I Prayed have prayed
Dear Heavenly Father, in Jesus’ name, we need You to move strongly on behalf of the righteous right now. We, as Your people, unite and agree and ask in Jesus’ name that You would work an election day miracle in the USA this year, giving us righteous results and righteous leadership in every level of government. Thank You, Father.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Do you struggle with finding words to pray to ask God to intervene in this year’s elections? If so, let’s pray together for an election day miracle, based on a few specific Scriptures!

Have you taken your place on the wall?


Here are the Scriptures we’re going to present to the Lord today in prayer:

“But as it is written: ‘Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.’ But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God” (1 Corinthians 2:9-10 NKJV).

“Assuredly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven” (Matthew 18:18-19 NKJV).

“… if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land” (2 Chronicles 7:14 NKJV).

Friend, the most effective praying happens when we simply remind God of His Word.

His Word will not return to Him void; it will always accomplish the thing for which He sent it. God’s Word is true; He is not a man, that He should lie! Therefore, let’s pray the Word back to the Lord today and ask Him together for an election day miracle.

Let’s agree together in prayer as follows:

“Dear Heavenly Father, we come to You in Jesus’ name.

Father, thank You for being true and real. Thank You for always keeping Your Word. We thank You also for the blood of Jesus, He Who is the Word made flesh; for the blood of Your Son purchased salvation, eternal life, and answered prayer for us. Thank You, Father. We praise You today.

Abba Father, we come to You today and ask You for an election day miracle.

Lord, You know that there are many factors that could determine the outcome of the elections this year. You know what those factors are far better than we ever could.

However, Father, we claim Your promise today that says, “if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”

We humble ourselves before You today, Lord, and we turn from our wicked ways. We have asked You to forgive the sins of our nation, and of all the people in it. We have been praying and seeking Your face. Therefore, Father, we ask You to work an election day miracle this year and heal our land.

Father God, let good and righteous leaders be elected and seated in office in every jurisdiction in America this year.

Let every wicked and evil politician be removed from office in these elections. Let every legal vote be counted properly, honestly, and with correct protocols. Let every true, registered, legal voter be permitted to vote. Let no illegal or false votes be entered into the count at all.

Also, Father, we pray that You would protect these elections from fraud of any kind. Let every plan for fraud be prevented and laid waste before it is ever implemented. Let righteousness be exalted in these elections, Lord, and work a miracle on behalf of Your people.

Father, we desire revival in America in every sphere—including the areas of politics and the government of the land.

And Lord, we remind You of Your Word that says You have laid up those things for us which eye has not seen, nor ear heard—things which would not have entered into the heart of man, except that You have revealed them to us by Your Spirit. Since You promised these things, Father, we ask for a miracle of the election of righteous leaders—a miracle of shocking proportions. Let the world wonder at the things You do this year on behalf of Your people who pray.

You have placed these prayers, dreams, and visions in our hearts, Father; You are revealing Your desire to us by Your Spirit. Therefore, Father, we partner with You in our prayers and by our faith in You. And we ask that Your Kingdom would come and Your will would be done on earth, and in this year’s elections, as it is in Heaven.

Father, Your Son Jesus told us “that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven.”

We draw on His promise to us right now, Father. We are praying in agreement for righteous leaders to be elected and seated in LITERALLY every office in the land THIS YEAR. We are agreeing in prayer for every ungodly leader to be dethroned and removed from office. And we ask that You would do this, Father, for Jesus said You would.

Thank You, Abba Father. We love You and we bless You. We give You all the praise in advance for healing our land, for we believe it is done for us now, in the moment we ask. Thank You. In the name of Your holy and precious Son Jesus we pray, amen and amen.”

Beloved, did you pray this prayer in agreement with us today? If so, leave a comment below!

Jamie Rohrbaugh is the author of On-Time God: 14 Prophetic Words and Prayers for RIGHT NOW. She is the founder and CEO of From His Presence, a ministry dedicated to equipping God’s people in prayer, the prophetic word, living supernaturally, inner healing, and Kingdom wealth. Her writing can be found on YouVersion, Charisma Magazine, The Elijah List, Spirit Fuel, and various other ministry outlets. Download her free prayer tool, Praying the Names of God: 555 Biblical Names of God and How to Use Them in Prayer and Worship, here. Photo Credit: Canva.

