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Father, thank You for protecting and freeing Jacob Chansley. Continue bringing truth to this situation and justice to the other January 6 prisoners.
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At long last, we are seeing some of the January 6 prisoners escape their political punishment!

From BBC. The US Capitol rioter known as the QAnon Shaman has been released early from prison to a halfway house.

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Jacob Chansley, 35, was sentenced to 41 months in prison in November 2021. …

He has been moved to a “residential re-entry management” facility in Phoenix, Arizona, and is expected be released on 25 May, according to prison records.

He received one of the longest terms handed down to any of the rioters.

Chansley — convicted of a felony count of obstruction — was one of nearly 1,000 criminal defendants charged in the 6 January 2021 riot, when Trump supporters stormed the Capitol as lawmakers certified President Joe Biden’s election victory.

His lawyer, Albert Watkins, said in a statement that the early release of his client was “appropriate” and he should be “permitted to move forward with the next stage of what undoubtedly will be a law-abiding and enriching life”. …

Are you encouraged by this news? Share your prayers for the other January 6 prisoners below!

(Excerpt from BBC. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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April 4, 2023

BBC lies have no place in IFA articles. “…when Trump supporters stormed the capital as lawmakers certified President Joe Biden’s election victory.” To re-report that statement as though it were true does IFA members a
grave disservice.

April 4, 2023

America is lawless. Good people are suffering. Evil is free to harm everyday.

April 3, 2023

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you so much for your protection of the J 6 Prisoners in the D.C. Gulag. Cover them with your blood, peace, trust in you. Keep them in your loving arms and fill them with joyful hope. Let them sing “God Bless America” every day in unity. The faithful patriots of America are praying for them every day. PRAYERS CHANGE THE HEART OF GOD. Do not give up hope. May you have perfect peace whose mind is fixed on God. IN JESUS PRECIOUS NAME. AMEN AND AMEN.

April 3, 2023

After seeing the true video that the democrats and the January 6 commission attempted to hide, I hope this young man sues the federal government for a trillion dollars for false arrest! Let him forgive those that despitefully mistreated him AND sue them! FATHER GOD please bring this travesty lie of January 6 to a public end in JESUS NAME! Amen!

April 3, 2023

I am embarassed to read this article which seems to praise those who stormed the capital on January 6, but I have come to expect that from IFA, a ministry in which I am quickly losing respect This man, and many others, should serve time for what they did. Seven people lost their lives on that day, and we have the audacity to praise men like Jacob Chansley. Are you not appalled by what he and other rioters did that day? Are you not sickened by what you witnessed as the Capitol was stormed by out of control rioters? Many of our elected representatives were in grave danger because of this out of control mob. Yes, it was a mob!! The sacred halls of our government were invaded by a vicious, self-righteous mob fueled by a deranged leader. Thank goodness that level-headed people like Mike Pence knew the truth and preserved the integrity of our nation that day. Shame on those who continue to defend the rioters and Trump. What an embarassment.

    April 3, 2023

    Oh my gosh! What world do you live in? Only 1 person died on that day and it was a young woman SHOT BY THE CAPITAL POLICE for just standing outside! Oh my gosh! Please do your own research before commenting on anything! FATHER GOD please send laborers to the deceived people in America today! Please reveal TRUTH to them which is a direct opposite to the constant lies that the media is putting out! Please deliver President Trump from those that hate him in JESUS NAME! Amen!

    April 3, 2023

    Absolutely I defend Trump! A double minded man (Pence) is unstable in all of his ways! Your comment seems unhinged and is wrong on every level!

    April 3, 2023

    The video files of J6 show that a certain female orchestrated the insurrection that day; rioters were hired by her who are guilty. President Trump asked his followers to have a peaceful protest that day. He also warned and suggested that extra security be hired prior to J6. This female also made remarks that she would like to attack the President (Treasonous words and actions). I ask God to stop those in power who are persecuting the president and citizens of this mighty country. In Jesus Name. Amen.

    April 4, 2023

    Please tell me how you can defend the QAnon Shaman and the mob when they transgressed the Capitol. The beliefs that you are espousing defy reality and what people saw on television and what God-fearing people who were present in the building reported. This denial of truth is what gives conservatives a bad name.

    Gerald Couture
    April 4, 2023

    You must not have seen most of the videos, yes those who ‘broke’ the law knowingly should be tried and serve time. No, who died, besides a capital police murdered a woman the capital and a couple other citizen protestors. I think no one is condoning the law being broken, but there is no equal justice, unbalanced scales are an abomination as is baring false witness. Look at all the insurrections going on around the country with radical Marxist groups like antifa and blm, murders, assaults, arson, looting and on and on, no JAN 6 type hearings, no media condemning. Justice needs to be ‘blind’ and ‘just’, right?

Darlene Estlow
April 3, 2023

Thank you Father for this step of justice. I pray for the other J6 prisoners that they too would be freed. May a judge rule that their constitutional rights have not been honored. As they are still prisoners, may they look to you and grow close to you.

April 3, 2023

All capitol prisoners should be released NOW…..no charges.


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