
State Capitol 200 West 24th Street
Cheyenne, WY 82002

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Submitted Prayers (1) for Mark Gordon

Sherrie L
April 9, 2020, 5:57 am
Father I pray that you will show Mark Gordon your ways and the ways he needs to guide our state at this time. Even though he has some leftist leanings, show him that the scriptures are the only thing that will bring life to WY. Expose the things that need to be changed in his life. Draw him closer to you. As he does he will see the resurrection that Christ brought to us to show us how to live as lights. Bring true salvation and the baptism of the Holy Spirit to him that he will have power and a sound mind. Show him who Jesus is how he can follow Jesus and Lead this great state of ours out of this depression. Thank you for your life. Thank you for being my day in his life. Thank you that you're going to show him the real way to be a great governor.


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