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Cindi Hoffman
November 8, 2022

Praying for our beloved nation today. Asking God to move in a miraculous way. That His will be done and Elections would be honest, forthright and transparent. I thank Him in advance for all He is doing on behalf of His people.

. Ileana Chapman
November 7, 2022

I have prayed for these elections through these prayers and expect God’s miracles and intervention in a mighty way.

October 24, 2022

God Bless You for your prayers! You make it easy to pray with IFA prayer warriors and in agreement with God and His Word which is Perfect Prayer!

Skye Alison
October 23, 2022

O Lord, we sorely need a genuine heartfelt revival in our land again. We agree Lord that there are many in America who love you and likewaise are praying for revival – and you have given us the Rx for it! God, help us repent of our own sins – sins of all kinds flesh and spirit, including laziness after you! Many sins have racked our nation terribly… sin heinous to your holy character. At the same time, Father we know we are suffering under the leadership of ungodly and unprincipled people. And the decisions they make in some things have been thrust upon your people – against our will. Lord, we deplore the progressive agenda and all those promoting it. GOd may these folks be soundly defeated and removed from office. Help your people to oppose ungodly policies and stand against them even if and when it costs us to do so. In Jesus’ strong name. Amen

Robert Righter
October 19, 2022

I agree with God’s word concerning this election.

Fred & Carmella Savignano
October 19, 2022

Praying and agreeing with you daily for America

October 19, 2022

Yes, yes! All the promises of God are yes and amen!

janie buckner
October 17, 2022

Thank you so much for that beautiful prayer. God’s words are truely powerful and He stands behind them. We must continue praying and believing in faith that it will come to pass.

Candy. A westbrook
October 17, 2022

God bless you! Yes praying in his Scriptures is the only way to pray… May God give all the glory may his face shine upon us once again as we repent of America‘s sins. Hallelujah to the Lamb for his will will not be thowarted. May God arise over this nation and his enemies be scattered!

October 15, 2022

Yes. And will be sharing the prayer with many people

Wanda H Medders
October 15, 2022

I absolutely did and I am assured that evil will not win this time. I am standing in more faith that God is hearing and will answer. I have prayed his promises right back to him and he is faithful and just. He will be glorified and get all the praise in this election.

October 14, 2022

YES! Agreed with ALL my heart and deep fervency with these prayers! Thank you that we are able to pray together for Our Wonderful Nation that God himself is healing and Restoring to be ONE NATION UNDER GOD AGAIN!!! I love everyone of your heartfelt prayers! Blessings to everyone of you and your families! 🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻

Doralyn Paulk
October 14, 2022

I prayed this prayer and I am in agreement that this will come to pass. In Jesus Name Amen

Mary Gartrell
October 14, 2022

This is a good prayer. I will leave it open on my computer and read it aloud frequently.

October 13, 2022

It is encouraging to know that we stand and believe that God hears our cry! This is a beautiful prayer and says what is in my heart and in the hearts of so many. “One Nation under God”

Eugenia Rollans
October 13, 2022

Praying that truth and righteousness will prevail through this midterm election. That bold and righteous men and women will rise up to their full potential and allow Holy Spirit to lead and guide them!!

Stan Shumate
October 13, 2022

Grateful for the intercession prayers, and I can pray with you, thank you, amen!

Josie Martin
October 12, 2022

I absolutely love this prayer 🙏🏽
Thank U so very much for all that U do. May our Lord Jesus Christ truly bless U for your faithfulness.

Marilyn Chapman
October 12, 2022

I touch and agree with this prayer along with all other prayer warriors in this Nation who are praying this prayer in the same Spirit.

October 12, 2022

Father, I thank you for your patience and your loving spirit. I thank you for the prophets messages during these last two years. I thank you for the updates they give us , the news u give them gives me a lot more to pray into, and being grateful when the fulfillment of Gods are proof to others are true. I thank you the words that you give them and the scriptures that go along with the messages. I praise our Father to give us words of Hope that removes all fear. I pray that Gods will expose all of the damage that has been done to America, the children, families, our health, our churches etc. Yes, I believe we will see a miracle from God in his time but it will be more than one miracle, our God is a big God; he loves us and America very much we are the Light for others to follow. Yes, a miracle is coming listen to Gods words and be blessed. 🧎‍♀️💝 A gift tied with a bow that is wrapped with love from our Father.

