
107 North Main Street
Concord, NH 03301

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Submitted Prayers (2) for Ron Dunn

George L
February 16, 2025, 2:34 am
Lord Jesus, I raise prayer for this elected official in the dark hours of the night. Grant him with the wisdom of the men of Issachar, that knew what their nation ought to do. Protect and defend his voice as he represents the best interests of those he serves. Make clear his pathway, provide just weights for his scale of judgement in complex issues. Light his path in the hope of his calling. Health, safety, and prosperity to him, those he loves, his staff, and those he represents through the times ahead. Amen, Amen in Jesus Name.
Darlene E
February 15, 2025, 5:53 pm
Father, I pray for Ron Dunn. Thank you for his service to New Hampshire. May he not serve for money or power, but out of a love for our country, our freedoms and our Constitution. Let him see how he needs to seek you for wisdom as he serves. Give him a hunger and thirst for righteousness and truth. May he seek you as the author of life and commit himself to Jesus Christ. Protect him and his family.


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