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Submitted Prayers (22) for Frank Pallone

Linda E
April 13, 2024, 11:49 pm
Father, I ask Your blessings over Representative Pallone and ask that You continue to guide him and give him godly discernment and wisdom concerning the affairs of this nation and world. He is committed to standing with and support Israel, and for this, I am so grateful, especially for the allegiance at this time for this nation. Continue to direct him as he works in supporting our veterans who have so selflessly given their lives in service to America. May he be an encouragement to all who are active in the military and to our veterans. May he stand faithfully to ensure the rights of all Americans as stated in our Constitution. May he do all he can to ensure we remain One Nation Under God. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Darlene E
April 13, 2024, 7:55 pm
Father, I pray for Representative Frank Pallone. I thank you that he has chosen to serve our country. I pray he would see how great is your love toward your creation and for him. May he seek you for wisdom that he may rule righteously. May he realize that Jesus died for him to give him life in abundance. Give him the gift of repentance that he may receive this gift of life from your hands.
Christine S
April 13, 2024, 5:18 pm
Lord, may all our leaders come to know You if they don't already. And please give them Your wisdom to govern justly.
Susan T
April 13, 2024, 7:12 am
Lord Jesus, thank You for this man and his desire to serve. Flood him with Your wisdom, courage and guide all his decisions. Carve out pockets of time to refuel and surround him with wise counsel. Protect his family and hold him tight in Your grip. In You we trust.
Marie C
April 13, 2024, 7:03 am
Father, Almighty God, Holy and Just, I thank You and praise You for this day and all Your mercies and goodness to we children of men. I thank you for the privilege of coming into your presence to intercede for one of our national leaders, Frank Pallone. Father, You alone now his heart and I ask You to to draw him to search his heart and to acknowledge where he stands before You and give him a desire to please You in all his life and especially with the power of his office. Turn his heart to love and serve You and to do what is right for this People and this country. Help him to make right decisions and to glorify You in so doing. It is in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ that we pray, Amen.
Marie C
April 13, 2024, 7:02 am
Father, Almighty God, Holy and Just, I thank You and praise You for this day and all Your mercies and goodness to we children of men. I thank you for the privilege of coming into your presence to intercede for one of our national leaders, Frank Pallone. Father, You alone now his heart and I ask You to to draw him to search his heart and to acknowledge where he stands before You and give him a desire to please You in all his life and especially with the power of his office. Turn his heart to love and serve You and to do what is right for this People and this country. Help him to make right decisions and to glorify You in so doing. It is in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ that we pray, Amen.


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