October 12, 2022

Father in Heaven,
We do praise You for Your blessings on our beloved country & for Your call for us to repent of our personal and national sins. Your grace is a beautiful Gift in Jesus our Redeemer! Help us have hearts to repent and to love You, Father! Come reign over us, Lord Jesus!

October 12, 2022

I prayed with you, very encouraged! I will pray this every day🙏🏼 Amen & Amen

October 12, 2022

Amen! I am going to pray this everyday! Glory to the highest!

Gail Wood
October 12, 2022

Father we come to You because we know that You are all powerful,truthful and that you love us. We know that You want the best for Your children and for America , the one nation that was given in dedication to You alone oh gracious Lord.
Your children recognize from where our help comes. It comes from You precious Lord.
As the world has always been ever-changing and Your children have been sorely tried and felt whipped at times ,we do have many constant promises that You have made to us which strengthen us.
That You are the same yesterday,today and forever.
You said that you would never leave us or forsake us.
You said that no weapon that Satan and his army and co-horts tried to use against us would grow and succeed.
You are a God who can not lie and Your words of hope and promise are for your children for all time.
You said that You came to heal the broken hearted and to bind up our wounds. We know that You see us when we are weary and we know that You alone are our hope,strength and the lifter up of our heads.

Father, in Jesus precious name we praise and thank You for Your love and compassion towards your children and humanity. We give honour to You alone and declare that there are no God’s before You and that You are the one true and living Father,Son and Holy Spirit.
We know that as the election grows near that we await Your intervention against all of our enemies who are working so hard for Satan to bring down this incredible nation that is Yours.
We place our faith and hope in the most and only high God.
In Jesus Holy name,

Mary Meens
October 12, 2022

Are you praying on line today at 12:15 eastern time?

Debra Cichetti
October 12, 2022

Father God I am in complete agreement and join in prayer for our country.

October 12, 2022

Abba, I agree with the prayer of the righteous in your Bride for a miracle in the upcoming elections in the USA.

October 12, 2022

I prayed this beautiful prayer, and will continue to. I added: but thy will be done, not ours, if that’s okay

Susan Grow
October 12, 2022

I prayed for a righteous and true election controlled by God. That only those who
Love our nation and have good strong moral values would be elected. That those with evil intent would be removed from office. That your people would marvel at the miracles performed in God’s name.

Rhonda Robinson
October 12, 2022

I prayed that powerful prayer of agreement today. Knowing God is faithful in bringing His promises to pass, I am excited for the change’s we are about to experience. Thank you IFA for your faithfulness to what God has called you to do. Be blessed!

October 12, 2022

I prayed and I believe His promises.

October 12, 2022

Father God,
I speak the blessing of Your integrity over these midterm elections in Jesus name. Amen.

Priscilla Meyenburg
October 11, 2022

Isaiah-54:17 17 no weapon forged against you will prevail,
and you will refute every tongue that accuses you.
This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord,
and this is their vindication from me,”
declares the Lord. Remind ourselves what God has promised us. Us e His promise to strengthen yourself against every evil thing the devil tries to throw at this election. He is still around! “ Lord I refuse to be in fear of any weapon the devil tries to snare this election with, I bind any arrow he tosses our way. Father God I know we have your trust to protect this election as well as the Men and women running for a office- to help make America Great Again- protect them, protect the poll workers and the judges. We take authority over anyone who tries to respond in a evil way, we ask for a secure snd honorable election. Thank you Jesus, we will succeed we will not let the power of God’s protection go to waste. We are your prayer warriors. 🧎‍♀️😊

David Lindquist
October 11, 2022

God is Good, God is Faithful, and God is All Powerful, his will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven!!!

October 11, 2022

This is one of the boldest and best Biblically supported prayers I have ever heard or read! I, too, join in agreement for a God-honoring, supernatural miracle that will shake the world and will transform this nation from corruption to morality…literally overnight!

October 11, 2022

Yes, I prayed this prayer with you, and I have been praying for the LORD to send His angels to be the heavenly poll watchers to keep the election fair and honest.

Sharon thomas
October 11, 2022

I pray in agreement with all prayer warriors. Watch and see the miracles of the Lord. 🙏🙏🙏

Patti White
October 11, 2022

Yes, Father, we believe for righteous leaders throughout the country to be elected. We believe for an election day miracle! We agree in the name of Jesus that all fraud will be detected and eliminated! Thank you Father God.

