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Submitted Prayers (28) for

Mary W
October 5, 2024, 1:56 am
For the Apostates praying to keep non-therapeutic abortion legal. Open their eyes to the fact that life is sacred and only You as our Creator can make life and death decisions regarding the Souls of the unborn.
Marcus A
August 24, 2024, 1:37 pm
Lord, during to coincidence of 40 Days for Life Campaign, Sept.25-Nov.3 and political campaigning before Presidential election of Nov.5 please Call multitudes of Christ professing men and Christian Church leaders to publicly advocate for Sanctity of LIFE. Please remove their hesitancy, fear and/or guilt to stand with women in front of abortion clinics to support expectant mothers to birth their children. Let men demonstrate the role you gave them as protectors and defenders of orphans, widows and the abused.
Donna G
August 11, 2024, 8:19 am
Most Gracious, Heavenly Father: Thank You for being the Giver of life and for those who stand up for the unborn! Please watch over and give provision and protection to pregnancy centers who seek life for all unborn. Please help them to show Your love and to guide parents to life. In Jesus' Precious Name, Amen
Sarah B
July 28, 2024, 11:50 pm
Lord, please break the hearts of everyone in this country for the unborn. How sacred and precious they are. Wake unbelievers up , I would ask even appear to them and. Change their hearts for You.
Sheron L
July 11, 2024, 9:42 am
Father, You have created babies in the womb. Surgeons actually operate on infants in the womb as they do with adults. You, O Lord, have given the surgeons the skills and the babies life.These infants are loved by you. We confess to you that many infants are killed in uteri to hide the sins of their parents. O Lord, bring many people in our country to a knowledge of Your goodness and kindness. Cause them to follow You in purity and love that the blight of infanticide/ abortion might be eradicated. Shower your love and forgiveness on those who have had abortions. Provide for their sexuality needs within the context of Your will,, Your love and Your loving purpose for them. In Jesus name, Amen
Sheron L
July 10, 2024, 6:54 am
Father, Many Christians in China are suffering for their Faith. Freedom to act, think, speak and worship is greatly controlled by the government. I would ask that you would release the Chinese from bondage and draw many of these beautiful people to yourself. Protect Your people here and in China from wickedness in government and cause the truth of the Gospel to go forth in power to both the populace and to Chinese government officials. In Jesus name, let it be.


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