I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray that You would stop the censorship of conservatives and Christians online. Protect our First Amendment rights, God, and bring Your candidates to victory this November.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

This is yet another example of censorship of conservatives. Let’s pray that Google’s political bias would not skew the votes this November.

From Fox News. Google is manipulating search engine results to harm Republicans in critical Senate races, according to the Media Research Center.

Connect with others in your state in prayer.


The MRC is calling on Google to “stop its war on democracy” and “provide algorithmic transparency” after the media watchdog’s Free Speech America initiative analyzed the 12 races identified by Real Clear Politics as important to watch.

The findings revealed that campaign websites for 10 Republicans among the 12 tight races were found significantly lower on results pages compared to their opponent’s sites among organic search results.

Seven Republican candidate’s websites were completely hidden from the first page of Google search results, according to the MRC. While Republicans were hidden, eight Democratic candidates had websites that were promoted within the first six results on Google. 

“The Media Research Center is calling upon Google to stop its war on democracy. To regain the trust of conservatives it must provide algorithmic transparency to show that liberal groups and candidates are treated the same way as conservatives,” the MRC continued. “MRC is also calling upon members of Congress to take action protecting American’s free speech liberties. Congress should investigate Google’s search bias and its results on the midterm elections.” 

Google denied any wrongdoing when reached by Fox News Digital.

“While we cannot respond to specific claims without seeing the research, there is no validity whatsoever to allegations of political bias on Google Search. As third parties have found, political ideology is not a factor in our search ranking systems. We don’t and would never manipulate search results, modify our products or enforce our policies in any way to promote or disadvantage any particular political ideology, viewpoint or candidate,” a Google spokesperson told Fox News Digital. 

How are you praying for the upcoming midterms and against censorship? Share your prayers and scriptures below.

(Excerpt from Fox News. Photo Credit: Solen Feyissa on Unsplash)

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October 29, 2022

Father God help us always be able to speak the truth please get rid of the social media that is the Antichrist trying to control everything with their Mayhem whoever’s behind this made them they be exposed and may they understand your anger in the name of Jesus

Herb Johnston
October 28, 2022

Hey you guys, for everyone in this column.. just as an example, in my situation, where I live.. there is what I would call regular wi-fi, in a residential area…a mobile home park..the landlord has it there- and I can get duck duck go.. it works pretty well.
Now when I go to our local coffee shop-that is not starbucks.. it is called bohdi leaf, – and they have a middle eastern theme.. although I understand the owner is supposed to be a christian, anyways..they have a non-alternative regular Google type Wi-Fi ..meaning that only Chrome-, or Chrome related companies function in internet search,at their locations. So if you can do your searching in domestic environments..better chances of bypassing googles firewalls- might be a available. In fact, now that I’m thinking about it, the only place that I have trouble with internet searches using duckduckgo, is starbucks, where I’m sitting now.. just cause there’s nowhere else to go, – and that other coffee shop that I just mentioned across the street bodhi leaf.. everywhere else-, duck duck go..seems to come in just fine-,even on the bus-,except when it’s moving.
And actually, now that I’m thinking about it.. I’m using DuckDuckGo right now, – and I’m sitting out in front of starbucks.. so even they have allowed for that, – although I do not know what the underlying subterfuge there-,might be

Herb Johnston
October 28, 2022

mrc is it great organization.. I have followed them for years.. I especially like Gardner.. I cannot remember his last name, however remember that Google and similar leftist organizations have no interest in gaining our trust. While it is true that they control the internet.. therein lies the problem.. they control the internet. While we must do our part and hold an accountable.. short of the Lord working the miraculous in the minds and hearts of those who are in charge that organization.. well, I guess that’s the point isn’t it.. we believe the Lord will act.. and I do pray and join all of you and praying that all of the evil organizations that are in charge of our country will have their eyes and their hearts open and repent.. that is the only solution.. short of the Lord dissolving them all with Holy Fire

Priscilla Meyenburg
October 27, 2022

Father as I read the scriptures and what God is saying and doing. We need to pay attention to his words and what the Prophets say. The leftist are throwing everything at American Believers but as our Faith builds by Gods words they give u a positive mind set and it builds power inside of us. The power of Gods words are never failing, if we stand and believe. God plans for us to triumph we will never fail. God says I teach you to be bold, and (you) we have God Given Authority, do not allow Satan to take your power away. Stand against Google, who is trying to remove our American Rights. God is in charge, ask God to protect your vote when you enter the booth to vote. Claim Victory in Jesus do not allow Fear to steal your voting rights and allow the Democrats to have control ever again. We shall sin America back to be free to serve our Father, with praise, peace and joy/ peace.

