At 10:30pm on August 13th, I received a text from a contact from with someone within the military—someone for whom I had spearheaded intercessory prayer for a sensitive and undisclosed issue in the previous year. He thanked IFA for the miracles that our prayer brought for his high-level situation in previous requests, and he had faith that through the prayer of the IFA intercessors, a miracle could help his current situation.
He shared with me about the extraction of widows and orphans in Afghanistan and how his former military colleagues were within the collapsing Afghanistan—as volunteers—running military-style ops to rescue Americans and widows and orphans. They needed prayer. They needed miracles.
This was before the information about rescues was in the news. I shared those requests with a number of friends who prayed with me. As I continued to receive updates, I knew that it needed to be shared with the wider IFA community of intercessors. Unable to share the few details I did know (the operation was secret at the time), I put out a call for prayer on IFA’s Headline Prayer. (see below) You prayed, intercessors!
I began to get bits and pieces about the victories inside Afghanistan with this volunteer veteran team, and the growing number of people who were being rescued, none of which could be made public since it was an ongoing operation. But the prayers of intercessors were affecting the mission, even though intercessors did not know who and for what exactly they were praying. God was using our intercessors!
All the while, our IFA Afghanistan prayer guide, developed by our own writer Gloria Robles and the communications team led by Judy McDonough, boosted the profile for prayer among intercessors. God was using them to direct our prayer. There were thousands who downloaded it and were praying through the prayer points. Many of us felt helpless that there wasn’t more that we could do besides pray.
On August 26, as I saw a name quoted in my texts back and forth with my contact: “Chad” was the on-the ground person who was feeding intel and requests to my contact. Chad shared a story about an American University student–working in the Afghan President’s office, she was receiving threats of rape and death. A text came in sharing that she had been rescued, and that IFA was greenlighted to share her rescue story and picture with our intercessors. We did! Click here for that story.
In my contact’s texts to Chad, he encouraged Chad and the team in Afghanistan that thousands were praying for them in their mission. Chad texted, “God gets the glory for this.” It was a God story all the way around.
We were able to share more about the rescue efforts as the door was closing for extractions, the U.S. government unwilling to extend the deadline and in many cases, unwilling to help. Your prayer fueled the efforts to hide people from the Taliban who were seeking to escape, provided encouragement for those feeling cut off and forgotten, and enabled supernatural connections and provision for needed resources.
Before all of this took place, IFA’s Camille Solberg had booked a veterans ministry group to appear on the September First Friday webcast with Dave Kubal, in honor of upcoming 9/11. The scheduled appearance was confirmed on August 16th.We would have to record the interview with the Founder of this organization—his daughter was getting married on the First Friday weekend. But then the interview was rescheduled multiple times with his availability was changing daily.
When I reached out to my contact to see if he would also be willing to appear live on the First Friday webcast, he generously agreed. I told him who was else was appearing on the webcast that day, through a pre-recorded appearance- Chad Robichaux from Mighty Oaks Foundation. I asked if he knew him. My contact was noticeably shocked on the other end of the phone.
“That is our “Chad” who you have been praying for!” The same Chad who was feeding him information for prayer that was being passed along to our intercessors. The same Chad who had been rescuing thousands of Americans and allies, widows and orphans. We had already been praying for this Chad for three weeks and didn’t know it.
When we figured out the connections and the ways in which God used the body of Christ, we saw it was truly a miracle. A miracle that innocent people were rescued. A miracle that God connected intercessory prayer for those who needed it with a simple text. A miracle that those of us who felt helpless to watch the crisis unfold were actually part of the rescue effort in an inside way! A miracle that God is far more ahead of what we need, and already working in ways for His will to be done.
You were part of these rescues, dear intercessors. God used us for a secret mission worthy of a movie, with rescue, peril, good and evil—but all in real life. There are heroes everywhere in that story and you intercessor are one of them.
Watch the interview with Chad Robichaux and Dave Kubal here.
Share how you were praying during the extraction phase of the Afghanistan crisis. There are more to be rescued—let’s not stop praying! And please share this article–you won’t hear this good news elsewhere!
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PRAISE THE LORD,! NEVER, EVER, in my life, has it been more important for intercessory prayer warriors to intercede for this country, and for the world! I believe that, I sense that, with ALL MY HEART!! Thank You, Father, that You hear, and You answer, our prayers!
Please pray for the Nazarene Fund, (in Afghanistan), I just heard they need our prayers for what is happening there, now.They have also been alongside Chad Robichaux and Mighty Oaks, as well as others that are there.
Praise God!!!
Thank you for sharing this miraculous story. It serves as an encouragement to continue in intercession. God is working and will continue to do so as we partner with Him to bring His Kingdom and Will on this earth. Glory to God!!!
When God’s people come together in prayer, God almighty will move mountains.
