Voters in Ohio Tuesday strongly rejected a measure that would have made it more difficult to amend the state’s Constitution. Supporters of liberalized abortion laws celebrated, while one pro-life group called it “a sad day for Ohio.”

President Joe Biden praised the result as a victory for women because it leaves the door open to enshrine abortion in the Ohio Constitution this November.

Issue 1 is a ballot measure that would have made it harder to approve any amendment to the Buckeye State’s Constitution by raising the current requirement from a simple majority of voters to 60% of ballots cast.

Opponents of Issue 1 charged the special election was aimed at a November referendum on a constitutional amendment that would guarantee abortion access in Ohio.

Meanwhile, a broad bipartisan coalition opposed Issue 1 for other reasons. Former Ohio governors and attorneys general of both parties had come out against the constitutional change. If passed it would reverse 111 years of state tradition that has the potential to affect future citizen-led ballot efforts. (Excerpt from CBN.)


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