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Submitted Prayers (48) for Michael Bennet

Deborah M L
July 15, 2024, 12:28 am
Oh Lord God, Forgive me my struggle to pray for so many of our Democrat representatives. We pray that Jesus, our advocate, will take our struggles and present them Father to you for the your best working and outcome for the people and for America. Lord, you know my mind and my heart and I do struggle with being so ideologically, so constitutionally, so theoretically, so purposeful for our nation and people, so spiritually different from what they speak, propose and represent. Heavenly Father, you know our concerns for the direction and the welfare of our nation and the decisions, the choices, the proposals, the actions, so many of which seem to be anti-America freedom, anti-constitutional and anti-Christianity of the progressive/leftist mindset. Father forgive me for my hard core ideology and yes, even my prejudice against the liberal/progressive and "woke" ideology. Lord God, do a work in the lives of these Democrats; bring and allow Your Spirit to be working in and around their lives and their mindset; bring repentance where needed. And yes. Lord, in me too. Only you Lord know the mindset, the reasoning, the purpose of decisions and actions by Congress members and we pray Lord for their recognition of who you are and recognition of the rules and laws of the Constitution and their accountability to both. Thank you, oh God, for hearing us, for granting your mercy for a few righteous people and may your blessing and watch care continue over this nation. Let your spirit bring awakening, renewal, restoration to our Judeo-Christian foundations
Sheila N
July 4, 2024, 10:42 am
As spirit filled Christian prayer warriors, we continue to lift Senator Michael Bennet to You, Lord. We pray for his ears to hear and his eyes to see all that You are speaking into his spirit as he represents the the state of Colorado in the United States Senate. Bring Your Words to his remembrance when difficult decisions are before him. Convict Senator Bennet to put Your standards first and to uphold Your plan for America. Bring to his memory that we are meant to be one nation under God. Remind him of words written in 1876 "We, the people of Colorado, with profound reverence for the Supreme Ruler of Universe." We pray for the protection of Your angel armies from unrighteousness and injustice that the enemy has unleashed in America. Cause Mr. Bennet to become aware that Your plan for America is one of justice, righteousness and moral standards as written in Your Word. In Jesus' name, Amen
Christine S
July 4, 2024, 10:15 am
Blessed is the nation whose God is The Lord; and the people whom He hath chosen for His own inheritance. Psalm 33
Teresa M
July 4, 2024, 8:25 am
Lord, thank You for hearing my intercession for Colorado Senator Michael Bennet. Lord, I pray that he would have the mind, heart and unflinching desire to pursue real truth. I pray that he would have the mind, heart and unflinching desire to receive real truth, as well as the mind, heart and unflinching desire to act according to real truth. Lord, help, guide and guard him in this pursuit for it is found only in You, Jesus, who are the way, the truth and the life. Lord, I pray that the life and times of Michael Bennet would be marked and guided by Your Truth that never changes. This I pray in the name and power of the Truth of the Ages, Jesus Christ. Amen
Darlene E
May 9, 2024, 7:21 pm
Father, I lift up Senator Michael Bennet. May he have the fear of the Lord and see you as Creator and Savior, the Sovereign God over the whole universe. Giv him a hunger and thirst for righteousness so he may see Jesus as the answer to all of life. May he seek your wisdom as he serves our nation.
Christine S
May 9, 2024, 4:15 pm
Heavenly Father our legislators are in desperate need of Your help, Your wisdom, The Truth, and need rescue from the deception of the enemy.


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