YouTube has deleted all copies of President Trump’s speech to CPAC given last Sunday in Orlando and has suspended the account of Right Side Broadcasting Network for two weeks as apparent punishment for live streaming the speech in which Trump reiterated his belief the 2020 presidential election was stolen from him.
YouTube took down videos from mainstream outlets including the U.K. Independent which had over one million views as well as Fox, Fox Business, ABC News and the U.K. Sun. A search of YouTube that earlier this week showed several channels with archived live streams of the speech now shows all archived live streams have been taken down.
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TGP reported Monday on some of the view counts of Trump’s speech on YouTube: Right Side Broadcasting 3.7 million; The Independent 1,000,000; The Hill 906,000; Reuters: 902,000; News Now 818,000; ABC Australia 352,000; SKY News 222,000; ABC News 208,000;FOX 35 Orlando 50,000. . . .
RSBN announced the suspension Thursday, noting they had foretold the action by YouTube after they ran Trump’s speech on Sunday, “President Trump talked about election fraud. That’s a big no-no on some platforms we stream to. We try to play by the rules, but we will not censor President Trump. We’re not going to remove or edit this video. Just so we’re all clear- if it gets removed, we didn’t do it.” . . .
This tweet has an embedded live feed from the U.K. Sun newspaper’s YouTube account. Click on the video link to see what YouTube has done.
And a link to the Fox News Channel on YouTube:
ABC News feed at YouTube:
While hard to find on Twitter, a Periscope feed survives as of now:
As does the U.K. Independent’s inhouse video which did not get the million views its YouTube feed did.
C-SPAN has not been taking over by the Maoists of Big Tech yet and still has Trump’s speech in full online. . . .
BREAKING: YouTube deletes all videos of President Trump’s CPAC speech, suspends RSBN for two weeks. Absurd censorship and cancel culture continues.
— (@LifeNewsHQ) March 4, 2021
Are you shocked by YouTube removing Trump’s speech? Share in the comment below!
(Excerpt from The Gateway Pundit. Article by Kristinn Taylor. Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)
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In addition to RUMBLE :
I found the speech on C-SPAN and BRIGHTEON:
Where there’s a will, there’s Gods way..
Don’t depend on YouTube, Facebook, or the liberal media. There is ALWAYS a back door.
God Bless America! and God Bless President Trump!
God Bless the Ministry of Intercessors for America. You are doing a wonderful work!
In addition to RUMBLE :
I found the speech on C-SPAN and BRIGHTEON:
Where there’s a will, there’s Gods way..
Don’t depend on YouTube, Facebook, or the liberal media. There is ALWAYS a back door.
God Bless America! and God Bless President Trump!
God Bless the Ministry of Intercessors for America. You are doing a wonderful work!
I guess the right will never learn, always trust the liberal social media & then act surprised when they pull the plug. How many times will Facebook pull the plug on IFA prayer before we just stop going to Facebook for anything? I am sure someone can come up with an alternative site that does not pull the plug. Maybe the big three need to leave our sites totally. Facebook; Twitter; Youtube.
Lord we would ask that you would show us how to continue to tear down these monopolies of evil masquerading as “companies watching out for people”. We pray that you would shift millions of people away from their use and divert people to companies that respect free speech, honor the president and uphold the first amendment. We pray for new companies to start new platforms that will honor God, honor the Constitution and respect the citizens of our nation. We ask that you would move the wealth of the ungodly into the hands of the godly to provide start up money for these new companies. Place the seed of godly driven ideas into those people who have the knowledge, ability and desire to bring such companies into birth. In Jesus name amen.
I found it on RUMBLE – so that is an alternative source when things are being cancelled or deleted.
The Sovereign Lord who makes a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. The Almighty who causes the dry ground to become pools of water and plants Eden in scorched earth. The One who opens a door no one can shut and shuts a door no one can open. We honor You today and thank You for this moment. Father opens doors of truth and righteousness. Confound the wisdom of wise and make foolish their unjust decisions. Daddy in heaven, we look to You. Open up so many new channels that the enemy will bow in shame. You are our Rock and salvation. Jehovah, the freedom You have given us will not be taken away and we will always glorify You, in Jesus name, Amen.
Shocked? Absolutely not! But I am also deeply encouraged by this, because what the enemy meant for evil is always what the LORD uses for His glory and our good. Look how people are now turning to DuckDuckGo and Rumble and Parler, etc. Look how they are going back and re-reading President Trump’s speech. RSBN will probably get more support than ever in a couple of weeks! The big tech giants and various media platforms will force themselves to be replaced by companies that support free speech, and truthfulness in journalism. And to all of my brother and sister Intercessors: this entire situation is ripening the harvest of souls even faster than usual! Let us continue to pray to the Lord of the Harvest, that He would embolden us to organize and strategize, and partner together with Him, accomplishing great exploits in His Name! Amen!
No, I am not shocked in the least. Everything President Trump did or said was discredited, nothing has changed. I cancel youtube and hope others do likewise.
You tube should be canceled for not allowing President Trumps speech to be shown. Who gives them the right to say who can speak or not. They are hypocrites. They let anything democrats say ok. God will have his way without you tube, facebook or twitter.