Robbie Rudd
October 11, 2022

I prayed the covenant Word of God in Isaiah 59 that states when the enemy comes in like a flood, the SPIRIT will raise up a standard against him! That standard is the CHURCH!! Amen and Amen.

October 11, 2022

Amen. I prayed and believe.

Irene Terrill
October 11, 2022

I prayed. So be it according to God’s will for America’s original purpose…to prosper so that we might carry the Good News to all people all over the world as a free nation. To His Glory!

October 11, 2022

In the name of Jesus – Amen!

Linda k Rice
October 11, 2022

Abba, we ask for justice!

Carolyn Rogalla
October 11, 2022

It is so crucial that we remain in prayer for our nation that really needs God to work in the hearts of men and women who believe and have faith in God to make this miracle happen in this election.

Grandma Betty
October 11, 2022

Dear God, we are a nation of many types… and many different types to run our country. Please intercede during the election process for our states of our dear country…. and bring back into order all the things that are Godly in your site…including people who have the Devils agenda ready to push on our people and children., and much needed help to our own citizens. We are sorry for the sins of our country and realize only you can stop the killing of babies, and mutilation of our children, and also the teaching of such unmoral practices. Teach our children the old fashion way of self control and Godly morals. Amen.

Roger Hall
October 11, 2022

Lord, I pray as so many others have prayed for these upcoming elections. May your will be done.

Ester V Quesada
October 11, 2022

Thanks to our prayer warriors who God’s word on a daily basis. I did pray the prayer & believe every word that was prayed & believe it will come to pass, amen!

October 11, 2022


Janice LaBreck
October 11, 2022

I read your prayer and agreed in Jesus name for all of it. We need the evil removed from Washington, not only the WhiteHouse but the surrendering ares in that city. Not only the Biden’s, but the Obama, Clintons, I pray each day that God would save their souls and change the or remove them from the vincinity.

Maggie Johnson
October 11, 2022

Amen! Now we thank God for the outcome! We believe we received when we prayed!

October 11, 2022

Yes! I agree with this powerful prayer, in Jesus’ name and will continue to pray daily for the upcoming elections! May our Lord have mercy on us and move powerfully this November!!

Betty Kay Price
October 11, 2022

I prayed.

Grant Windholz
October 11, 2022

Lord God, every election year becomes more and more intense as our country and government continue to fall and become more wicked and evil. Please bring us Godly wisdom in our hearts and minds throughout these chaotic times. Let us ALL KNOW that YOU have and always will be in control of this country no matter what happens. a

October 11, 2022

Let it be so! In Jesus’ name!! To you alone be all glory forever Lord!

October 11, 2022

I stand in agreement! I had been led to pray for the Israeli and USA elections in October and the words here are confirmation to the words I was given. Either way, God will receive praise and honor due His name for all to witness!

Jessica Renshaw
October 11, 2022

I just prayed this prayer aloud and posted it on my blog hiddeninjesus and on Facebook (Jessica Shaver Renshaw.) My husband Jerry and I walk around our neighborhood every day. We will PRAYER walk the neighborhood from now until after Election Day, especially as we pass our two local schools–Prisk Elementary and Stanford Middle School and our own polling place, the pyramid at Cal State Long Beach!

Tess Jaworowski
October 11, 2022

I have prayed in agreement with this. I am so grateful for these prayers that I receive via email; for, as was noted, words don’t come to me easily. I know that God knows my heart; but, I do want to pray earnestly and fervently.

Linda Robinson
October 11, 2022

I prayed

Paulene Dougherty
October 11, 2022

I am praying in agreement with this, God said he would save Sodom and Gomorrah for 10 righteous, Surely there are more than 10 righteous in the USA. Father, please give the USA one more chance for the sake of the remnant and do a miracle in this election, we ask that every attempt to cheat be thwarted and exposed. We ask that you shut the lying mouth of the media as you shut the mouth of the lions for Daniel. We ask that you restore the faith of those ( including me) who have trouble believing after the events of the last election. I believe, help my unbelief in Jesus name, amen

October 11, 2022

Thank you Father for listening and restoring our land.

