
Legislative Office Building, Room 2704
Hartford, CT 06106-1591

I Prayed have prayed

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Submitted Prayers (8) for Anthony Nolan

Nancy B
December 31, 2023, 1:26 pm
I decree only the will of God be done in Anthony Nolan's life. If any antichrist ideology is present, I bind it in Jesus' name. I decree he is and will represent his constituents and not lobbyist groups. Communism and socialism are bound, and the principles as outlined in our constitution, Bill of rights and our country's original documents are loosed in his work. The communist party is very active in Connecticut, and I decree exposure to the public with resistance to antichrist ideology. Connecticut is a constitution state and will return to its original purpose as directed by Almighty God. I decree Anthony Nolan will protect the children from sexual grooming in schools and protect parental rights. I degree the original intent of Title 9 before it was revised will return to protect women and girl's rights. I declare government leaders will stand up to fight against the open border in our southern states to protect the people of America. We are one nation under God.
Nancy B
November 14, 2022, 11:16 am
Lord make him an instrument of your blueprints. I ask that he would stand against indoctrination of children in schools in area of politics and sexual issues and would push for all disclosures of curriculum to parents. I decree parents across Connecticut are rising up to protect their children from antichrist agendas. Righteousness and justice reign.
Nancy B
October 26, 2022, 10:36 pm
I decree that Anthony Nolan is a Saul to Paul leader for Jesus. I decree that he will work towards bringing moral and biblical laws to Connecticut and New London. Any antichrist ideology is bound and I loose the mind of Christ over him in Jesus name.
Nancy B
September 22, 2022, 4:39 pm
I bind any antichrist agenda in New London and loose truth and light into New London. I decree fair elections and unity and one accord in the people. Division is bound and biblical truths and actions are loosed into the government. Let God arise and his enemies be scattered. The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.
Nancy B
September 1, 2022, 4:28 pm
I bind any Marxist, communist and antichrist ideology and loose biblical truth in New London in government, churches and businesses. This is an exposure season and I decree God's will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven in Representative Nolan's life and in New London. I declare unity and one accord in the churches across the city and street evangelism to be released.
Nancy B
August 1, 2022, 8:35 am
I prayed that God's will be done through Anthony Nolan. Unite the Christian denominations as we are one body in the city. I bind any ideology that does not line up with Biblical teaching. The truth of your Word is loosed over New London. Conviction is over this city and will be effective wherever it is needed. No King but Jesus. I declare the government of God over the present government. Revival and reformation is loosed in this city as directed by the blueprints of God. I declare New London in a beachhead for the plans and purposes of God. All hindering spirits not of the Lord are bound in this city. The ekklesia is on the rise and Anthony Nolan is and will be used by God mightily for the Lord's purposes alone.


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