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Father, we bring this election to Your throne. Give us a merciful outcome. Our hopes are set on You alone.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Georgia is in urgent need of our intercession as we approach this critical runoff election. Herschel Walker says “vote, vote, vote.” The Church needs to pray, pray, pray. 

From Breitbart. Republicans will be able to keep the Biden administration in check with a Republican victory in Georgia’s Senate runoff Tuesday, Republican Herschel Walker told Breitbart News Saturday.

Have you taken your place on the wall?


While it is true that Democrats have already secured a slim majority in the Senate — 50 seats, with Vice President Kamala Harris serving as the tie-breaker — a victory for Walker would help in stopping some of the Biden administration’s radical agenda, such as pushing through far-left nominees like Southern Poverty Law Center lawyer Nancy Abudu, President Biden’s nominee for the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals for Georgia, Florida, and Alabama.

She is held up in the Judiciary Committee due to the Senate’s current power sharing agreement, which would end with a Warnock victory.

“All we have to do is to turn one Democrat,” Walker explained. …

“This is about the people,” he said, explaining that most of these decisions could stay in committee with his victory. If he does not win the seat, Kamala Harris will continue to act as the deciding vote.

“Or you can also keep the president in check. That’s the reason why this election right now is so, so important,” Walker said. …

“Because if we do not do that, you see what they’re gonna do to this country. And when Joe Biden said he’s not going to change anything, that mean things gonna get worse,” he said. …

“Get out and vote, vote, vote. … We cannot have people sit at home anymore. This is not about Herschel Walker,” he said, explaining that it is about standing up against Warnock’s policies and stopping their devastating impacts on Americans across the country. …

“Otherwise, if you don’t turn out, we’re gonna continue to have the high gas prices,  gonna continue to have the high grocery prices, continue to have the crime in the street [and] these open borders. … ”

Share below your prayers for Georgia, this election, and the nation’s future.

(From Breitbart. Photo Credit:     )

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Shirrell Fischer
December 9, 2022

Thank you for standing up for the truth!

December 7, 2022

I hate when I see someone call on “the church.” I have been silent for so long, but I cannot continue, and I must speak. The “church” is “THE” problem today. 30 years ago my team and I worked nation wide to SHOW, via legislation, the coming horrible sins that are now in the schools. The first place we went was to the church, and THEY, the PASTORS, were the ones who closed their doors in my face, and refused the literature (legislation.) TODAY, they are doing the SAME THING, concerning the other forms of reprobation; homosexuals and pedophiles! I have tried so hard to take the information to the ‘church’ only to be shut out! I even purchased the video of, ENEMIES WITHIN THE CHURCH, and gave it to a group to pass around. For every person who has told me they refuse to take a stand against these sins in their respective churches, their decisions were made totally on ‘selfish’ wants/desires. Nothing has been mentioned about GOD, or Christ. Today, we need to call upon born again Christians to PRAY, PRAY, and PRAY! Pray right where we are! Daily, even hourly if possible. But, PLEASE do NOT wait till Wed. or Sun. PLEASE watch the video, a documented truth of the take over of the church in AMERICA. You can see for yourself. Enemies Within the Church, by Trevor Loudon! Thanks for caring enough to watch and learn. And to take ACTION!

Beverly Watson
December 6, 2022

Father, we ask today for your merciful right hand on our country and its leaders who honor you and uphold your righteousness. We know the government leaders are not our savior. However, with God-honoring leaders in position to lead, we know the tide can turn to biblical truths. Only You can change the hearts of the masses. We stand on faith and the knowledge that you work through the people you created. Most of all, Lord, Your Will be done. In the name of Jesus….Amen.

Janice Rawlings
December 6, 2022

I prayed…🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

Jerome Hebert
December 6, 2022

Lord Heavenly Father, You have given instruction fromYour Word to live a life which is upright for mankind. Unfortunately our government leaders have gone astray from Your principles and have chosen human wisdom which all their ideas are chaotic. It will become worse if they choose their own ways. So Lord I ask You would intervene in the mind and heart of Kamala Harris to make the Godly choice and not for selfish gain. By the power of the Holy Spirit let there be a strong conviction come upon her unrighteousness and transform in the likeness ofYou. So please cover my words in the name of Jesus. Be GLORIFIED I say to You.