Barbara Janicki
October 11, 2022

Yes! prayed this in agreement with all who are praying for these elections and will continue to pray these scriptures and prayers even as I go door to door for a congressional candidate in my district, to unseat a long time incumbent – this would truly be a miracle. She is not a politician (previously) but an immigrant who came here years ago to escape communism. And now she sees what she fled from happening here – may it not be so – not on our watch! We truly do need God’s divine intervention and protection – that cheating be prevented and people moved to vote for the righteous who will serve as unto the Lord. Voting is the way our voices can be heard and counted if elections are fair. Courage is needed. I had to overcome fear and decide to put a yard sign for this candidate in my front yard. Sad that we have to consider the possibility of vandalism or worse just for participating as a citizen in the electoral process and supporting a candidate. Prayers for protection of our free thought and free speech rights in this country – and thank You, Lord that we have enjoyed these freedoms in the past – may we not take them for granted but be diligent to preserve them and pass them on to future generations. http://www.mtothe5th.wordpress.com

October 11, 2022

I am and have been in agreement and those corrupt politicians do not have a party for there are corrupt people, in general, in Washington, DC.

Brian Lynch
October 11, 2022

Excellent prayer. We need a miracle- working God to move mightily on our behalf in the upcoming elections. You, Father God, know exactly who it is that You wish to be in office for such a time as this. We thank you in advance for Your intervention in this critical upcoming election. May Your will be done. In Jesus’ name.

October 11, 2022

Lord we ask for Your holy hand to be upon the upcoming midterms. We ask that You would do miracles across our nation. We pray for righteous, godly people to fill vacancies, seats & positions of influence in federal, state, regional, local & other decision making committees. We ask that You would bless godly people with incredible fortitude & steel resolve – that they would dedicate all they do into Your hands. In places where there are no believers running in races, please place someone in the position that honors law & order & will uphold Your precepts & commands.
For those who are planning to steal, deceive, commit fraud, accept bribes, tamper with results in anyway, shape or form – expose them daily. Bring sleepless, neverending conviction to fall on them. Let their sin exhaust them mentally & physically, causing them to make mistakes. Let their wrongdoing eat away at their insides, prior & through to the day of election. Bring forth whistleblowers in droves. Let them confess – give them godly courage they have never experienced before. We pray Your holy hand would cause continual interference to those who will try to manipulate electronic election results – allow their tampering to be fully exposed & caught for the world to see. We pray where copycat, additional illegal ballots are printed, stored or transported – that there will be mechanical breakdowns that DO NOT ALLOW them to produce, print or to reach their destinations. We pray for insider information to reveal transport routes, times, locations, people involved…. reveal that to honest law enforcement servants, concerned citizens & that they will stop it. We know that You can do all these requests Lord & we ask You to bring about this justice. We stand in unity asking & believing for this in Your holy name. May You alone receive all the glory…. amen.

Barbara Wildner
October 11, 2022

Jesus has allowed the 2020 election to happen because he has revealed evil that is in our government and it was hidden from us but now we see. The enemy can do nothing without permission from the Lord. He wants to wake people up and have them come into the Kingdom. God is Love ❤️

    Dale Wislon
    October 11, 2022

    Barbara…. in agreement with you, I have to trust that this is what God allowed to happen. I recall the tens of thousands of people who gathered in DC before the ’20 vote with Franklin Graham as well as many other Christian leaders from our land. Even Vice President Pence surprised everyone and came out and prayed with the people there and even quoted II Chronicles 7:14 in their midst. And yet…here we are. I pray that this is the case…that God ‘allowed’ us to have the miserable, horrid leadership we see now in not only DC but across this country. That we will not make the same mistake again! I am trusting HE will help us as a country turn this around come the midterms as well as the ’24 election. Heaven help us if we do not!!

Kelley Wallace
October 11, 2022

Thank you so much for being this prayer to us to express the cry of our hearts!

Cindy Jennings
October 11, 2022

I stand in full agreement with the prayers above and say Amen and Amen! May God arise and His enemies be scattered! I am also praying for deliverance and “Road to Damascus” experiences for many of our elected officials that are participating with the plans of satan. May the scales be lifted from their eyes and their hearts receive the Truth of Heaven, Jesus! Amen

Constance Crank
October 11, 2022

Yes I too stand United in claiming Gods promises over our elections for righteous leaders to be voted into office. Godly representatives elected to declare our land belongs to God first and foremost. Yes in the mighty name of Jesus Thank you for sharing this.

Elizabeth Blackwell
October 11, 2022

Praying and believing it is done!

