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Submitted Prayers (13) for Ryan Wilcox

Bebe D
July 10, 2024, 7:25 pm
Thank you for giving your life in service to our country. Father in heaven, I pray that Rep. Wilcox will seek Your wisdom and guidance as he makes decisions about which issues to support. May his life be full of Your insight and integrity in every way, as he does things to protect the families in our nation.
Bebe D
July 10, 2024, 7:17 pm
Thank you for giving your life in service to our country. Father in heaven, please favor Rep. Wilcox with Your wisdom and discernment. Give him every skill he needs in deciding issues that will protect our families for the good of the nation.
Sheila N
July 10, 2024, 2:29 pm
As spirit filled Christian prayer warriors, we continue to lift Representative Randy Wilcox to You, Lord. We pray for his ears to hear and his eyes to see all that You are speaking into his spirit as he represents the 7th Congressional district of Utah in the House of Representatives. Bring Your Words to his remembrance when difficult decisions are before him. Convict Representative Wilcox to put Your standards first and to uphold Your plan for America. Bring to his memory that we are meant to be one nation under God. Remind him of words written in 1896: "Grateful to Almighty God for life and liberty, we establish the Constitution." We pray for the protection of Your angel armies from unrighteousness and injustice that the enemy has unleashed in America. Cause Mr Wilcox to become aware that Your plan for America is one of justice, righteousness and moral standards as written in Your Word. In Jesus' name, Amen
Deborah L
February 19, 2023, 1:20 am
Heavenly Father, I am deeply concerned about the direction that our beloved country is going, and I pray for your working in and around the lives of our Congresspersons and "leaders" of government. Father God, again this is a person I do not know how to pray for; I do not know this man or his heart and soul condition, but PTL You do. I commit Representative Ryan Wilcox to the working of Your Holy Spirit, for the outcome of his eternal soul and his life, that he might be redeemed and that he might make a positive impact on other lives he encounters. Lord, draw him unto yourself and Your purpose for his life. Open his heart, his mind to a real and true relationship with Jesus. Oh Lord, In the Name and by the power of Jesus Christ and the Spirit he gives us, we pray for this man that You would do a work in his life, in his heart that he might see Your Will and discern your direction for his life and his purpose and mission in Government. May he open his heart and mind to see You and Your guidance and not be prey to the whims and weaknesses of society, of harmful, misdirected ideologies and evil influences. Thank you O' God for hearing our pleas and for Your blessing over America; do not withdraw it, but sweep the nation with Your Spirit.
C f
February 3, 2023, 8:03 pm
Dear Lord Jesus Christ, please protect our legislators as they try to do their jobs in a righteous holy manner, please convince them in their hearts and minds and souls to do the right thing according to Your ways.
Sheila A
February 2, 2023, 2:08 am
Lord, I pray for Ryan Wilcox to have a reverential fear of You and to always put You first in all of the important decisions that he makes for this Country! In Jesus' Name, Amen!


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