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Pray for a well-defined strategy and plan for adding another military force to our established military order. Our military needs prayer. Read about the revival going on in the military HERE.

Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won’t you first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it? (Luke 14:28)

There is an honest debate to be had over whether the United States needs a separate armed service that’s focused on space. But President Donald Trump’s critics are having none of it.

Instead, they have responded to the very notion of a Space Force with dismissive ridicule, suggesting that he wants a corps of ray-gun equipped Buzz Lightyears shouting: “To infinity and beyond!”

That’s not what he wants, and the concept deserves to be treated quite seriously. A Space Force, done right, could be well worth having.

No one doubts that Americans civilians as well as military personnel are heavily dependent on what we have in space. Assets “up there” do everything from make the internet work to detect the flight path of ballistic missiles. Our space-based assets inform our weather forecasts and help guide us to our destinations with GPS.

Just as there is no doubt about our reliance on the things we’ve put in space, so there is no doubt that these valuable assets are vulnerable to everything from cyber attacks to satellites being shot down by hostile powers. And no serious analyst questions the growing capability of Russia and China to wage war in space….

To be honest, there are good arguments for both sides of the question.

One key consideration is “opportunity costs.” Are the time, effort and resources required to pluck the various space-related programs from the other services and some civilian agencies worth the benefits to be gained by consolidation?

It’s a fifty-fifty proposition, but there are some good reasons to argue this is a good idea….

A space force also offers the opportunity to rationalize management of all the military and intelligence assets the U.S. has and to synchronize that with our civilian programs….

… Perhaps the most important argument is that this will send a powerful and unmistakable message to the world that American intends to be a world-class space power for a long time. It’s time for America to think big again to step ahead rather than watch others catch up….

If Trump gets this right, we won’t see a war of the satellites. What we will see is America leading the way to ensure that the freedom of the commons extends from the seas to space itself. That’s a vision worth reaching for.

Now that President Trump has made the decision to step out, Americans should stop closing their eyes to the possibilities in the heavens. Instead, they ought to be discussing how best to look upward. (Excerpts from James Jay Carafano article from the Heritage Foundation)

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Felicia Penner
August 28, 2018

Lord God, thank you for IFA who bring to the prayer closet items of interest i would never think about let alone pray about. And thank you Lord for a very smart and savvy President who is on top of all of the threats that we face as Americans. Lord, make all the crooked roads straight before him. Continue to lead the praying Senators and Congressmen and VP who are more important to our President truly than his body guards. Bring back your church as salt and light and empower us to again be the lighted city on the hill. May we again bless you collectively Lord, please forgive our national sins and heal us. In Jesus name, Amen

Betty B
August 25, 2018

Heavenly Father, I lift this concern of a Space Force up to You. Please give guidance and wisdom to all those in authority whether this is something our country needs. You know all things Father and I trust You to speak to those who will make this decision. May Thy Kingdom come and may Thy will be done in the USA. Amen

Donna L
August 24, 2018

Warfare in the heavenlies has been waged for millenia, with technology expanding by leaps and bounds, we can hardly ignore the need to be on the point in this race. Our enemies would love to be able to subdue us, that is why we must stay strong, to deter attacks and to give us the benefit of being able to intercept any stealth attacks. We need better intelligence, more ability to gather it and discern activity by those who would cause harm.

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