
2 20th St N Ste 1130
Birmingham, AL 35203

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Submitted Prayers (23) for Terri Sewell

Michelle H
October 23, 2024, 11:18 am
Abba Father I pray that you lead our leadership to be lead by your purposes and pursuits for the whole country and that they do your will and not their own. I pray Abba Father that you will open their eyes to your understanding of who you are and what your will is at this point and time in our country. We thank you for your Holy Spirit being pour out on our representatives and that your wisdom would be supernaturally imparted to them to do what is righteous in your sight. Amen
Darlene E
October 22, 2024, 11:05 am
Father, I pray for Terri Sewell. Thank you for her service to you and our country. May she not serve for money or power but as serving you. May she have a love of our constitution. Give her a hunger and thirst for righteousness and life in Jesus Christ, Creator and Redeemer. May she seek you for wisdom in her decisions for our country. Protect her and her family.
Marie K
October 22, 2024, 7:57 am
My Jesus, in Your name send the Holy Spirit to touch Terri Sewell that she might do mighty works for your Kingdom here and now through her civil leadership role. AMEN
Theresa T
November 2, 2023, 4:36 pm
Dear Rep Terri Sewell, Though I am not in your district, I want you to know that I and many other God-fearing Patriots are praying for you. I pray that you stand up and defend our Constitution, that you boldly face anyone who opposes it or tries to ignore it, and that you are rewarded for your duty to fulfill the position you hold with honor in the eyes of this Nation and the eyes of Our God. God Bless You, your family, and this great country! Amen
Christine S
November 2, 2023, 3:50 pm
Dear Father God and Jesus Christ, Our legislators are in desperate need of Your intervention, help, and victory! Please give America Your Mercy and Help!
Sheila N
November 2, 2023, 2:07 pm
Heavenly Father, we Pray Representative Terri Sewell is convicted that she is created in Your image; woven together in the womb of her mother by Your hands, from conception to birth, for Your purpose and Your plan (Psalm 139:13-16) at a time such as this time (Esther). Lord God, we pray she be convicted to seek Your wisdom, knowledge and understanding (Isaiah 11:2)) and to demand of herself honesty, integrity, and loyalty (Psalm 26, Proverbs 11:3), righteousness and justice (Proverbs 21:15). We pray she is convicted to measure every thought, word, decision and action she takes against Your precepts (Psalm 111:10). We pray Representative Sewell sees our constitution as our founding fathers intended. May she be convicted that America was discovered, explored, settled and founded as Your city on a hill (Matthew 5:14) for the purpose of sending Your message of Salvation to every person, place, tribe and nation under heaven (Rev.14:6). We pray that she is convicted that she must be "prepared to give an account to Almighty God"(Hebrews 9:27; Romans 14:12). In Jesus name, Amen


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