Maryrose Rinaudo
October 11, 2022

I come in agreement today!!!
In the mighty name of Jesus

Steven J Fuller
October 11, 2022


Patricia Ralston
October 11, 2022

Thank you Father for what you are accomplishing. Father you are the Great I Am, The Beginning and the End. You Created the whole World. Nothing is impossible, for you. I love you and give you all the praise and glory Amen

Rhonda Vaccarello
October 11, 2022

In the name of Jesus He goes before us and answers our prayers as we are in the war room He has won the battle Amen

Jamie Brown
October 11, 2022

Also Lord that you would remove ALL ungodly leaders and teachers in our schools, colleges and education administrations. Amen!

October 11, 2022


October 11, 2022

Thank you for this beautiful website where many of us can pray together to help heal and bless our wonderful USA.

Janet Crane
October 11, 2022

I sat in my car and read, prayed and decreed this prayer. I will pray it everyday until Election Day . It is by God’s power and His answering our prayers that America shall be saved.

October 11, 2022

Father, how far we have fallen, but Your grace is sufficient for each and every need. Today our nation celebrates what You condemned. May we also condemn sin and exalt righteousness. Jesus reminded us that if we hunger and thirst for righteousness we will be satisfied. May this be true in our election that is ahead of us. May we not only hunger but may we search out the candidates that are righteous in their walk and talk and honor them by giving them our vote.

Marsha Bashor
October 11, 2022

I pray that Doug Mastriano be our new governor in Pennsylvania, that you O Lord are making a way for him because he had sought your guidance in running for it. And he is your man for this position for such a time as this! Thank you Lord❣️Protection upon him and Rebbie and their family and their team we pray❣️

October 11, 2022

Thank you for drawing our attention to these scriptures. We prayed with you today.

Marsha Bashor
October 11, 2022

I totally agree with all of you that every godly person running for an office ( senator, representative, governor, and others) in this upcoming election be granted that office to hold, that he/she be moved into that position regardless of any negative circumstances or financial lack. That you Lord would see to it that each one would safely be given and take hold of that office they are running for, by your Devine power. In Jesus’ name I pray.

October 11, 2022

Yes and Amen! Lord God have mercy on the governer’s and senate race in Pennsylvania! Pour out your spirit on the believers and conservative voters to vote for the candidates that most align with your Word! Bless Doug Mastriano and his team. In Jesus name let it be done!

Dianna Pribble
October 11, 2022

Yes and AMEN!!!

October 11, 2022

This prayer completely echos the desire if my heart as well. YES AND AMEN!!!

October 11, 2022

I pray that “the fruits of the Lord’s Spirit” are installed into the people that are to rule our nation.

October 11, 2022

Let the son of righteousness rise with healing in his wings for the United states of America. We thank you mighty God for your word
of integrity and honor, and that your word is alive, that the battle belongs to you, and you laugh at the efforts of darkness. Praise your holy name, and the name above all names, Jesus the Christ of Nazareth. GLORY !!!!!

October 11, 2022

I was driving down the road listening to Flashpoint, and Catherine E was talking about election integrity, and I cried out to the Lord in despair, ‘Oh Lord, they’re going to do it again, they are going to steal the election!” I heard Him say to me, “Who do you think I AM.”
Do not fear, keep praying, He is the great I AM, the Creator of the universe, nothing is too hard for him. NOTHING!

T.F. Otwall
October 11, 2022


October 11, 2022

yes! i prayed!

Sheila Steck
October 11, 2022

Father, we all agree in this prayer for our election in November. In Jesus’ Name, Amen!!!

October 11, 2022

HALLELUYAH ! Your will be done ABBA.

October 11, 2022

Amen, amen, amen!!!

October 11, 2022

I prayed along with all believers. On the Hebrew calendar this is the year 5783; the year of “Abundance and Expansion”.
Lord Jesus, through Holy Spirit, I ask for abundance and expansion of righteousness and holy living and the crowding out of evil. Here and in Israel and all the world. Amen

Deborah Bax
October 11, 2022

Thank you for giving a guide on how to pray for our nation. I agree with all my brothers and sisters that this prayer will be answered. Praise be to the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus!

Lorrie Dalfo
October 11, 2022

Praise You Lord for healing America. In Jesus Name

Anne Cox
October 11, 2022

When God’s people pray together claiming His Word MIRACLES happen!
Praise Our Lord Christ for His Glory, Love and Justice!

