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Submitted Prayers (30) for Marilyn Strickland

Deborah M L
July 15, 2024, 12:34 am
Father God, again a person I do not know how to pray for; I do not know this woman or her heart and soul condition, but PTL You do. I commit Marilyn Strickland to the working of Your Holy Spirit, for the outcome of her eternal soul and her life; that she might repent and that she might be redeemed and then she might make a positive impact on other lives she encounters Lord, draw her unto yourself and Your purpose for her life. Open her heart, her mind. Oh Lord, In the Name and by the power of Jesus Christ and the Spirit he gives us, we pray for this woman that You would do a work in her life, in her heart that she might see Your Will and discern your direction for her and her purpose and mission in Government. May she open her heart and mind to see You and Your guidance and not be prey to the whims and weaknesses of society, of harmful, misdirected ideologies and evil influences. Thank you o' God for hearing our pleas and for Your blessing over America; do not withdraw it, but sweep the nation with Your Spirit.
Bebe D
July 10, 2024, 6:41 pm
Thank you for giving your life in service to our country. I pray that you will have good health and mental strength and courage to stand for issues that will insure our country's health in every way.
Sheila N
July 10, 2024, 2:14 pm
We lift our voices in prayer and thanksgiving for Representative Marilyn Strickland. We pray for a revelation of Your Word of Truth and Your values into the heart/spirit of Representative Strickland Enable her to see herself as You see her (Genesis 1:27; Ephesians 2:10), to humble herself before You (Isaiah 66:2), repent of her sins, transgression and iniquities (Psalm 51:17; John 8:3-11), and seek Your forgiveness and the forgiveness of anyone she has sinned against (Matthew 6:14-15; Mark 11;25). If she does not know You as her savior, we pray she would have a saving encounter with You (Ephesians 1: 17-23). We pray that Representative Marilyn Strickland be convicted to seek Your wisdom, knowledge, understanding (Isaiah 11:2) and Your will as she serves the people of Washington and fulfills her duties and responsibilities in the House of Representatives. In Jesus name, Amen
Alberta S
July 10, 2024, 4:53 am
I pray Lord and Holy Spirit you give her the truth about life. How you are the one who brings true peace Father you say I am the truth and the way and the Life no man comes to the Father except through the son of God, Jesus. John 14:6. God is good. God bless you
Sheila N
July 4, 2024, 10:35 am
Heavenly Father, we Pray Representative Marilyn Strickland is convicted that she is created in the Your image; woven together in the womb of her mother by Your hands, from conception to birth, for Your purpose and Your plan (Psalm 139:13-16) at a time such as this time (Esther). Lord God, we pray she be convicted to seek Your wisdom, knowledge and understanding (Isaiah 11:2)) and to demand of herself honesty, integrity, and loyalty (Psalm 26, Proverbs 11:3), righteousness and justice (Proverbs 21:15). We pray she is convicted to measure every thought, word, decision and action she takes against Your precepts (Psalm 111:10). We pray Representative Strickland sees our constitution as our founding fathers intended. May she be convicted that America was discovered, explored, settled and founded as Your city on a hill (Matthew 5:14) for the purpose of sending Your message of Salvation to every person, place, tribe and nation under heaven (Rev.14:6). We pray that she is convicted that she must be "prepared to give an account to Almighty God"(Hebrews 9:27; Romans 14:12). In Jesus name, Amen
Christine S
July 4, 2024, 10:14 am
Blessed is the nation whose God is The Lord; and the people whom He hath chosen for His own inheritance. Psalm 33


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