Darlene Estlow
December 6, 2022

Father we look to you and humbly ask you to let Herschel Walker win this election. We know that even though he did not have the money that Warnock had, we know that although money is vital to elections, you are the one who puts people in place and we ask that you would bring victory to Walker. We praise your name for you are My and Lord of all.

December 6, 2022

Please God stand against Nancy and give the victory to Walker!!!!! Please save our Country Lord and give us a spirit of repentance!

Kathy Hanson
December 6, 2022

Father God, please help us. The United States is circling the drain. We cannot do anything without your divine assistance. Please give Herschel Walker the win. We need Godly men and women on the 11th Circuit not puppets. We are down on our knees.

Marsha Carol Watson Gandy
December 6, 2022

HEAVENLY FATHER, the State of Georgia needs HERSCHEL WALKER. He stands for godly principles and America is in free-fall with the current leadership……America is currently on the course of the TiTANIC—-We must have godly leadership in Washington D.C. NOW….We most earnestly ask for HERSCHEL WALKER to be elected to the Senate of the United States of America, so that Change can begin in January 2023.

Thank You, HEAVENLY FATHER, for Your mercy and Your grace. In JESUS CHRIST holy name. Amen and Amen

Marcie Rebardo
December 6, 2022

Father we pray for victory in the GA Senate runoff today and that you would bless this country with Hershel Walker a Republican with a good Christian foundation to represent TRUTH for American citizens. It doesn’t matter that he has no experience in the Senate. Each and every one of those serving in Congress celebrated a Freshman win and we ask that you give Hershel his Freshman win tonight by your miraculous power!!! We pray in Jesus name. AMEN!

December 6, 2022

Lord I pray that at the end of the day justice will prevail. That our righteousness will shine like the sun and the justice of our cause like the noonday sun. Amen

Peg B
December 6, 2022

Heavenly Father, we give You all the praise and glory for this day. We stand within Your courts and thank You. We know that it is You who sends faithful and wise servants to administer Your will and ask that You would bring forward this appointment today in Georgia. We desire a servant after Your own heart who will not abandon Your true teachings, but instead, will stand firm in You. I believe this to be Herschel Walker. Please answer us as we seek Your will and grant mercy upon this great land. In Jesus mighty name. Amen!

Billie Cash
December 6, 2022

Holy Father move the mountain of deception in GA today. Open the gate to truth and liberty we pray , pray , pray that our prayers compel the righteous to vote for H Walker land all who are hungry for integrity and justice Come ! Bring forth victory as we pray in Jesus’ name

Rose Peaslee
December 6, 2022

Dear Holy Father,
We lift to you this crucial election and pray You will speak to the voters of Georgia to come out and them to use their God given right to vote and You will impress on them thru Your Holy Spirit to vote for Mr. Walker who stands for righteousness
and for the people’s best interest. We praise You and thank You for hearing and answering our prayers….In Yeshua’s Mighty name…amen!

Sharlene Geldof
December 6, 2022

Praying with you all

Phillip Stafford
December 6, 2022

I thank you Jesus for the victory in the runoff election today for the Georgia Senate. I believe that Herschel Walker was born for such a purpose as leading his state of Georgia in a godly fashion as you have ordained. I pray that your will be done on earth as is in heaven this very day! Jesus is Lord of All! He has given us the victory! Amen!

Linda Johnson
December 6, 2022

Why aren’t we intercessors praying together on this?

    Phillip Stafford
    December 6, 2022


    Intercessory prayer with IFA is live now. Look at top of webpage. Blessings.


December 6, 2022

We in bite the Word of God over this election and the hearts of all Georgian’s and our whole nation as we invite “Your Kingdom to come and Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven in this situation and all over our nation in Your Son JESUS name amen and amen. Your Word will not return void in the hearts all over the state of Georgia and our whole nation and declare thanksgiving Philippines 4:6-7 in every area of ours and their hearts and lives in Your precious and Holy name, amen Your promises over all of us is Yes and Amen

December 6, 2022

Lord, we need a victory for You in this fight in GA. Warrior God may your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Amen

John Roslund
December 6, 2022

Lord God, I pray your blessing on Herschel Walker this day and victory in the Georgia senator election! May he win and represent his state and our country with the kind of leadership you desire for those in position of governmental authority. You are the ultimate authority and we turn to you now in declaring hope for our country through victory for Herschel Walker this day! In Jesus’ name I pray. Halleluiah and Amen!

