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Submitted Prayers (20) for Celeste Maloy

George L
July 21, 2024, 2:07 am
Father God, Take special note of this elected servant. One who by aclimation of the people she reprisents has been placed in office to reprisent their needs, values, and standards before the nation and the world. Bless her, her house, her staff, and those she reprisents with, safety, health and welfare. Grant her great wisdom and understanding of the times to know as the men of Issachar what the nation should do. Make clear the motives of those that seek her vote. Let every lie, half truth, or hidden agenda fall to ground before her. Preserve her honor and the reputation of her judgement. In Jesus Holy Name, Amen
Linda E
July 20, 2024, 11:43 pm
Father, thank You for Representative Maloy. Please encourage her and strengthen her as she serves the nation in Congress and locally in her home State of Utah. Give her Your wisdom and counsel so that she may learn to turn to You, rather than to man or leaning on her own understanding, when making all decisions, especially those today that affect so many. Lord, there is so much chaos in the world today, so much disrest and confusion. Please bring others who will stand in unity and be a strength to her. Bless her family and hold them safely in the palm of Your right hand. In Jesus' Name Amen.
Mark O
July 20, 2024, 1:39 pm
Dear Almighty God. I thank you that You love all people and are interested in our wellbeing. I lift up to You Rep. Maloy. May she know you in a powerful way today and may she lean on Your ways and not the ways of this world. Please provide her with Your Wisdom and Truth so that she may serve her district well. Protect her and her family and provide them their needs. Help her to do her part to save the unborn. In the name of Jesus! Amen "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." John? ?3?:?16? ?
Sheila N
July 20, 2024, 12:07 pm
Heavenly Father, we Pray Representative Celeste Maloy is convicted that she is created in the Your image; woven together in the womb of her mother by Your hands, from conception to birth, for Your purpose and Your plan (Psalm 139:13-16) at a time such as this time (Esther). Lord God, we pray she be convicted to seek Your wisdom, knowledge and understanding (Isaiah 11:2)) and to demand of herself honesty, integrity, and loyalty (Psalm 26, Proverbs 11:3), righteousness and justice (Proverbs 21:15). We pray she is convicted to measure every thought, word, decision and action she takes against Your precepts (Psalm 111:10). We pray Representative Maloy sees our constitution as our founding fathers intended. May she be convicted that America was discovered, explored, settled and founded as Your city on a hill (Matthew 5:14) for the purpose of sending Your message of Salvation to every person, place, tribe and nation under heaven (Rev.14:6). We pray that she is convicted that she must be "prepared to give an account to Almighty God"(Hebrews 9:27; Romans 14:12). In Jesus name, Amen
Deborah M L
July 12, 2024, 12:36 am
Dear Lord, I do not know this woman or anything about her, but PTL you do, so I implore that Your Holy Spirit will be working in and around her life and circumstances. I pray that she is a woman of faith who will seek your wisdom, guidance and leadership; that she will seek you for her strength and sustenance. Surround her with people of strong principles and truth for their working platform and their agenda for the citizens of their state and the entire USA. "For I will give you words and wisdom that none of your adversaries will be able to resist or contradict." (Luke 21:15) Thank you, O' Lord for hearing our pleas and may Your Holy Spirit be at work cleansing our land and our government. May Your people be strong and bold, standing up for truth and goodness for all and striving to honor you in all they do. I pray, Father God that you will grant wisdom. understanding, knowledge and guidance for Representative Celeste Maloy. I pray Lord God, that she would have strong Constitutional and Conservative principles and would stand strong for Individual freedoms, rights, rule of law and equality of all in You. Thank you, Oh Lord, for hearing our pleas, our mumblings ; may Jesus, The Advocate, intercede for your perfect answer and will for all..
Sheila N
July 11, 2024, 12:05 pm
Lord God, I pray that Your Word, spoken by Christian prayer warriors, into the life of Celeste Maloy has taken deep root. We pray she has been convicted to see herself as You see her, created in Your image (Genesis 1:27) for Your plan and purpose (Jeremiah 29:11, Ephesians 2:10) at a time such as this (Esther). We pray that Representative Maloy is convicted of John 3:16, that "...God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whoever believes in Him should not parish but have everlasting life," and that "...The fear of the Lord - that is wisdom, and to shun evil is understanding," (Job 28:28). We pray she be blessed with godly counsel and God-fearing advisors (Proverbs 24), and that she is convicted to seek Your wisdom, knowledge, understanding (Isaiah 11:2) and Your will as she represents Utah in the House of Representatives. In Jesus name, Amen.


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