
2905 Ernest Williams Rd
Autryville, NC 28318

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Submitted Prayers (1) for Brent Jackson

Ruth M
September 16, 2024, 2:30 pm
Father, You have given us the right to come boldly before Your throne through Jesus' sacrificial death on that cross. Thank You Father. Thank You Jesus. So I come before You to pray for Senator Jackson from North Carolina. Father, guide him in this governmental role representing North Carolina. Let hin be honorable firstly to You and then to the people he serves in NC. Give him wisdom, insight, courage, stamina . I pray he is known as a wise man of courage. Let him be wise in his job. Give him witty ideas and solutions. Guide him in Your way. Bless him. I pray he is blessed to be a blessing to You Father, his family, to the people of North Carolina and to the people of the United States. Let him be quick to admit to mistakes he has made and be willing and humble to repent and seek guidance. In Jesus' mighty name I pray. Amen.


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