Venisa Villar
December 6, 2022

Good, Good, Father….the LORD Most High…the Almighty One, Who is Great in Power!!! We need You today in Jesus’ Name, Lord God, we need Your help as individuals who make up the Nation of America. We have no good beside or beyond You!! Lord God, in Jesus Name we thank You that You have opened Mr. Walkers eyes to see Your truths for this Nation. Lord, without Your intervention and help he is sunk because of the wickedness surrounding the election by wicked people. But in Jesus’ Name and Blood we are crying out right now for Your help today that evil will not prevail in this Georgia election today. In Jesus’ Name let Mr. Walker joy in Your strength and not fear his enemies. In Your salvation how greatly shall he rejoice! You have given him his hearts desire and have not withheld the request of his lips. For You send blessings of good things to meet him. You’ve set a crown of pure gold on his head. He asked life of You and You gave it to him -long life forever more. His glory is great because of Your aid; splendor and majesty You Bestie upon him. You make him to be blessed and a blessing forever; You make him exceedingly glad with the joy of Your Presence. For he trusts, relies on, and is confident in You, Lord, and through the mercy and steadfast love of You, Lord,, the Most High, he will never be moved. In Jesus’ Name Your hand shall find all Your enemies. Your right hand in JesusName shall find all those who hate You, Lord! You will make them in Jesus’ Name like as if in a blazing oven in the time of Your anger; You, Lord, Will swallow them up in Your wrath, and the fire will utterly consume them. Their offspring You will destroy from the earth, and their sins from the children of men. For they have planned evil against You, Lord, they conceived a mischievous plot which in Jesus’ Name they are not able to perform. For You, Lord, in Jesus Name will make them to turn their backs; You will in Jesus’ Name and Power, aim Your bow of divine justice at their faces. Be exalted, LORD, in Your strength today in the Georgia election; we will sing and praise Your Power…in Jesus’ Name, for You are where our help comes from…in Jesus’ Name bring Mr. Walker the victory honestly through the work of Your hands on behalf of Your sons and daughters today Who love and serve You and spend time in Your presence…defend us in Jesus Name today because Your the only One Who can…BUT YOU CAN THE GREAT I AM!! So, we lift our eyes to Your hills form whence comes our help, our help comes from You, Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. Lord, how they increase who trouble us…many are they who raise up against us…many are saying of us , “there is no help for them in their God!” BUT, You, Oh, Lord, are a shield for us, the glory and the lifter of our heads! With our voices we are crying out today Lord, to You, alone, and You hear us out of Your Holy hill. We will in Jesus’ Name lay down and sleep; and awaken again, for You, Lord, sustain us. In Jesus’ Name we will not be afraid of ten thousands of people who have set them selves against us round about. Arise, Oh, Lord, in Jesus’ Name, save us, Oh my/our God! For You have struck all our enemies on the cheek; you have broken the teeth of the ungodly. Salvation belongs to You, Lord; May Your blessing be upon Your people and help us all bless You with our lives. ( from Ps. 21; 121; 3). Thank You Lord God for Your Living Word which is sharper than any two-edged sword…it’s quick and powerful…piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart ( from Heb. 4:12). Your Word will not return void but will accomplish what it pleases!! Glory be to You, our One True God!! In Jesus’ Name we pray believing Who wears the Victor’s Crown!! Amen.

Violet Wilson
December 6, 2022

We need to bind up all fraud in the voting process. That is why we didn’t see the Red wave we expected.

    Melissa Bolger
    December 6, 2022

    In complete agreement. Lord we bind the fraud in the machines, may it not work like they expect it to. We cover every machine with the blood of Jesus and let no illegal votes count, let the algorithms to steal votes away from Walker, not work and do a mighty miracle in GA. We bind the work of the enemy today in Ga and we loose your angels to bring righteousness and justice to GA.

