
900 Court Street, Suite 254
Salem, OR 97301-4047

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Submitted Prayers (3) for Tina Kotek

Diana B
April 17, 2024, 10:38 am
Father God, our One True God, our Heavenly Father. I pray today for Ms Kotek, that she will be on bended knee and that she prostrates herself before your Holy Throne. I pray that she confesses her sins, sins against you, sins against humanity, sins that she has committed. I pray that she confesses his sins for her promoting the death of unborn babies - which is murder, confesses his numerous and continuous lies, confesses her sins of promoting and indoctrinating our children of transgenderism - which is mutilation and destroying of what You created perfectly, and she confesses his hatred of the United States, Israel and her hatred of You. I pray that she becomes the leader that she was elected to be, to serve all of Oregon, not just those that she chooses, but the entire state of Oregon and all of its citizens. Holy One of Israel I ask that You open her heart, open her ears, open her soul to Your Holy Word, to Your Voice, to Your Commandments. I pray that she will receive You with all of her heart, soul and strength and she will confess that You are our One True God and be saved by the Power of Your Holy Name and the Power of the Blood of Yeshua. I pray this in Your Most Holy Name, Yeshua - Jesus, Amen.
Elizabeth L
November 14, 2023, 12:56 pm
Father show Tina Kotek your light. Convict and convince her that you are God who loves her. Break all curses and bondages against her in Jesus' name. Please show up in her day to day to make it real that you are calling her. Turn her heart to you and cause her to govern Oregon righteously. I pray this in Jesus' might name.
Nicole M
November 3, 2023, 11:55 am
But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you - Jesus Lord we lift up Tina Kotek to you, I decree salvation and freedom over her life. I pray your will be done in her life as it is in heaven. You created Tina and her innermost being, I pray she would experience the true love of Jesus and come to know how much you care for her. Amen


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