I Prayed have prayed
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Thank God for this answered prayer  in California. Not only did God stop the bill but He worked to engage the faith community with key legislators in discussing these issues. Praise God for this great report but keep praying for our culture and for our children, who are being bombarded with ungodly messages constantly. 

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen. (Eph 3:20-21)

From a press release by California Family Council:

In an incredible answer to the prayers of thousands across the country, California’s controversial AB 2943 has been withdrawn by the author, Assemblymember Evan Low.

“I knew this was an emotionally charged issue, so I spent the past few months traveling up and down the state meeting with a wide variety of faith leaders,” said Assemblymember Low. “I was heartened by the conversations.”

After meeting personally with pastors, professional counselors, and former homosexuals who lead ministries to others in the LGBT community, the Assemblymember decided to continue the dialogue beyond this legislative session. “With a hopeful eye toward the future, I share with you that, despite the support the bill received in the Assembly and Senate, I will not be sending AB 2943 to the Governor this year,” Low concluded.

Mr. Low’s decision was greeted with relief and gratitude by Jonathan Keller, President of California Family Council.

“People of faith across California and around the nation care deeply about our family, friends, neighbors, and coworkers who identify as LGBTQ,” Keller said. “AB 2943 would have tragically limited our ability to offer compassionate support related to sexual orientation and gender identity, and even to preach Jesus’ message of unconditional love and life transformation.”

Keller went on to thank Assemblymember Low for his unprecedented outreach to the faith community in response to threat AB 2943 posed to their constitutionally-protected first amendment freedoms.

“We are inexpressibly grateful to Assemblymember Low for meeting personally with faith leaders over the last several months and sincerely listening to our concerns,” Keller continued. “Today is also a testament to the courageous counselors, ministry leaders, pastors, and OnceGay individuals who bravely shared their personal stories, ensuring that these vital perspectives were not overlooked in the legislative process.”

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Barbara Henderson
September 10, 2018

That’s encouraging news! Christians praying and getting involved is the only answer to winning this
spiritual battle that is being fought for the soul of our nation!

Felicia Penner
September 8, 2018

Thank you for this info Steve;
Lord we continue to pray that truth will win over lies , that liberties would be defended in California. We pray that your people there would be relieved of the great oppression that has fallen on them with this wicked government. We pray that if it be for your peoples good, that both California and Oregon would be broken up into 2 states each. We lift this up to you in Jesus name, Amen

September 7, 2018

We definitely need to keep praying on this because I don’t think it is over.
I heard from a political grapevine that the reason Assemblyman Low withdrew this bill was because Governor Brown was not going to sign it. So this person said expect to see the bill again next year if Newsome is elected governor of California because he has indicated that he will sign it. I thought it was a refreshing example of concern and thoughtfulness. It sounds like it is just another political maneuver and lack of candor.

Sandra Almquist
September 6, 2018

HalleluYah Father, You heard the prayers of Your people in Your goodness and power, You answered. You have filled our hearts with joy and hope again! In Yeshua’s name, I give praise and thanks, amen.

Belay Woldemaraim
September 6, 2018

Praise the Lord!!!
Dear Heavenly Father, I praise and glorify your name for listening our prayer in Jesus name.

Felicia Penner
September 5, 2018

Praise you Lord God, what a huge victory. Please uncover the media backed by Satan’s narrative that we of faith look down upon the gays and lesbians and transgender people. May this coming together of ministers and legislators to insure the rights of these mention above help squash these lies that also speak adversely to your character, our Jesus and Lord. In Jesus name, Amen

September 5, 2018

This is reassuring. I worked in HIV care for 20 years and I didn’t compromise my biblical beliefs to do it. Everyone deserves good health care. It was beyond my rational thinking that access to health care or counseling would be denied to anyone.

September 5, 2018

We praise you Father God for the great opportunity to minister the love that heals and brings your kingdom to each state to share the Good news of the gospel. Continue oh Lord to bring us to our knees in repentence
And intercession.

Betty B
September 5, 2018

Thank You Lord for hearing our prayers that your Word may go forth to accomplish what You have sent it to do. Your Word does not return to You void. Amen.

September 5, 2018

“After meeting personally with pastors, professional counselors, and former homosexuals who lead ministries to others in the LGBT community, the Assemblymember decided to continue the dialogue beyond this legislative session.”

For me that is a refreshing example of listening and seeking truth/reality and the common good. That sounds like an answer to prayer that hopefully affects more than one bill.

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