I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray that You would stop this rampant hatred and disrespect of the nation of Israel. We thank You for leading the US to vote against this resolution, and we pray that You would lead all those who voted for this resolution to repentance.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The international hatred of Israel and love for Palestine has seemed to reach a fever pitch. We must pray for Israel in this crucial time.

From CBN News. The United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution Thursday by a 90-30 vote to commemorate the Palestinian “Nakba” or day of catastrophe coinciding with the 75th anniversary of the birth of modern Israel in 1948. Israel’s UN Ambassador Gilad Erdan called the vote a “disgrace.” The US, Australia, the UK and Canada were among the nations that joined Israel in voting against the resolution.

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The Palestinian-sponsored resolution supports “a commemoration of Nakba (catastrophe), including by organizing a high-level event at the (UN) General Assembly Hall,” in May, 2023, which will also mark the 75th anniversary of Israel’s reestablishment as a nation.

It also calls for “relevant archives and testimonies” supporting the Palestinian narrative of the 1948 events. Egypt, Jordan, Senegal, Tunisia and Yemen co-sponsored the resolution with the Palestinians. Egypt and Jordan were two of the nations which attacked Israel immediately after it declared independence.

In the debate before the vote, Erdan asked the assembly, “What would you say if the international community celebrated the establishment of your country as a disaster? What a disgrace.” …

The General Assembly also voted for three other pro-Palestinian resolutions Thursday, including one calling on Israel to withdraw from the Golan Heights. Israel annexed the Golan in 1981.

What do you think of this resolution? Share your prayers for Israel below.

(Excerpt from CBN News. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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Roxanne Rice
December 6, 2022

Jesus said in Matthew 25, “As you have done it to the least of these brothers of mine (the Jewish people), you have done it to Me.”. He will separate the sheep and goat nations based on how they treat Israel.

I thank God that, at least for now, the US, Australia, the UK, and Canada are sheep nations. Pray this does not change! I tremble for the 90 goat nations who have proclaimed their hatred of God’s beloved people.

Protect Your people, Lord, the apple of Your eye.

Susan Eddlemon
December 5, 2022

This type of hatred against Israel will continue until the time of our Lord’s return! at which time our Lord will save Israel and all those who put their trust in our lord Jesus Christ.
It is the same hatred that sent our Lord to the cross. We must stand against it in Jesus’s name and declare the kingdom of God come upon this Earth.
“Yet have I set my king upon my Holy Hill in Zion” (from Psalm 2)

Rich Swingle
December 5, 2022

As Joyce mentioned on Tuesday’s Headline Prayer Live when they were translating the Dead Sea Scrolls, as they were working on Isaiah 66:7, “Can a nation be born in a day,” it was announced that Israel would be a sovereign nation.

Lord, keep your hand of protection on your nation!

“If I forget you, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget its skill!”
‭‭Psalm‬ ‭137‬:‭5‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Lord, may we remember your nation — one of two in all of history dedicated to You — in our regular prayers! Keep your Chosen Ones on our hearts! As catastrophe comes to those nations that have supported this, as it surely must, may their people turn to You!

December 5, 2022

“In the debate before the vote, Erdan asked the assembly, “What would you say if the international community celebrated the establishment of your country as a disaster?”

I say because I KNOW that this means you are telling GOD “I AM” that HE should not have ever established ISRAEL as a Nation, which happens to be THE APPLE OF GOD’S EYE from the Very Beginning, which is FOREVER LASTING with REASON. To bring such a disgraceful day of socalled “celebration” to light internationally thus will without a shadow of a doubt GOD’S wrath over those who voted YES and will “celebrate” such a day; KNOW THAT GOD WILL NOT LET YOU GET AWAY WITH THIS PEOPLE and you will NOT WIN from GOD in this matter EVER!!! Unless you turn to GOD,show remorse and repent sincerely over this disgraceful act and nihilate it internationally,you will learn soon GOD will NOT tolerate this from ANY Nation and ANYONEat all; BE WARNED!!! NO-ONE IS ABOVE GOD, THE GOD OF ISRAEL FROM THE VERY BEGINNING & ALWAYS!!! Those who voted YES have themselves used by GOD’S & Humanity’s Enemy Satan with this act,THAT is what is happening here, and it will not get you anywhere,for it is written,not just on paper but even on GOD’S HEART; ISRAEL WILL EVENTUALLY HAVE THE VICTORY OVER ALL ENEMIES!!! AND GOD ALWAYS WINS!!! And even in the Countries that voted YES to this disgraceful act STILL live souls NOT in agreement with it at all; Our International Prayers therefor, will NEVER STOP to stand with GOD AND ISRAEL!!!

GOD OF ISRAEL,ABBA FATHER, Let the spiritual blind eyes, deaf ears & hardened closed hearts of those who voted to ‘celebrate’ this disgraceful day internationally in their nations with complacency and self righteousness, be touched and openend for YOUR TRUTH concerning ISRAEL from the very Beginning. That they may understand & comprehend that touching ISRAEL in ANY Way means touching YOU at he same time. That YOU do have YOUR Thoughts over, YOUR Way With and YOUR Will for ISRAEL UNCHANGEABLE and that NO-ONE & NOTHING EVER Can & Will be able to alter or stop that TRUTH. And that not ANY weapon & form of hostility against ISRAEL will prosper. That opposing ISRAEL means opposing YOU therefor; may many turn around from this disgraceful wicked deed as a result, and those who do deliberately not,in complacent & self righteous conduct, find out eventually the consequences it will bring to their doorsteps because of it, letting them experience YOU are not to be opposed & mocked in ANYWAY, by ANYONE at all, in the Mighty & Glorious Name Above ALL Names YESHUA HAMASHIACH/ JESUS CHRIST Be It,AMEN & AMEN.

Betty Bonn
December 5, 2022

Dear Heavenly Father,
Let the Spirit of God rise up big and promote support for Israel everywhere and let nations who vote support for Israel be blessed in ways obvious to all.
In Jesus’ Name,

Jane Fain
December 4, 2022

This vote is disgraceful. My dad always said that any nation that doesn’t defend Israel is going to loose it’s status as a nation. I look for the UN to one day become a thing of the past.

Jessica Renshaw
December 4, 2022

I think you mean “DAY” of catastrophe.

Darlene DeAngelis
December 4, 2022

Father God I looked up Israel protect Israel you love Israel they’re enemies have no idea who they’re threatening but they will one day understand that hell is a very hot place where people burn eternally father God there’s so much hate with what is good and Christians are becoming aware of the statement that you say they hated me first before they hated you father God I pray things change for this younger generation in Jesus my name


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