I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray that You would strengthen the believing grandparents across the nation. Make them into bright lights who will guide their grandchildren to You.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Grandparents serve an important role in the spiritual upbringing of children. For those of you with grandchildren, be encouraged by this article!

From WORLD. The Misners can hear their grandkids long before they can see them. It’s 3 o’clock in the afternoon, and they’re coming up from the garage two stairs at a time, calling out greetings and the day’s highlights as they go. …

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Before long, the cousins are begging to go out on the apartment’s balcony, a make-do playroom hemmed in by metal railings and the limbs of a three-story water oak. There, the four youngsters can look across a bustling Birmingham neighborhood filled with parks, playgrounds, and ice cream parlors they’ve visited with their grandparents. The address is a fairly new one for the Misners, who in 2018 loaded up the contents of their former 4,000-square-foot home and moved to be near their family. It was an intentional—and influential—relocation.

Across the country, some 30 million grandparents profess to be born-again believers, but unlike the Misners, many ­haven’t considered their potential as spiritual influencers. Even though the word grandparent makes just two appearances in most Bible translations, verses like Deuteronomy 4:9 underscore the importance of the role. Larry Fowler of the Legacy Coalition says a central word in that verse changed the course of his life—the and in “teach your ­children and your children’s children.”

“Obviously, that’s a command to parents and grandparents alike, but I hadn’t seen my responsibility in Scripture before. I came to understand I have a responsibility before God to do everything I can to influence my grandchildren.”

Much like the Misners, who are in their early 70s, Fowler and his wife pulled up roots in the Chicago area and moved to Southern California to live near a son as he was starting his family. Earlier, they helped when their daughter divorced and became a single mother. “I didn’t want my grandsons to grow up without a godly role model in their lives, so that’s when I began to step it up on a personal level,” Fowler remembers. He believes few Christian grandparents have ever heard a sermon about their spiritual responsibilities. Often the only voice in their ear about what makes a good grandparent is a secular one. “Culture says if you love your grandkids and go to their activities and take care of them once in a while, you’re a good grandparent. But Scripture simply has a higher bar, and the higher bar is that we are still to be involved in the discipleship of the younger generation.”

For the Misners, that involves M&M’s. Their grandchildren have moved back inside where a dispenser sits on a low shelf. The two oldest are debating whether naming the persons of the Trinity earns them five candy-coated rewards or six. “It’s motivating,” Jennifer smiles, noting they’ve learned the Lord’s Prayer and an assortment of verses. …

As the culture increasingly vilifies Christianity, the importance of grandparents passing on their faith is magnified. …

Sometimes, though, a grandparent’s spiritual influence isn’t welcomed. How do you approach family members who have walked away from God? What if a grandchild’s identity is wrapped up in something that is ungodly? “My generation elevates truth really high, so we want to tell them the truth. But I emphasize working on the relationship,” Fowler explains, adding that it’s not the abandonment of truth but rather a strategy of leading with grace. …

Were you encouraged by this article? If so, share it with your friends and family to encourage them!

(Excerpt from WORLD. Photo Credit: Canva)

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Toni Kushner
January 24, 2023

As a grandparent of 13, I do take this very serious. Our grandchildren do not live nearby, so it is a challenge to keep this connection with them, but I know they understand who is that friend that sticks closer than a brother. I pray what Jesus prayed in John 17, that they are not of this world, separate them with Truth, Your Word is truth. I ask the Holy Spirit to draw them into relationship and into a hunger for the Word of God. There is not a time that we get together that Our God is not lifted, shared and prayed to. Some of our grandchildren are older now and I pray that the Holy Spirit will keep them in Truth and to be committed followers of Jesus Christ. This is a work as grandparents we need to be vigilant with and God will give us the Grace and the discernment on how to do it. May the Spirit of God in all Grandparents be alert to this important chore and work of passing on the faith .

January 23, 2023

Merciful Abba, our Father in heaven, help us, grandparents, to be persevering spiritual influencers of our grandchildren. May they see us loving God by our love for the Scripture, by our prayerful attitude, our kind acts, gentle words and forgiving spirit. May the Holy Spirit enable us to be mentors and models of Christlikeness to them. May we tell them of the Good News of salvation and lead them to You. For God’s glory, in the name of Savior and Lord Jesus. Amen.

Tonya Gross
January 23, 2023

When truth is spoken from the mouth of a little innocent one, it can make such a huge impact on the adults hearing it. They are often speechless, but really consider those spoken words. The teaching of God’s truths to our grands has lasting, eternal implications for everyone they come in contact with.

Christine Sandford
January 23, 2023

Thank you for your encouraging message. I am a grandmother of 9 and I have a lot to do with them all. I wasn’t sure how to navigate the role of grandparent as compared to.being .mum and wondered at times if I would still be relevant at all.
I’ve come to see that a Godly influence can still continue on into the next generation even though,”the chain of command” is different. Although I have to be tactful and respectful to their parents
I now find myself doing the same scriptural things with my grandchildren as I did with their parents. Four of my grandchildren have asked Jesus into their hearts – one after his earthly father abandoned the family. He learned that Jesus never leaves or forsakes us. (That scripture really spoke to him). Your article help clear the air around this subject. Thank you!

Anndre Dove
January 22, 2023

Pray for children to be reconciled to their fathers and mothers. Some people have grown up in broken homes or homes where either parent wasn’t considered a priority. It has gone on for some generations in some families. Pray for grandparents to be a priority in grandchildren’s lives and the parents would realize the priority. Yes, grandparents reach out and may God pour out His grace and mercy in our families.

    Janet Drawhorn
    January 24, 2023

    Reconcile them heavenly Father.
    Be a father to the fatherless.
    This is the story of so many. We thank you Lord. Re write their stories.

January 22, 2023

Great article, thank you Mr & Mrs Misner for sharing a very powerful testimony.
As grandparents my wife and I feel obligated to do the same.


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