
12940 Harriet Ave S Ste 238
Burnsville, MN 55337

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Submitted Prayers (35) for Angie Craig

Kathi B
July 16, 2024, 8:59 am
Lord Jesus, Heavenly Father, I lift Rep. Craig to you and ask that you bless her for the sacrifice she makes in serving the citizens of Minnesota and the nation as a whole. Open her heart to hear and respond to the Gospel message if she does not know you. Protect her, her family, and her staff from physical and spiritual harm. Remind her daily of the oath she swore to uphold when sworn into her office. Grant her wisdom and discernment regarding the constitution of the United States of America that each decision she is tasked to make would align with your heart and glorify your Son. I ask these things in Jesus' holy name and for the glory of Jesus may it be so. Amen
Sheila N
July 16, 2024, 7:48 am
We lift our voices in prayer and thanksgiving for Representative Angie Craig. We pray for a revelation of Your Word of Truth and Your values into the heart/spirit of Representative Craig. Enable her to see herself as You see her (Genesis 1:27; Ephesians 2:10), to humble herself before You (Isaiah 66:2), repent of her sins, transgression and iniquities (Psalm 51:17; John 8:3-11), and seek Your forgiveness and the forgiveness of anyone she has sinned against (Matthew 6:14-15; Mark 11;25). If she does not know You as her savior, we pray she would have a saving encounter with You (Ephesians 1: 17-23). We pray that Representative Craig be convicted to seek Your wisdom, knowledge, understanding (Isaiah 11:2) and Your will as she serves the people of Minnesota and fulfills her duties and responsibilities in the House of Representative. In Jesus name, Amen
Linda E
March 17, 2024, 12:07 am
Dear LORD, thank You for Representative Craig's concern for the the veterans who have risked their lives in service to America, her support of the seniors in meeting their needs, for her practical insight on using the natural resources this nation has in abundance in producing clean energy, and for her desire in safeguarding the rights of farmers who provide for the food that sustains life. Continue to give her clarity of purpose and boldness to stand for the needs of the people. May she walk in integrity, and give her wisdom and discernment in how to navigate the difficult and chaotic needs of our nation. And Father, please send laborers into the field of harvest who can draw her close to You. Let her come to know that You created her with a purpose and that she is precious in Your sight. Give her a desire to know Jesus as Savior and Lord. Bless her and keep her safe, I ask, in Jesus' Name. Amen.
Debbie J
March 16, 2024, 9:26 pm
I am praying for you!
Jennifer N
March 16, 2024, 1:45 pm
Father I come in Jesus Name presenting all the He is the I AM. I lift up my cousin Angie before you Lord asking for Godly wisdom, knowledge and understanding for her. As a Craig girl myself, this is personal to me Lord. I ask also for protection for Angie and for her family. You love America dear Lord, your name and Your Word is all over our founding documents, our buildings, and in our hearts, so it's personal to you too. We ask for Divine intervention and protection for our beloved country and her servants. We ask it all in Jesus Name and on the Authority of HIS WORD! AMEN! - Jennifer Craig Naglieri
Mark O
March 16, 2024, 9:03 am
Lord I lift up to You Rep Craig. May she seek You first before this world's ways. Protect her and her family and give her Your Wisdom and Truth. May she acknowledge You in all her ways as she serves her district. Help her to do her part to protect the unborn and our young children. Amen


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