Delbert Hosemann (R)
Lt. Governor|Mississippi

P.O. Box 1018
Jackson, MS 39215
Submitted Prayers (9) for Delbert Hosemann
Barbara S
July 6, 2022, 9:56 pm
I pray for the convicting power of the Holy Spirit to fall on Delbert Hosemann to act and vote in accordance with God's plans and purposes for this nation. I pray for him to turn from his wicked ways and serve God in our legislature. I bind his mind to the mind of Christ and the thoughts purposes and intent of God's heart in Jesus Mighty name.
Linda O
March 25, 2022, 11:18 am
Lord Jesus, Heavenly Father, I lift up the honorable Lt Governor Hosemann to you and ask that you bless him for the sacrifice he makes in serving the citizens of MS each day. Grant him courage, wisdom, discernment, knowledge and understanding that each decision he is tasked to make would align with your heart and glorify your Son. Protect him from physical and spiritual harm. Guide him with your eyes. I ask these things in Jesus holy name and for the glory of Jesus may it be so.
Sheila A
March 23, 2022, 10:09 pm
Lord, I pray for Delbert Hosemann to have a reverential fear of You as he makes leadership decisions. In Jesus' Name, Amen!
Susan B
March 23, 2022, 6:28 pm
Heavenly Father, I lift up Lt. Gov. Delbert Hosemann to you today. I pray that you would give him great wisdom in leading the state of Mississippi. I pray that he knows you as his personal savior and if not, that he would come to know you. As he stands for your truths, I pray that you would protect him and his family and his staff - put a hedge about them and keep the evil one from him. Give him godly men and women who will surround him and provide godly counsel. In Jesus name, Amen.
Brenda S
March 23, 2022, 8:58 am
Dear Lt. Governor Hoseman-
Thank you for serving the people that are looking to you to be their voice & representing their concerns.
I pray that you would know God's heart for them. May His wisdom and counsel guide you as you work with others towards the best possible solutions for the best possible outcomes for all who call Mississippi home.
Brenda Schaefer
1 Peter 3:12
"For the eyes of the Lord are toward the righteous, and His ears attend to their prayer, but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil."
Father, we are blessed to have Your attention, affection, care & provision! No matter the hardships that we face, we look to You to guide us through them so that we will be stronger, wiser, more humble & found faithful to You on the other side of them. We come to You because You are our Savior & Lord - there is no other. We are grateful that You hear our prayers knowing that all things are laid open before You - You are holy & right in all of Your judgments. Lord, guide our prayers through the power of the Holy Spirit & Jesus Christ our Mediator, to honor You in all things. In Jesus' name, amen.
greg w
March 22, 2022, 2:23 pm
Gracious Heavenly Father, may Delbert Hosemann know that it is Your hand and Your sovereign purpose that is keeping him and sustaining him in his divine commission. (Ps 38:12-15) Keep him, and those who serve him, safe from the enemy's snares and free from the accuser's traps. (Ps 141:9-10) By Your great hand, Lord, deal with those who oppose righteousness and justice so that all will know it is You alone who is sovereign and true. (Ps 64:6-9) In the Name above all names Yeshua Messiah. Amen.
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