
288 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

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Submitted Prayers (26) for J.D. Vance

Helen Y
June 6, 2024, 5:56 am
Father God, I pray for J. D. Vance that you would raise him up and protect him and give him success with every righteous issue that he supports. Protect him and all of his household from the attacks of the enemy and from the forces of darkness. Give him your wisdom and your understanding, Lord, but if he won't listen to you, remove him from office and replace him with someone who will.
Deborah M L
June 2, 2024, 12:30 am
Lord God, Father, Creator, we lift up Senator J.D. Vance for Your working in his life, his circumstances and esp. in his heart and mind. I pray that Jesus, our advocate and His Holy Spirit, our counselor and guide will take our thoughts, our mumblings, our prayers and wishes for Senator Vance and lift them unto You for working, guiding, leading. I do hope and pray that he is a believer and that he has faith to seek after your will, your wisdom and guidance as he makes choices, decisions, promises and statements, that he will be informed and knowledgeable about his constitutional and "will of the people" duties and responsibility. I pray that the Love of Jesus and the power of the Spirit will be working in and around him for the best decisions and actions for his constituents, the people and the nation and to create honor and glory unto you. If he does not know Jesus personally, stir his heart/mind and draw him to awareness, Lord. We thank you and praise you for hearing our pleas, our petitions; Let Your Spirit flow into and among your people and the Nation and may your Will be done. Bless, guide and touch the person and the life of Senator J.D. Vance and that of his family.
Darlene E
May 29, 2024, 3:59 pm
Father, I lift up Senator JD Vance. Thank you for his service, for his love our country and for our Constitution. May he walk with you, desiring to glorify you in all he does. May he not be drawn into things that would cause him to sin but let him continue to strive to serve you. When he is tired, strengthen him for the battle that is still there to fight. Protect him and his family.
Anna F
May 29, 2024, 10:26 am
May Jesus be your refuge and your strength. Never surrender to evil no matter what happens. America is worth fighting for. Let not our soldiers sacrifice be for nothing. Jesus will always have the last word. In Jesus Name. Amen
Susan C
May 29, 2024, 4:23 am
Father God, Holy and worthy are You. I humbly bring JD to You seeking Your perfect will for his life and his service to our nation. I pray Your presence be with him and that You will pour out wisdom and understanding council and might knowledge and fear of the Lord. May You be glorified in him and Your purpose and plan for his life and service to our nation be fulfilled to the fullest. In Jesus name ??
Darlene E
May 27, 2024, 12:45 pm
Father, I lift up Representative Jeff Duncan. Thank you for his service to our country and his heart to serve wisely. May he seek you for wisdom in leading our nation. Give him a hunger and thirst for righteousness that he may seek Jesus and find true life. Protect him and his family.


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