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Washington, DC 20515

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Submitted Prayers (11) for Eli Crane

Deborah M L
February 15, 2024, 6:06 pm
Dear Lord, I do not know this man or anything about him, but PTL you do, so I implore that Your Holy Spirit will be working in and around his life and circumstances. I pray that he might be a man of faith who will seek your wisdom, guidance and leadership; that he will seek you for his strength and sustenance for the choices he makes, the decisions and words that he shares as a representative of the people. I pray, Father God that your Spirit will be working in and around the life and the position of Representative Eli Crane. Surround him with people of strong principles and truth for their working platform and their agenda for the citizens of their state and the entire USA. "For I will give you words and wisdom that none of your adversaries will be able to resist or contradict." (Luke 21:15) Thank you, O' Lord for hearing our pleas and may Your Holy Spirit be at work cleansing our land and our government. May Your people be strong and bold, standing up for truth and goodness for all and striving to honor you in all they do. Thank you Oh God for hearing our pleas, our petitions for our representatives. Do a powerful work in the halls of Congress that there would be more calling on your name and your wisdom. Please continue granting your Grace to America and effect a change of spirit, of attitude and direction.
Heather J
February 12, 2024, 2:29 pm
Heavenly Father, please continue to protect Eli and give him courage to continue to stand up for the American people. We thank You for brave men like Eli, in congress, standing up and speaking out for what is right. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.
Sheila N
February 12, 2024, 10:53 am
I pray in agreement with prayer warriors engaged in spiritual warfare on behalf of Representative Eli Crane. We lift him up, stand in the gap under the authority Jesus gives His disciples in Matthew 28:18-19, and pray in Jesus' name that he be surrounded by spirit-filled Christian disciples who are able to speak Your Word of Truth and Your values into his life. We pray in Jesus' name for the binding (Matthew 16:19) of satan's rulers, authorities, powers of this dark world and spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms (Ephesians 6:12) and for "the demolish(ing) of arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God," (2 Corinthians 10:5). We pray for the loosing (Matthew 16:19) of open eyes, listening ears and a soft heart that will enable Mr. Crane to receive revelation of Your truth and values into his spirit. We pray that Eli Crane is convicted to receive Your gift of salvation (John 3:16) and "take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ," (2 Cor. 10:5). We pray he be blessed with godly counsel and God-fearing advisors (Proverbs 24). In Jesus name, Amen.
Steven W
September 29, 2023, 3:12 pm
Heavenly Father, I ask for Your blessing on Eli Crane. Grant him the wisdom, guidance, discernment and conviction he needs to continue to stand for truth, justice and righteousness in Congress. I pray for Your protection over him and his family. keep them all healthy and safe. Lord, I know Eli's job representing the people of the second congressional district in Arizona is not easy. I ask that Your light would shine through him to honor You, and to be effective at enacting and upholding laws, ordinances, regulations and policies that are right in Your sight, and those that honor Your precepts and commands. I the powerful name of Jesus I pray and ask these things. Amen
Deborah L
September 25, 2023, 12:49 am
Father God, I do not know this person and I do not truly know how to pray for him; I do not know his heart and soul condition, but PTL You do. I commit Representative Eli Crane to the working of Your Holy Spirit, for the outcome of his eternal soul and his life, that he might be redeemed and that he might make a positive impact on other lives he encounters. Lord, draw him unto yourself and Your purpose for his life. I am not sure if he is a true conservative; I hope that he is Pro-America, Pro-religion/Judeo-Christian ideals and Pro-Constitutionalism. I pray God give him understanding and discernment and grant him real wisdom. Oh Lord, In the Name and by the power of Jesus Christ and the Spirit he gives us, we pray for this man that You would do a work in his life, in his heart that he might see Your Will and discern your direction for his life and his purpose and mission in Government and as a legislator. May he open his heart and mind to see You and Your guidance and not be prey to the whims and weaknesses of society, of harmful, misdirected ideologies and evil influences. I pray that he will be a strong influence for Truth, for America and patriotism as guided by our Constitutional foundation. Thank you o' God for hearing our pleas and petitions for the heart and soul of our nation, our people, for Your blessing over America; do not withdraw your favor and sustainment, but sweep the nation and the halls of our governmental offices with the power of Your Spirit.
Sarah Elsie B
September 24, 2023, 11:17 pm
Praying nightly for you Eli.


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