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Establish a prayer altar

“I looked for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found none.” (Ezekiel 22:30-31, NIV)

“There is a reason why so much darkness is coming into our land. The wall is broken down in many ways. We need God to show us how to build up the wall again. It is not enough to get God to hear us and see some encouragements in society. We must create an atmosphere for Him to come and abide with us so that the real work of restoration and redemption can begin in our land. What conditions did God give David? He said, ‘David, go BUILD ME AN ALTAR, and I will not just stop the destroying angel, but will remove the plague completely.’ (2 Samuel 24:18-25)”
(From Prayer Altars by John Mulinde and Mark Daniel)

Building a prayer altar is foundational in our pursuit of God’s Presence. It is the starting place, the consistent place, the fueling place where we meet with God and create an environment for Him to come. This needs to happen personally, first. We then establish similar altars in our home as families and in our churches.  It’s from this place of personal encounter that we have the anointing and authority to counter the darkness in our communities and create a place for God to come and dwell.

Creating a sacred time and sacred place takes practice. It takes discipline. However, when you’ve decided that the call is worth the cost, you are in position to receive greater grace to take you where you’ve never been – a new place of encounter and relationship in the Presence of the living God. As we learn to wait and linger in His Presence we can expect to experience His tangible presence on a personal level, long before we ever experience it corporately. As we keep the fire burning in our own lives, we become the kindling for the corporate altars that must be established within our communities.

Prayer altars consist of reading God’s Word, worship, listening, journaling, waiting, and “soaking” in His Presence. It’s where we practice quieting our hearts and tuning into the voice of the Holy Spirit. It’s where we learn to “be”, long before we “do”.  As our personal altars are established, we begin to experience the transformational power of His Presence in our own lives which builds faith and expectation for corporate encounters of His Presence.

Communities who have experienced transforming revival have all established prayer altars as a precursor to a divine visitation. Though these prayer altars were usually established out of desperation and turmoil, the power of His supernatural Presence has been consistent. Even so, we do not have to wait until crisis hits! We can choose to establish prayer altars in our lives out of love and obedience. God has always given us the choice to draw close to Him. We should respond to His invitation before we expect Him to respond to ours.

Here are some resources to assist in your process:

Digital Downloads:
  • 15-Day Devotional  by IFA
Worship “Soaking” Music:
  • Prayer Altars by Joseph Mulinde & Mark Daniels
  • Digging the Wells of Revival by Lou Engle
  • Entering the Presence of God by Derek Prince
  • Shaping History through Prayer and Fasting by Derek Prince
  • Intercession: The Power and Passion to Shape History by Jim W. Goll
  • Living the God-Breathed Life by Thom Gardner
  • The Pursuit of Holiness by Jerry Bridges
  • Desperate Prayer by John Mulinde
  • Extraordinary Intercession by Alistair Petrie
YouTube Clips:
Corporate Prayer Altar Material:
  • Desperate Need for Change: 40 Days of Prayer for America by David Butts
  • 30 Days of Prayer for Neighbors and Nations by David & Kim Butts


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