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Atlanta, GA 30339

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Submitted Prayers (47) for Raphael Warnock

Sharon H
May 23, 2024, 3:52 pm
This day I pray for Mr. Warnock. As hard as it is , I thank God that he is a Senator from Georgia. God please inspire him by opening his eyes and softening his heart to the Truth of God's Word. May the Holy Spirit fill him with Wisdom that can only come from the Lord. Your Ways are not our ways. In praise and power, Amen
Ellen U
January 6, 2024, 10:52 am
Dear God, I realize that Senator Raphael Warnock is in a leadership position. Let him put You God and Your desires foremost in his position as a member of the Senate. Show him the way that You want him to go and do not let him stray from this path of righteousness. IN Jesus Holy Name, Amen
George L
December 10, 2023, 1:38 am
Father God, I lift up this fine servant of his constituents, those people whom trust him to perform his duties before the public in service to them. Oh God, mighty and everlasting make straight the paths before him. Give wisdom and clear sight of all intents set before him in legislation, personal decisions and public policies. May his balance of justice be served by true and fair weights and values. May the poor be given careers, work to care for their families. May the businesses in his district prosper. May their profits spread in works of pubic good. May the burden on the governments so be reduced. Bless the people he serves with health, strength, and compassion. Empower their ability to help those in need. May every one in his district be blessed in the doing of righteous deeds. May their baskets overflow with blessings. In Jesus Holy Name. Amen and Amen
Linda E
December 9, 2023, 11:31 pm
Father God, I bring Senator Warnock before Your throne of grace asking for Your touch upon His life. As a pastor he knows that all life is sacred and blessed by You, and I pray, Dear Lord, that You will remind him of what Your word so clearly states. Our Constitution was established on Your moral code by our country's forefathers, so I pray that he will support and defend the Constitution as law as he promised to do when he took office. This country is in a mess, and only You can fix it, Father, so I ask that You would guide Senator Warnock according to Your word that is a lamp unto his feet and a light into his path. Give him Your wisdom and discernment to make decisions that You will in leading this nation, and may he be a voice for truth and righteousness rather than following the advice or counsel of those who oppose Your word, Your truth, Your light. Bless him, I pray, in Jesus' Name. Amen.
Brian l
December 9, 2023, 10:19 am
Lord Jesus, please bless and protect Your servant and his family. Please give him ears to hear the still, small voice of Holy Spirit, and to respond in accordance with Your will.
Sheila N
December 9, 2023, 10:00 am
Heavenly Father, I thank You for the opportunity and privilege of adding my voice to the spirit filled prayers that are being lifted by Your prayer warriors on behalf of Senator Raphael Warnock. We pray that he cries out to You for mercy and salvation. Only You, Heavenly Father, knows where his heart stands. If Mr. Warnock refuses to be saved and to honor You and walk in righteousness and justice, we pray that his days in office will be few (Deuteronomy 16:18-20; Proverbs 8:20) and that another, who is a spirit filled believer in Christ be elected to take his place (Psalm 109:8), according to Your will and Your plans for the state of Georgia and for America. In Jesus name, Amen.


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