
101 W 1st St Ste 501
Dixon, IL 61021

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Submitted Prayers (2) for Bradley Fritts

Linda E
September 1, 2024, 12:19 am
Father, thank You for nurturing this young man who seems genuinely concerned with the welfare and needs of others. Bless Representative Fritts as he seeks to serve his district. Although he is very young, he has acquired much experience in service to others, and his heart seems so sincere. Use him to make positive changes for his State and ultimately the nation, if that is Your direction for his life. Only You know what his life will be, so please, Lord, send men who serve you into his path who can counsel and guide him in Your ways. May he continue to be a strong supporter of his church that will be an encouragement and support for him. We all need Christian influences in our lives, Father, as the days are getting darker. Give him wisdom and discernment, a clear call, and may he continue to be a man of integrity. In Jesus' Name, I pray. Amen.
Catherine S
August 31, 2024, 6:55 pm
Father Almighty, You pick up Kings and put them down. You are the God that answers by fire. I pray that House of Rep. Bradley Fritts glorifies Your Name as He brings forth what is Justice and True and stands for Righteousness. I pray that he is a worthy vessel to be trusted in law and deliverance for what is right in the land of America and the state he represents, Illinois. Give him a compassionate heart and one that trembles at the thought of the Mighty God who shakes the earth. I seal this prayer with the Blood of Jesus, and it is in Jesus Mighty Name I pray, Amen.


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