
100 W Randolph St Ste 15-600
Chicago, IL 60601

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Submitted Prayers (7) for Mike Frerichs

Cindy S
May 2, 2024, 5:37 pm
Lord, I pray for Mike Frerichs, that You would speak to him by name. Remove all barriers that are keeping him from being able to hear Your voice clearly. Draw him into a personal, saving relationship with Jesus, and re-orient his perspective so that he will begin to see all of life from Your point of view. Give him wisdom to make the right choices in all his decisions, especially including his actions in the office of Treasurer of the State of Illinois. Cause him to prosper to the degree that he follows You faithfully, and may his leadership become a blessing to the people of the state of Illinois. I pray all these things in the mighty Name of Jesus Christ.
Priscilla M
January 19, 2023, 10:46 pm
Pray with me: Father, teach us more about the spiritual realm around us. Give us greater understanding of how to impact this dimension and extend Your Kingdom influence into it. Christ's victory is secure; we ask for greater revelation of how to release His victory into the earth, changing nations, cities, and people. Make us more conscious of the invisible realm where much of what happens on earth is determined. Simply just ask to receive eternal life. God loves you. ???
Karen E
July 17, 2021, 8:13 am
Please remember us and help keep election integrity strong...In God we trust and pray. Amen
February 18, 2019, 12:12 pm
Father God, I thank you for Your goodness and mercy and grace. I lift up Mike Fredrichs to you and ask you to bless him with godly wisdom and counsel. I pray that he will walk in Your ways and glorify you. Amen
Marla A
February 16, 2019, 6:40 pm
Father, I cover Mike Frerichs with the blood of Jesus. I pray that You would move on his heart and guide him. Give him wisdom and discernment to do his job honestly and n ot be swayed by anyone. I pray that he knows you as his Lord and Saviour and if not that he will. I pray that you protect he and his family.In Jesus name
Guadalupe D
August 19, 2018, 12:39 pm
Lord God intervene give us discernment let your will be done in Jesus name.


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