December 6, 2022

Lord only you know the truth. But from what I have been able to discern is that Herschel has confessed his sins and admits he had a problem and got the help he needed. On the other hand Raphael Warnock has done none of these things. A pastor who believes in Abortion? He tried to run over his wife with his car and kicked people out of their homes in a building he owns. I know more about Warnock than I should. He came to the College Campus I work at and was horrible to everyone behind the scenes and then got on stage and lied through his teeth. Lord please help us save Georgia and ultimately America.

Joy P
December 6, 2022

“….with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26 NIV

Darenda Anastazi
December 6, 2022

It is naive to look for or expect a perfect man/woman – or candidate for that matter. We look for the candidate you anoint, who is trustworthy to do the job, who seeks your hand in his midst. Deliver Herschel Walker today as the man who fills that post/qualification description in Yeshua’s mighty name. Thank you in advance for your provision in votes. We declare confusion over Warnocks camp. Office Theft is defeated today!!!!! In the matchless name above every name. Jesus our messiah…..

Darlene DeAngelis
December 6, 2022

Father God you see both your son’s hearts you are in full charge of what is happening as you sit on your throne you know what the United States of America needs at this time thank you Jesus

December 6, 2022

Lord Jesus, we have been praying Your will be done here in GA today. We are IN GA, Savannah since Sunday, and You have been reminding me as we stroll through this wonderfully warm city many have come to our shores through GA to honor You AND to worship You freely, authentically, boldly, without free or oppression or hypocrisy. Please do forgive both men running today their sins, both have obviously done some big ones…but the one who says he’s a reverend does not honor You, not Your Word, and leads others astray, so please protect GA and the rest of our country Lord. We will give You alone the credit, for Your mercy!
Glory to your name.

Mary Buck
December 6, 2022

Father God, we ask your mercy and help in this election. It may seem such a small ask and insignificant, but we prayer warriors see the importance of maintaining a balance of power in these unsettled times. Thanks you God for your u ending love and grace. AMEN

Nancy Berkey
December 6, 2022

Dear Lord God, please let there be no cheating. In the Holy Name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.☦

    Michelle Duchnowski
    December 6, 2022

    Agreeing No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD.
    Isaiah 54:17 KJV

    Humbly seated on His Throne! Victory is His!

Brian lynch
December 6, 2022

Lord Jesus, You alone know how this election will turn out .We pray for the person that You want to be in office, to be the one who gets elected to this office in the election on Thursday. I pray that MANY people vote in this runoff election, and I pray for Your will to be reflected in the outcome.

December 6, 2022

Lord, this win is for life, truth and wisdom for our country. We pray that you open the hearts and minds of voters in Georgia to choose Your bounty with Mr. Walker who will unseat the incumbent who makes a mockery of Christianity and brings chaos to the country.

December 6, 2022

Father God we bind all demonic, witchcraft, and warlock forces that put Warnock in the Senate the first time. The Light of the ecclesia has revealed his true identity and wicked agenda. The Salt and Light carried by Mr. Hershel Walker will hold back the Senate from further rotting and corruption. The fight is yours, Father, and we beseech you on behalf of the body of Christ who have repented of all apathy and believing deceitful lies of the enemy, to decisively remove Warnock not only from the senate, but especially from the Ebenezer Baptist Church. No longer will a wolf in sheep’s clothing lead that body astray. He will be replaced by a true shepherd that you anoint and appoint. Give Mr. Warnock and all of his followers and those he is beholden to notice that his days of power are numbered! Your people, I said YOUR PEOPLE are taking back the seat he stole in 2020! By the blood and name of Jesus! AMEN!

    barb m
    December 6, 2022

    amen & amen – this Barb agrees w/every syllable of this prayer & has prayed it out loud boldly…covered it all in Your perfect, powerful, mighty, matchless Name & sacrificial, shed blood precious, victorious JESUS!!!