Anita Harbin
October 11, 2022

Father, we thank you in advance for what you are gonna do in our elections this year. We thank you that your word does not come back void but that it accomplishes everything it sets out to do., in Jesus name Amen

Brenda Norton
October 11, 2022


Paula Helmick
October 11, 2022

Lord I thank you that your word does not return void! We know that you will do what it says in Jesus name amen!

October 11, 2022

Yes, Lord, I agree. The enemy has come in like a flood bringing destruction in its path, we are raising a standard against it in the name of Jesus, a mighty warrior. Your Word “ T the name of Jesus every knee will bow every tongue will confess that You are Lord.” We declare that You are Lord over these elections, we will see the results of Your host of angels defeating the plans of the enemy. By the blood of Jesus

October 11, 2022

Agreed in 🙏

Carol Carrone
October 11, 2022

God is good and His mercy endures forever! America will be saved and the righteous will be elected, in Jesus name!

Jimmie Klawitter
October 11, 2022

I agreed in prayer this morning for everything in this prayer, repentance for our nation, a mighty move of God’s spirit and godly men and women to be elected in every post. Thank you for sending this out.

October 11, 2022

Agreeing in Jesus mighty name! Amen

October 11, 2022

O Lord, our God, we pray for this upcoming election. We bind our prayers with every Christian praying. May only righteous and just , Godly men and women be victorious. May this election be safe from all deception. Grant those who vote a clear vision of the difference between candidates. Place upon the hearts of voters Your will. Lord, we thank You for Your answered prayers. In Jesus ‘ Holy Name.

October 11, 2022

Thank you for your prayer ministry. I prayed this beautiful prayer today. I believe it is one all of us should pray everyday until Election Day.

October 11, 2022

Thank you for restraining satan. Thank you for placing rightious new leaders in position of goverment.
Thank you for saving our children.
Thank you for saving our nation so we might serve others.
We agree and stand 🙏

Judy K
October 11, 2022

Lord God, you have shown us how mighty you are in destroying the Georgia Guidestones. We ask now that you do the same in this upcoming election. Destroy every illegal ballot before it gets counted. Thwart any effort that is made to sway the election results. We know you can do all things and we trust you to make this a free and fair election. In Jesus mighty name, Amen!

Sandra Jones
October 11, 2022

I prayed. I declared. And I believe!!! God is faithful!

Merry D.
October 11, 2022

(Eph 3:20) Yes & Amen!!!

Rev Judith Hyten
October 11, 2022

Dear Jesus,
I believe that Your Word has laid up every word that says, “You have laid up those things for us which eye has not seen, nor ear heard things which would not entered into the of man, except You revealed them by Your Spirit.” I agree You promised these things. Please continually give us Intercessors discernment of what to PRAY for in this coming election. I PRAY these things in Name of Jesus Christ, Amen!

October 11, 2022

We believe by Faith it is done in Jesus name.

October 11, 2022

by Eva

America’s leaders are leading us nowhere,
Walking in darkness away from the light,
Leaders “sworn in” with their hands on the Bible
While mocking G-D’s Word and rejecting what’s right.

They’re shameless corrupters with self-serving interests:
Haters of G-D filled with evil contempt.
Look at the course our Nation is taking
Through such leaders who are fully “hell bent”!

Our choices today will affect us tomorrow!
It’s our children’s children who’ll suffer our wrong;
For the consequence of our electing such leaders
Has weakened America: a nation once strong.

What account shall we give one day to our children
In regards to our “sin-sick” society?
What reason shall we give for America’s downfall?
The reason has to do with you and me!

Is there hope for our Nation? Yes and amen!
America must return to G-D once again.
We must choose to serve Him with all of our hearts;
For only then will He heal and restore our land.

Then we must “break the silence”, “speak out”, and “offend”;
It’s time to kick immorality out the door!
We must vote in strong leaders after G-D’s own heart,
Who will restore America to greatness once more.

Yes, our choices today will affect us tomorrow.
It’s time to change course while it is yet “day”!
For nothing’s impossible with G-D on our side,
As long as we hearken to Him and obey.

Carrol Mooney
October 11, 2022

We are so blessed to be able to pray and know He hears and answers. We are His children to celebrate with our family victory at the. Freedom to ask I thank you for this ministry to join our hearts.


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Dave Kubal
IFA President
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