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Submitted Prayers (103) for Patty Murray

Trudee N
August 7, 2024, 4:14 pm
Father, Senator Murray is leading the Senate Appropriations Committee in efforts to approve 12 appropriation bills. I pray for a change in how the bills are approved. For so many years the committee work did not get done on time and an omnibus bill was passed at the last minute. Please keep her focused on this task that there will be closer oversight on government spending. Senator Murray has served the state of Washington for 31 years. She has promoted much evil legislation and does not seem to realize this. I pray for her mind to be opened to what she has done that she might repent. I pray that she would come to know Jesus as Lord and Savior, Amen.
Trudee N
July 10, 2024, 4:10 pm
Father, I pray for Your wisdom to guide Senator Murray as she decides whether to support the Illegitimate Court Counteraction Act (ICC Act). Please speak clearly to her and give her ears to hear. Also, Father, I pray that she would see her need for a Savior, repent of the evil she has done to this country (ie. support for unlimited abortion), and be welcomed into Your family through Jesus Christ. In His name, Amen.
Ken H
April 2, 2024, 10:15 am
Jesus, give Patty Murray dreams in her sleep. Dreams that warn her and guide her when she considers her ways. I pray she has your wisdom and understanding along with grace to make decisions that would be best for Washington state and the country. May she honor you and do what is right in your eyes.
Ed B
March 27, 2024, 4:43 am
Father in heaven, God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel, our nation was first consecrated to You in 1607 and several times after. You covenanted with us, leading to the prophesied re-establishment of Israel right down to the hour and blessing the USA beyond any nation, ever. Yet, we have sinned against You and deserve Your judgment. But, who can withstand Your judgment?. I put Senator Murray at the foot of Your throne and ask You to look upon her with favor and fill her with a desire to stand out and do what's right from Your perspective for Your glory and her salvation so that when she stands before you, like we all will, she will be found to be worthy of Your son. In the mighty name of Yeshua HaMashiach. Amen.
Trudee N
November 29, 2023, 3:56 pm
Father, Senator Schumer has written a letter to Senators requesting passage of new funding for the war in Ukraine. He sees the Ukraine issues as part of world-wide security. Lord, I pray the Senator Murray will carefully consider what is being asked. I pray she would not simply vote the party-line to support Senator Schumer but would examine the aid that has been provided to Ukraine thus far. There has not been a full accounting of this aid and that makes many hesitant to provide anything more. There is concern that financial aid has been used for other purposes than to support the war. Please nudge Senator Murray to ferret out the truth. She is unlikely to do this and thus my prayer for Your intervention. In the name of Jesus. Amen.
Priscilla M
August 17, 2023, 12:51 am
Father, Your mercy endures forever; it triumphs over judgment. The "better" sacrifice of Christ's blood now stains the Mercy Seat of Heaven, shouting loudly through the corridors of time: "You told us to wear; our faith is in Christ and His blood, nothing else. We arm ourselves with this provision and strike the giants of unrighteous government, false religion, abortion, pride, and other strongholds in the name of Christ, our Everlasting Redeemer. Father God You are our real God that made Heaven and Earth, which we honor! And with faith in Him, we use this same provision to move forward into our restored destiny. America exists to partner with the Lord Jesus Christ and proclaim His message throughout the earth. God is our one true Savior he is the only one who can break the chains the enemy, then help us start a new life living for Him. "Forgiveness and cleansing are Yahweh's specialties. He does not simply whitewash over our sins; Olam makes us new creations in Christ! When we wear this glove, placing our faith fully in God's grace and the blood of Jesus alone" Receive Him today" Jesus is standby to receive you today. ???????


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