Janice Rhodes
October 27, 2022

Father we ask you to raise up Google whistle blowers and protect them. Raise up IT savvy people who can prove the bias and then raise up people to prosecute justly and restore freedom to market and get the word out about issues important to the American people. Your word says you hate 7 things–lying is one of them. Don’t let them get away with this.

    Herb Johnston
    October 28, 2022

    Amen, that is a great idea!!..
    Lord-,let them be infiltrated from within.. and that those who infiltrate them will be resolutely guided in their repentance- to dismantle that controlling infrastructure from within-, to bring about the dismantling of this evil system- that many may be saved.
    In Jesus Mighty name, Amen

Roxanne Rice
October 27, 2022

This doesn’t surprise me at all. In Michigan we have Proposal 3 on the ballot, an extremely extreme (yes, I mean both words) pro-abortion constitutional amendment. In my Google search, I had to scroll past many pro-abortion, pro-amendment websites to find one that told the truth about this horrific proposal.

DO YOUR RESEARCH! Then talk to your friends, write letters to editor, whatever you need to do.

Lord, deliver us from evil, and strengthen us in righteousness. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

    October 27, 2022

    Yes, Roxanne. When I wanted factual information about Crisis Pregnancy Centers, I had to scroll down through multiple pages of twisted, negative lies before reaching a simple definition of CPCs. Shame on Google!

October 27, 2022

Heavenly Father, I pray that every town, city, and county in the United State will speak life into America. I also pray that You Holy Spirit will protect this election where those that love this country will win. I also pray that
those that do not love America that are in our government will be cast out. I also pray for their souls that they will change their thinking and be set free by accepting Jesus Christ as their bLord and Savior. In Jesus name Amen

October 27, 2022

I am praying and speaking Life to America. I pray, “Heavenly Father, Remove those that are not walking with You in this election. I call down from heaven Your angels with their swords drawn and the glory light of Jesus coming out of these sword into the 2 heaven and the earth’s atmosphere onto the earth.. These angels with their glory light of Jesus coming out of these sword will keep these demons away from those people who have been listening to their lies.”

“I also call down the angels of heaven that will minister to these people where they will change their votes and vote for candidates that love America upon the earth. In Jesus name, amen

Sandra Sokol
October 27, 2022


Adrian Lee Steininger
October 27, 2022

1277 code

Adrian Lee Steininger
October 27, 2022

I have Google as my search engine and email. I would like to change but who can I trust God? What ever happened to telling just the facts unbiased as journalists were supposed to do? I plan Lord on changing from Google. Lord please give me wisdom to change to an honest freedom loving site! In the name of Jesus I pray!

    October 27, 2022

    Duckduckgo ..great safe search engine

    Daniel Moak
    October 27, 2022

    Another good search engine is Freespoke. I have removed bookmarks and links to Google, and now Freespoke is my default search engine.

    October 27, 2022

    Go install DuckDuck Go as your search engine. I did a test a couple of years ago vs Google and switched

    October 28, 2022

    And use Brave as your internet browser. Not Google.

Adrian Lee Steininger
October 27, 2022

No one, not even children should be forced to take the vaccine for Covid! This vaccine has been pushed on everyone. Where is our freedom to choose? The government lied to us saying just one shot would work and now they say keep getting boosters every few months. We still don’t know for sure what is in these vaccines. Since Johnson & Johnson knowingly put out harmful baby powder, how can we trust them now? I refuse to take the vaccine. I believe many death listed as Covid related were normal deaths due to pneumonia or flu. They didn’t use drugs that were proven to cure this manmade disease paid for by Biden and China!

Sheila Fonseca
October 27, 2022

This is how I am praying:
That the political agenda of Google will be converted and become non-biased towards the woke culture. I ask this in the name of Jesus and by the power of the Holy Spirit. AMEN

Pamela C
October 27, 2022

This is how I am praying, that Christians will do their homework about the candidates and understand the political platforms of the parties. That Christians will pray and ask God to help them see through any façade and make right choices, to actually vote their conscience and vote biblically. I have already voted and I did not depend on Google. God sets up and God deposes. God gave us our minds. May we use our minds. Let us pray for our country and our leaders.

    Herb Johnston
    October 28, 2022

    Ivoterguide-, and also the Craig Huey list-, are incredible christian sources of honest and Godly candidate and voting information


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