I Prayed have prayed
Lord God, we pray for a transformational turnaround in America.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

The upcoming midterm election provides us a tremendous opportunity for a truly transformational turnaround. This is a historic moment where we arise to stop being misled, manipulated, and manhandled by malevolent forces in government. Three action steps are essential for voters who align with the 2 Chronicles 7:14 promise:

  1. Committed prayer
  2. Confessed sin
  3. Civic engagement

Have you taken your place on the wall?


In 1994, about a month before the midterm election, Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich put together a visionary plan drawing points from The Heritage Foundation and from Ronald Reagan’s 1985 State of the Union address. Gingrich, recipient of the Faith & Freedom Coalition Winston Churchill Courage in Leadership Award, challenged colleagues to break out of ambiguity and go on record with specifics about what they promise to accomplish if the people will give them the majority in Congress.

The legislative masterpiece accomplished something unprecedented in totally upending the political landscape! They outlined specific steps for counteracting those politicians advancing a radical leftist agenda, and though not all those steps were accomplished, most were.

• Conservative candidates, 300 strong, came together across America in solidarity, affixing their signatures to the contract.

• Conservatives gained 54 House seats.

• They gained eight in the Senate.

• They gained 12 governorships in the nation.

• Traditional conservatives and their party gained control of Congress for the first time in 40 years!

The Republicans took the steering wheel to start restoring our country like Reagan did in his landslide victory.

Time for 2022 Contract with America

First, let’s admit we live in a deeply serious time, among deeply unserious and distracted people. America is in peril, and we are on the precipice of losing our country unless we respond, realizing that we used to live in Jerusalem but now it’s Babylon!

Second, let me submit for your perusal and to pass along to your representatives a list of contract areas pinpointing agenda items that require problem-solving, not platitudes! Unless Biden resigns, is deemed incapacitated, or gets impeached, we’re stuck with him for two more years — though we can basically render him incapable of doing further damage to America by blocking him big-time!

I want to give credit to my D.C. friend and fellow watchman-on-the-wall Robert Knight, a respected journalist and the author of the about-to-be-released Crooked. He writes for The Washington Times and has collected ideas that I’ve combined with my own and which can be employed through a new conservative majority in Congress.

Third, with the critical midterm elections approaching fast (Nov. 8), I strongly beseech with all the urgency and fervency I can muster that you be sure to vote and to vote only for candidates who uphold biblical values. Here are my proposals for a “New Contract with America”:

  1. Honor our heritage enshrining freedom of religion (not freedom from religion). We unashamedly affirm the centrality of God, not as mere lip service but as a living reality, in humbly praying, “God bless America.”
  2. Stop runaway inflation by making serious cutbacks in spending and taxes.
  3. Restore our energy independence and stop draining our emergency reserves.
  4. Finish the border wall, reclaim that southern border, and return to the policies established to protect our national security — putting an immediate stop to the nations emptying their prisons and sending their violent criminals (rapists, murderers) across our boundaries (Epoch Times, 9/23/22).
  5. Put in place safeguards for parental rights on school boards and for children’s curriculum.
  6. Take specific steps to strengthen the supply chain.
  7. Stop social media censorship through bold and provocative congressional action and accountability.
  8. Address ongoing airline chaos (flight delays and capricious cancellations) through oversight, accountability and enforced penalties.
  9. Curb the cartels dispensing drugs to gangs in our cities by strengthening our surveillance, law enforcement, and criminal penalties — including the possible death penalty for drug dealers, whom studies show are culpable for over 500 deaths in their lifetime of distribution.
  10. Lower the costs for prescription drugs, once and for all.
  11. Defund the proposed 87,000 new IRS agents.
  12. Repeal the unconstitutional, unilateral student-loan giveaway that will cost over $400 billion as a reckless and irresponsible bailout when we have an unprecedented $31 trillion national debt!
  13. Launch investigations into the FBI (recall similar corrupt activity with J. Edgar Hoover) and the Department of Justice to expose corruption involving phone seizures, the unwarranted arrests of pro-life activists, predawn “raids,” and questionable surveillance.
  14. End Covid-related mandates and government control over our individual health.
  15. Halt all federal coercion involving LGBTQ and CRT indoctrination in schools, government agencies, the military, and businesses, along with any attempt to secure taxpayer-funded transgender mutilation of children without parental involvement.
  16. Defund Planned Parenthood and deputize the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare to raise awareness (as in similar “saving lives” campaigns for suicide, smoking, drunk driving, and drug abuse) of the barbaric practice of taking the life of an about-to-be-born baby in late-term abortions performed until the moment of birth.
  17. Repeal unconstitutional laws abridging the right to bear arms.
  18. Require proof of U.S. citizenship to vote in national elections.
  19. Initiate a congressional investigation into the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan and the specific monetary and military consequences of Biden’s unilateral actions which violated his vow to leave no Americans or allies behind.
  20. Reevaluate the expenditures of trillions of taxpayer dollars for “climate crisis” and dubious Green New Deal ideas.
  21. Issue subpoenas to guarantee discovery and disclosure of all information suppressed by the Biden administration and the media regarding the alleged unlawful actions of Hunter Biden, his father, and Hillary Clinton.

Jesus told us that we are to be salt, holding back decay in our society and instead drawing His blessing. Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord (Psalm 33:12). So, let’s get going!

Larry Tomczak is a cultural commentator of 46 years, an IFA board member, a bestselling author, and a public-policy adviser with Liberty Counsel. His innovative video/book, BULLSEYE, develops informed influencers in 30 days (see www.bullseyechallenge.com). Hear his weekly podcast here. Photo credit: Unsplash.

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October 17, 2022

Father, In Jesus’ name, I pray the “New Contract with America” will become a reality knowing, and believing with You, “All things are possible.” Amen

October 12, 2022

By Eva

Freedom of speech is our inalienable right
No matter if we’re “black”, “red”, “yellow”, “brown”, or “white”.
What’s good for the Left should be good for the Right.
So, what happened?

Today, more than ever, oppression’s the rule!
If we speak “out-of-order”, we’re considered fools.

Our lives don’t matter! We’ve really no rights at all
Because the leaders in our government all “carry the ball”.

We follow their lead or imprisonment we’ll see
All because we’ve rebelled against their tyranny.

Does this sound like the America we’d once loved and knew?
Some might not understand this or even have a clue!

The freedoms we’d once held are banishing away
Little-by-little, day after day.

Today, socialism has become the master tool
Enslaving our Nation with ungodly rule.

Don’t be fooled by what our wicked leaders say
Because all our rights are being stripped away!

So, what in the world can turn this around?
Get out and vote”! Start making a sound!

Free speech? Our inalienable rights? You betcha!
It’s time to turn it around! Now stand up and fight!

October 12, 2022

Amen! And term limits

Colleen Back
October 12, 2022

Yes, Lord, let this Contract With America be the rallying cry and pledge of every conservative candidate on the ballot in November. Let there be a wave of righteousness that overtakes our halls of government at every level. I pray that you, Lord, will give none of your people rest until they have gone to the polls to vote on the 8th. We pray that your Name will be glorified again in America through righteous government and that the people would be able to live peaceably. We pray that we will never return to apathy and complacency again but will remain vigilant to guard the treasure called America you have given us.

October 12, 2022

Amen! So be it!!


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