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Submitted Prayers (2,142) for Joe Biden

Trudee N
July 24, 2024, 3:48 pm
Father, it is with relief that I see President Biden withdraw from the presidential race. I am concerned for his health and there was a great deal of stress being placed upon him. I am thankful that he appears to have recovered from COVID. Your faithfulness is acknowledged. Father, President Biden needs to know You. His life is ebbing away and he faces eternal separation from You if he does not embrace Jesus as his Savior. Please draw him to You. Amen.
Shirley Q
July 23, 2024, 5:34 am
Lord we hear of all his evil ways but I know The Holy Spirit can reach and challenge his belief system..unless he is reprobate please continue to show him the truth of your love and way.
Corina D
July 22, 2024, 3:07 pm
Lord I pray for his salvation for his health and for his family to turn to God almighty in Jesus name I pray amen
Penny D
July 22, 2024, 2:43 pm
Papa, as Joe steps aside, I pray for you to bring healing and salvation to him and his family.
Ann L
July 21, 2024, 12:20 pm
Father God, Please lead Joe Biden to do the right thing and to submit himself fully to you.
Cynthia P
July 16, 2024, 9:29 pm
Thank you for Your promises, Dear Father, for passing over our sins, and covering them with Jesus blood. Our nation has and continues to sin grievously. We ask for Your mercy on us all! We like Israel of old are "a stubborn people" and need for You to melt hearts for Your Name"s sake. If I were to describe the things going on in our country to my earthly Father, Lord, he would not believe it. Washington DC is a cesspool, but some of us don't need to go further than our own city councils to see the corruption. Oh Lord, have mercy!! Lord, we ask that this crisis in our Presidency be resolved soon. Not only do our enemies see it, and have for years, but now our friends see it as well. Lord, protect us. We see the reaction in Europe and recognize that "unless the Lord build the house, they labor in vain who build it!" And yet none of this is a surprise to You. We see what the prophets and the Book of Revelation reveal and are aware of Your Sovereign Hand. Jesus said that when we see these things, "your redemption draws near!" Thank You for Your magnificent plan. Cause us to seek You for Your will in our lives that we might be a glory to You! In the midst of dark times Your light is even more brilliant. We praise You for the wonderful things we see You doing with friends and neighbors who seek You for the first time. Lord, we ask that in all this turmoil that You especially bring peace to Ukraine and Israel. The suffering has been great and we ask now for peace and healing in these lands. Give godly people righteous wisdom in these places that Your Name be glorified. In Jesus Precious Name!! Amen!!


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