I Prayed have prayed
God, we pray for the people of Afghanistan who are now under the tyrannical rule of the Taliban. We pray that the leaders of our nation woul
Reading Time: 2 minutes

President Biden’s hasty and planned withdrawal from Afghanistan wreaked havoc on Americans and Afghans friendly to America. Now a State Department report details the disaster.

From The Federalist. President Joe Biden’s State Department, which previously hesitated to criticize the White House’s Afghanistan withdrawal, released a damning report on Friday afternoon detailing the Democrat’s failure to properly terminate decades of U.S. presence in the Middle Eastern country.

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For two years now, Biden repeatedly tried to dodge responsibility for the hasty and harrowing troop removal that led to the deaths of 13 U.S. service members and stranded thousands of Americans, U.S. allies, and their families.

The State Department’s unclassified review, which is less than two dozen pages long due to redactions, sheepishly confirms that President Joe Biden’s ultimate execution of the withdrawal “posed significant challenges for the Department.” The confession, publicly released more than a year after completion, comes mere hours before the July 4 holiday weekend begins. …

To put it simply, Biden’s rushing “compounded the difficulties the Department faced in mitigating the loss of the military’s key enablers,” and his lack of planning “had serious consequences for the viability of the Afghan government and its security.” …

When the crisis came to a head in 2021, the Biden administration did not accept responsibility for the rapid ruination of Afghanistan. The State Department, specifically, repeatedly claimed that “we inherited a deadline” but “did not inherit a plan.”

“More could and should have been done,” Secretary of State Antony Blinken eventually admitted in April. …


(Excerpt from The Federalist. Photo Credit: Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

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Betty Beardsley
July 9, 2023

Heavenly Father, I come to You in the Mighty Name of Jesus and ask You to cover all those left behind with Your precious blood. May Your blood protect them just like the blood of the lambs protected Your children when they were in Egypt awaiting to be set free from their slavery there. Your blood is perfect and more powerful than the blood of the lambs. I ask You to set these people free from all torture and captivity. Thank You for the brave men who have already gone in and rescued many.
Father, I also ask You to deliver us from EVIL…..the evil of the current administrations in our nation and states. May we see a MIGHTY outpouring of Holy Spirit to bring in a harvest for Your Kingdom. Give wisdom and revelation to those in our government who are serving YOU. Show them what to do and how to do what needs to be done to glorify YOU in our nation and the world. May we truly be ONE NATION UNDER GOD trusting in You to guide and direct the course of the future. I praise You and thank You for all You have already done and continue to do. Amen

Grant Windholz
July 8, 2023

Lord God Almighty, please help the people of Afghanistan. Give them hope, inspiration and protection 🙏! As we all know, Biden is a traitor and the worst thing to happen to America. What he’s done in this country is repulsive along with our military! His existence and administration has always been a train wreck! Only Jesus can save us!!

July 8, 2023

Chaos and debacle are an American tradition when departing a lost war. Think of Vietnam and the dreadful scenes as American forces departed. Afghanistan conformed to this long tradition.

Gail Segars Rainey
July 7, 2023

I am in agreement with these heartfelt prayers! Thank You, Father, for answering our prayers!!! Amen and Amen.

July 6, 2023

Lord, expose and bring to justice those who willfully abdicated the duties, responsibilities and values they were elected, appointed and swore to to uphold, or at best were silent, complicit and negligent in the face of evil.

Marsha Bashor
July 6, 2023

I pray Lord for the protection and salvation of the people, Afghans and Americans, and others who were left behind in Afghanistan because of that tragic exit, and for you to make a way to bring them out of the Taliban’s rule into safe countries . We pray your mercy
upon them all. And we pray for your protection of the people who are helping them to escape. Please provide all that they need to help those they are assisting. Thank you Lord.

    Darlene Estlow
    July 6, 2023


    July 7, 2023

    Lord God, please hear this prayer. Please father may your mercy be on the people left in Afghanistan. May their escape be soon. In in your Holy Name Jesus we pray.

Erilda Coleman
July 6, 2023

Our precious Yeshua we call upon you to protect those men, women & children who were left by the Biden administration in such a hasty pull out that now their lives are in danger under the Taliban.
Yahweh you are in control of everything that happens. You are the only one who can put your guardian angels around them to keep them safe. Please provide safe houses for them until they can return to your coveted nation of America. America is still yours today. We will give you all Praise Honor and Glory. Amen and Amen

Allena Jordan
July 6, 2023

O Lord hear; O Lord, forgive. O Lord, heal. By Your Spirit and Your Holy Angels, penetrate the spiritual darkness in Afghanistan and save souls, even those of the Taliban. They are such strong people, just imagine if they were Your warriors. You who created the heavens and the earth, turn the heads of the Taliban to see Jesus as their Lord and their Savior. Deliver the people from the domain of darkness into the Kingdom of Your dear Son. Amen.

Judy Morris
July 6, 2023

Irreparable damage was done in our sloppy, thoughtless withdrawal from Aphganistan. An overall attitude of Americans as a country that will betray its allies will damage our ability to be effective leaders in the world forever.. our integrity was destroyed


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