What they meant for evil the Lord made it for good. President Trump will stop being silenced . We will find a way to stop the hate. Jesus we pray for our enemies to find salvation and stop them from the evil thats in their hearts. In Jesus name Amen
Shocked…no. It was a great speech and he was right about election fraud.
Wow! I have never seen anything like this hatred these evil people have for President Trump, and you and I that support him. Saints win this battle on your knees! Saul had this same kind of unreasonable hatred for David. There is one evil person behind the scenes pulling all of the strings of all of this hatred and evil that has gone on for the last 20+ years through today. That person has the anti-christ spirit and hates GOD and those who support GOD and HIS SON JESUS! This person hates America and Americans! BLM, antifa, the rioters, our current administration, are all under the control of this evil person. FATHER GOD YOUR WORD says that YOU would not have us ignorant of satan’s devices so we are asking that the devil’s main agent standing against YOU and YOUR children in America be exposed quickly in JESUS Name. Please send laborers to this person that they may receive JESUS as LORD and turn from their wicked ways in the MIGHTY Name of JESUS! Amen!
Duckduckgo search engine has the written transcript of President Trump’s CPAC speech. You can get a paper copy. Stop using google, youtube, twitter, facebook, etc. I can search for a legitimate site on google and porn pops up, yet they censor President Trump. These people have satan as their puppetmaster, make no mistake about it. They are just as evil and wicked as Hitler, Stalin, Lenin and China’s President. They want your money and want to control you. Christians have a lot of buying power. SHUT THESE PEOPLE DOWN! Communicate through telegram, duckduckgo and parler when it comes back. Write letters, etc. Shop with Christians or patriots. Let go of Amazon, kohls, bed and bath, or ANYONE WHO CENSORS THOSE WHO SUPPORT PRESIDENT TRUMP! Let your money talk. FATHER GOD, nothing is impossible with YOU so we still pray for our enemies’ salvation in JESUS Name. Let them see a vision of their futue in hell except they repent, and let them call on the Name of JESUS for salvation today in JESUS MIGHTY Name! Amen!
I totally agree with you regarding using our economic power. If corporations want to eliminate Christians as they rush to make donations for “woke” causes, I suggest we should allow them to see who actually supports them. I, too, will continue to pray for them but I got along just fine sending emails to individuals or groups with pictures etc as attachments long before Facebook. Kohl’s and others like them have far more conservative customers than liberals, especially progressive liberals. But they will only believe their bottom line. Considering the monetary decisions this administration is making-we better act now while our dollar is still worth something. Dear God please bring that Great Revival.
why doesn’t someone do a class action suite against cancel culture for listening audience 70 million
2Chronicles14:10-11 Then Asa cried to Adonai his God and said, “Adonai, there is no one like You to help in battle between the mighty and the powerless. Help us, Adonai Eloheinu, for we rely on You and in Your Name we have come against this multitude. You are Adonai Eloheinu! Let no man prevail against You.” So Adonai struck down the Cushites before Asa and before Judah. . .
Father! You are the same God who Asa cried to , who David cried to, who Jehoshaphat cried to, who Gibeon cried to, who Solomon cried to and many many more! We Your people who fear You and who are called by Your Name cry out to You even now, Father, when things are at the very tipping point of horrible evil change in our country, we cry out to You! Turn the tide Father back to You!! Help us!! Rid us of the giants in our land, corrupt government officials, corrupt deep state people who are manipulators, corrupt big tech giants, corrupt media giants, corrupt educators on every level, LGBTQ, BLM, the demons of pornography, illicit drugs, corrupt law enforcers, and the list goes on Father! Help us to be bold and courageous! Give us the wisdom to use weapons of warfare and strengthen our hands to do it in Jesus Name, amen! Do not hesitate for they are making void Your law in our land! We love You Father and we thank You!
NancyP.thank you for that beautiful prayer of truth spoken from God’s word. May I ask what Translation you used? I read 2 Chronicles 14: 10-11 out of my Living Bible but I loved how your Translation put it. I agree 100% with you in your prayer. God bless you….Edie
Heavenly Father Your will be done
Jesus name amen
As i do not know your thoughts behind the comment i hope you do not mean that we shouldnt seek gods will and then stand up and fight with him as he shows each of us individually what to do. whether it be through pray or our actions or speech publiclly as he directs any on of us to. the latter takes the courage of god. it reminds me of matthew 10: 37-39 – whoever loves father or mother more then me is not worthy of me, whoever loves son or daughter more then me is not worthy of me. and whoever does not take THEIR cross and follow me is not worthy of me. whoever finds his life will lose it and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it. this is a huge pill to swallow.
The enemy’s weapon is to either lie or suppress the Truth. But the darkness cannot prevail in stopping God’s light from coming through. Share the gospel snd pray for revival. That is how we win the war.
First of all, everyone knows that the election was stolen, and there was widspread fraud. So, President Trump is not telling a lie. There actually is a lot of lying taking place most of the time by leftist politicians, but that is to be expected in this day and age. I compare this removing of his speech with book burning, or just plain Communism. I’m pretty sure that if President Trump wrote a book in the future about his ordeal, they would try to find a way to ban it. Shame on YouTube.
One more thing I forgot to add. What happened to freedom of speech? Cancelling his speech is taking away his freedom of speech, isn’t it?