ALL STATES in America follow your path Jesus Christ šŸ™! We especially need it in Colorado!!!! Please help this state, we desperately need you Heavenly Father!!

Vangie Larkin
July 29, 2023

My brother-in-law is one of the Kansas state representatives who are fighting for LIFE in Kansas. PLEASE pray for these strong, conservative, Christian leaders, as they are constantly under a spiritual attack.

Mary Ann Mertz
July 29, 2023

Love this report from Kansas! My prayer partner Jan and I, took a day to drive and “paint the border” of Scott County in MN. We made several key stops (God’s promptings and direction!), and prayed many of the prayers and decrees from Dutch’s website (Paint your State on Give Him 15) and commanded the foreward from Robert Hunt at Cape Henry in 1607. We stopped at our Scott County Government Center, the county seat, and prayed and anointed with oil there. It was a full spirit-filled day! We were encouraged by all of the flags flying from houses, stores, and even out in fields! The last street that we went down as we were heading home, we stopped and took a picture of a house because they had an APPEAL TO HEAVEN flag attached to it! That is what we were doing that day! That is what Dutch has talked about and shown us! That is what God is seeing in MN and in every state right now! He is hearing our APPEAL TO HEAVEN! He is listening and answering our prayers! Amen!

July 29, 2023

Thank you for being obedient to travel and pray over the borders of Kansas! We speak an abundant harvest of crops and of souls in the state of Kansas. Lord, send the rains but more importantly send the rain of the Spirit over Kansas!

July 29, 2023

I took the challenge a couple of weeks ago to pray around the state through several maps of New York State I keep with my prayer materials. The corners: Chatauqua, Niagara Falls area, Alexandria Bay, Plattsburg, New Rochelle and of course, Long Island. I have a son in New Rochelle and went around there when I was home last year. My two daughters live in Oswego county and one is concerned about the Witchcraft in Fulton, New York. Another friend is asking prayer for a group of intercessors to pray around Cayuga lake, center of witchcraft from the Indian days, and cults seem to come from that area. And of course the modern day witchcraft in Ithaca. So I have drawn a circle around Central New York for special prayer.
I live in the Philippines, but am glad I have praying children there. My one daughter leads worship online from West Monroe, New York, right in the center, and I believe their church has a special calling for that. God bless all the prayer warriors.

July 29, 2023

What a beautiful (and INSPIRING) testimony. Thank you for sharing this with us. It is ā€œharvest timeā€! Praise God!!! It is so rewarding to follow the Spirit as He guides us in our unique ways to help bring Heaven down here to this earth. Thrilling to follow after Him. Bless your journey!! Bless you for kicking the devilā€™s tail and breaking major ground for Jesus!! Bless you!!


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