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Boston, MA 02203

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Submitted Prayers (37) for Elizabeth Warren

Gina F
July 14, 2024, 5:55 pm
Father Lord and Savior I thank you Father for Your Saving Grace and Your long suffering for our wayward ways!! Lord forgive us....forgive me when I wander from Your path and may I not wander far before Your loving hand goes before and behind me guiding back to You!! My prayer for Mrs. Warren is that in the same that that very same hand that guides me would touch her heart to awaken it to YOU...that it would begin to beat with a new life and a new that only beats for You! Touch her eyes to see You and just Who You are and that you are good and true and that she would see that see is so loved by You!! This I pray in the name of my sweet Savior....Jesus the name above ALL names!! Amen and amen!!
Darlene E
September 26, 2023, 12:12 pm
Father, I lift up Senator Elizabeth Warren. May she seek your wisdom in decisions for our nation. Give her a desire to walk in your ways, hearing your words, and knowing the truth that is Jesus, bowing in humility before him. May she not serve for fame or money, but to honor you, God of the Universe. May she have a desire to protect our children from all that is harming them. Open her heart and his mind to what is evil in your sight. Protect her and her family.
Teresa M
September 26, 2023, 7:59 am
The wisest man in history, King Solomon, said that "righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people" Proverbs 14:34. Lord God, we pray that the wisdom of these words will serve as a guide to Senator Elizabeth Warren. May her eyes be opened to correctly see Your greatness and awesomeness. May she be overcome with the fear of the Lord and not with fear of man or circumstance. Lord, we pray that Ms. Warren would seek and follow Your wisdom, Your Truth and Your leading, so that as she does, she will be instrumental in leading America in righteousness. Lord, please guide Elizabeth Warren's steps and guard her heart and mind. Lead her in the way of everlasting truth and Your everlasting Kingdom. Thus will her life and work be honorable to You and of great benefit to her fellow citizens. We pray this in the authority and power of the name of Jesus Christ. Amen
Kathi B
September 26, 2023, 7:51 am
Lord Jesus, Heavenly Father, I lift up Sen. Warren to you and ask that you bless her for the sacrifice she makes in serving the citizens of Massachusetts and the nation as a whole. Open her heart to hear and respond to the Gospel message if she does not know you. Protect her, her family, and her staff from physical and spiritual harm. Remind her daily of the oath she swore to uphold when she was sworn into her office. Grant her wisdom and discernment regarding the constitution of the United States of America that each decision she is tasked to make would align with your heart and glorify your Son. I ask these things in Jesus' holy name and for the glory of Jesus may it be so. Amen
Annette C
September 26, 2023, 7:42 am
God Almighty, I lift Senator Warren to You now and I ask You to bathe her in Your Glory. Love her, as you alone can. Draw her close and align her heartbeat with your own. Let Your Kingdom come in her life, Your will be done. In Jesus' wonderful name I pray!
George L
April 2, 2023, 3:29 am
Father, In the Precious name of Jesus, Lamb of God so precious. I stand forth in prayer for this servant of the people. Father protect from every lie, trick and deciet of the enemy. Cover family, loved ones, staff, and their families with the wings of the Almighty God. Defend their health, persons, and properties. Keep them in safe. Make straight their paths. Give to them all the Wisdom of Soloman and the heart of David. May the prayers of your people remove the obstacles in their paths. Light their way in darkness. May their constituents prosper in the times ahead. Amen.


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