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Submitted Prayers (65) for J.B. Pritzker

Valerie F
August 7, 2024, 2:59 pm
Dear Governor Pritzker, In times like these when our world has become so divided along political lines, it is refreshing to know that you and our Lt. Governor have continued to promote love and equal opportunities for all Illinoian residents. At the end of the day, God created us all unique and wonderful in our own special ways. As the upcoming election approaches, I will continue to pray that God gives you Devine wisdom and understanding for such a time as this. As a Woman of Faith, I firmly believe that the prays of the righteous offers great power for our present day challenges. As our state's slogan implies, "We are all in this together!" When one marginalized person succeeds, it provides hope for the next marginalized individual. Love and kindness are guiding principles that bring unity in many areas when we choose to find common values. During turbulent administrative times, I encourage you to whisper a sincere prayer for wisdom and guidance to our Heavenly Father. Apostle Paul reminded Believers in Philippians 4:11-13 that he had learned to be content in every situation because he knew that with God's empowerment, he could do all things. Therefore, remain dedicated, focused, and vigilant with moving our state forward by promoting the best interest of residents. Thanks for your sacrificial time and service provided and may God continue to bless you and your family. Valerie Forte' Health & Wellness Advocate
Cindy S
May 2, 2024, 5:29 pm
Lord, I pray for J.B. Pritzger, that You would speak to him by name. Remove all barriers that are keeping him from being able to hear Your voice clearly. Draw him into a personal, saving relationship with Jesus, and re-orient his perspective so that he will begin to see all of life from Your point of view. Give him wisdom to make the right choices in all his decisions, especially including his actions in the office of Governor of Illinois. Cause him to prosper to the degree that he follows You faithfully, and may his leadership become a blessing to the people of the state of Illinois. I pray all these things in the mighty Name of Jesus Christ.
Robert W
May 2, 2024, 1:24 pm
Almighty God, I pray that you will provide Governor Pritzker with supernatural wisdom and understanding so that he may lead Illinois to righteousness, truth, justice and lawfulness. Open his eyes to see his standing before You and the eternal judgement he is facing. May he see clearly his sin, need for a Saviour, and need for repentance and turning to Jesus Christ for salvation. Protect Him from the evil one. Have mercy on his soul.
Lisa W
June 19, 2023, 1:56 pm
Lifting up J.B. Pritzker to you Lord Jesus. Praying he'll experience a "Saul/Paul on the road to Damascus" experience. Spirit of the Living God, fall afresh on J.B. Pritzker. Claiming the Victory power of Jesus name; the same power that rose Jesus from the dead. Amen
Judith C
November 5, 2022, 3:59 pm
Governor Prtizker, yesterday you attended and supported a cross-dressing drag show for Democratic candidates in the Chicago area. God's arm is not too short to save! I pray you will turn in repentance and confess to the Lord God Almighty and believe in Jesus Christ as Lord &Savior. You are walking the path of wickedness but there is forgiveness found only in Jesus Christ and He can redeem the years the locusts have eaten. We pray for a mighty work of God in your heart. In the name of Jesus~ Amen
Sheila N
August 22, 2022, 3:17 pm
I pray, in the name of Jesus, for Governor J.B. Pritzger. Dear Heavenly Father, please surround him by spirit-filled Christians who are able to speak Your Word of Truth and Your values into his life. I pray in agreement with prayer warriors for the binding (Matthew 16:19) of satan's rulers, authorities, powers of this dark world and spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms (Ephesians 6:12) and for "the demolish(ing) of arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God," (2 Corinthians 10:5). We pray for the loosing (Matthew 16:19) of open eyes, listening ears and a soft heart that will enable Mr. PritzKer to receive revelation of Your truth and values into his heart. We pray that J.B. Pritzker is convicted to receive Your gift of salvation (John 3:16) and "take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ," (2 Cor. 10:5). We pray he be blessed with godly counsel and God-fearing advisors (Proverbs 24). In Jesus name Amen


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