Lorraine Tetreault
December 6, 2022

Father, we bring this election to Your throne. Give us a merciful outcome. Our hopes are set on You alone. Father let the corrupt be brought into the light so the people will see the good. I pray Father that Your will be done here in our Nation. Only You know the future of our land. I pray that you show mercy and grace on us the Nation that is based on We Trust in God. Thank You Father for your love. We lift this up to You. God Bles America. Amen

Donald Vader
December 6, 2022

Father God we lift up the people of Georgia to turn to you and do what is right according to your will in this election and we put all of our trust in you for the outcome of this election in Georgia and we give you honor and praise in the name of Jesus… Amen

December 6, 2022

Dear God,

Get your people out to vote in record numbers so they would vote according to your will. From my limited understanding, that would be obeyed for Herschel Walker. May you discourage those who will vote against your way.
In the name of Jesus, amen

Joel Marshall Chetlain
December 6, 2022

Father may the Holy Spirit act on Georgians of righteousness and clear conscience. May those who care deeply about the future of this country exercise their civic duty. In Jesus holy name Amen.

December 6, 2022

Lord we come before You TODAY in faith, with humbled hearts as we bring this heavy burden before You. May we walk in FAITH and not by sight. We ask for You to bring Your peace that passes all understanding to fill our hearts to overflowing. May You change the hearts of those who don’t believe in You, who don’t know who You are, and who are not in a relationship with You, as You so will. You don’t want anyone to perish. Open up our hearts to receive Your truth that sets us free. Restore unity to our hearts. Bring us together in Your name to do Your will. May we take possession of this land and give You all the glory, honor and praise. For You alone are worthy. We put our faith and trust in You that Your will, will be done in this important election in Georgia. Open up our eyes to see that this election is not about political parties, it’s about who gives You the glory and honor in their decision making as they serve You and not themselves. Lord we give You thanks for all You have done and will do. We bless Your Holy name. Amen

Chuck Herpolsheimer
December 6, 2022

Go deep Lord, go deep. Move on the hearts and minds and souls of your people in Georgia. You have chosen a God-fearing man to represent you. Your values Lord, your values!

December 6, 2022

Father, in the name and through the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, confound any unrighteous get out the vote strategies planned for Georgia today. Bind and derail the principalities and powers intent on sending Mr. Warnock to the Senate. Have mercy on America through Mr. Walker. Energize believers to vote and help their neighbors and friends to vote. Thank You for this last day to hope in You and declare our confidence in your wisdom and plan.

Ann Beauchamp
December 6, 2022

Father,America is Yours! You birthed it, we confess our pathetic stewardship over this land. Raise up in us Your spirit that our prayers will usher in a victory for Hershel Walker! In the Name and authority of Jesus Our Savior!

December 6, 2022

Wake up America God is coming soon get on your knees and pray and minutes heaven is real and hell is hot

Allena Jordan
December 6, 2022

Lord, there is no one righteous, no not one. Yet, by the blood of Jesus, as believers, you view each one of us through His blood. We are deemed righteous because of His blood poured out at Calvary. Father, would you speak to the hearts of Georgians today to vote for Your choice for this Senate seat. Let victory begin now, Lord. Thank You! Amen.

December 6, 2022

Standing in prayer with Georgia. We believe our Father will cover us in mercy. Let us repent and turn our faces to Him. Amen.

December 6, 2022

Holy Spirit, we come humbly to the throne today. We are praying for all Conservatives to vote.. We lift Herschel Walker up to You. Surround him with your angels of protection. We pray that every voter will vote biblical values. We want to honor You in everything we do. Please protect our election process. To God be the glory! Amen

Sarah Galloway
December 6, 2022

Lord May you have mercy on this land and stop the evil from progressing and being pervasive with Hershel Walker, your follower and servant in winning his election. Help heal this land from the devastation of sin and its destructive nature. Turn our hearts to you only! In your most precious name-Amem!

December 6, 2022

Lord, our purpose in life is to worship and glorify you, our creator, in all we do. Let your will be done in the Georgia election today, and lead Christians to vote based on biblical values. Bring your Holy Spirit over the voting process for a fair, honest and transparent election. The name of the Lord is a strong fortress, the godly run to him and are safe. Proverbs 18:10.

December 6, 2022

Father we stand boldly on our knees and proclaim victory through this-obviously- spiritual battle going on in our government right now.. In Jesus mighty name we pray Amen

Joseph Tyson Sr
December 6, 2022

Praying for a Republican win in Georgia Lord


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