Thank you Lord, in Jesus name. Amen.
All Praise, Honor & Glory to God forever Amen!
Lord, I thank You for having opportunities to be used by You. You truly never stop working, in ways we cannot see. I am so glad that we serve a God who is bigger than even a world-crisis and I pray that You will continue to use the Body of Christ for Your purposes! In Jesus holy and precious name, amen.
Glory to God! Thank you for sharing this! It brings so much encouragement to continue in prayer and fasting. May God continue to bring all intercessors together as we stand in agreement as one and pull down the strongholds and giants trying to take out God’s people.
Thank you, IFA, for pressing into prayer and giving us the information we need to pray into these issues.
I agree in Jesus name, Amen!
I have been praying scripture’s supernatural miracles. When Peter was put in prison for preaching The Gospel, the church prayed, and God sent an angel to rescue Peter. They walked out of that prison past the prison guards to Rhoda’s house where the church was praying. A miracle! The supernatural feeding of prophet Elijah when he was on the run for his life from Jezebel. God provided fresh bread delivered by a raven, and fresh water to drink from a brook, for his journey. Another supernatural miracle. When God parted the Red Sea. A couple million Israelites were saved, and their captors were destroyed. Another supernatural miracle. When the three Hebrew boys were thrown into the fiery furnace. Jesus Christ was with them. They were rescued, and their captors perished. No smell of smoke on those God loving and faithful young men. When 5000 men, plus women and children, were fed on a little boy’s lunch. Jesus took the bread and fish, blessed it, broke it, and gave it to the disciples to distribute to these people. They were all fed, with leftovers. The miracle happened in the disciples hands as they distributed the food. The miracles of transported people from one location to other. And, many, many more miracles. Let’s keep praying this for the innocents still in Afghanistan. We serve a miracle working God. To God be all of the glory, honor, praise, and thanksgiving.
Amen & Amen! In Jesus name!
Praise God for people like Chad! We, as intercessors, petition the Lord, usually not ever hearing specific reports of how God is intervening in the situation that we are praying about. Thank you, Lord, that we are having the opportunity to see and hear the fruits of our prayer! Thank you, that you hear, and answer, our prayers. Thank You for Your loving kindness and mercy. Thank you that even in this evil, satan-fueled mess in Afghanistan, You show us that You are still in control. We pray for even MORE good reports of how Your great love has manifested itself. In Jesus’ name.
Praise God! Praise God! Our deliverer ! Thank you Chad from the bottom of my heart for all your valiant efforts! You are a true WARRIOR!
Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord!🙌🙌
As I listened and watched the First Friday Prayers with Dave and Chad, I felt Holy Spirit flowing with living waters. Flowing north, south, east and west. Thanking God for answered prayers! Hallelujah!!🙌🙌
Praise God! He rose up and His enemies scattered! It was such an honor and a privilege to join with fellow intercessors to come boldly to God’s throne of mercy and Grace, and then to see the fruit of corporate prayer. Thank You, Lord. Great are You, Lord, and worthy of all praise. Thank you, IFA for your wisdom and leadership.
May God be honored and glorified!
Miracles are to be expected.If we ask for a fish , He will not give us a stone.
He has ears to hear and His eyes see all that is going on, He does not want one sparrow to fall to the ground, mankind is made in His image and He does not want people stranded or wounded & injured !
In His love He reaches out to cover those who are fleeing and in hiding. I am waiting to hear many more stories of God’s redemption in action.
I hope and pray that many evil people will have an eye opening experience with the King, He will birth
humility in them! It will not be well with them , until they surrender to our king Jesus!
A huge thank-you to all prayer warriors, keep pressing in with prayer!
All glory to our Glorious King!
We cried to Him in anguish and He answered by setting the captives free!
I always pray for the military near & far,I am glad to hear I was a part of the miracle that took place , I too lost a family member in Viet nam he is not forgotten , I pray for those who do not betray me ,the USA , or the American people, Thank you for letting me know my prayers have worked in helping you , I always pray for the military, & those I love who deserve it & when I’m away from home I take my Rosary with me & pray before I go to bed at night may the lord punish those who play games with Americans hearts who steal spitefully, & negligently knowingly who spread Illnesses knowingly solely to kill, I hope god places his hands over the USA & the American people & helps them in every way to rise above communism, socialism, to bring them out of war, poverty, spite, & removes every American citizen out of danger, to expose catch & bring to justice corrupt elected officials who play games with Americans hearts who are trying to destroy them as human beings I hope god pays first attention to those Americans who were neglected by elected officials, as the Lord neglects them & brings every American who was cheated out of rights , money , thy deserve, & justice to those who were cheated out of justice to be done to their offenders in the past & present in & out of City & State government, in & out of the work place, in & out of their communities no matter where they are. God listens to my prayers I know that for FACT
Praying and will not stop.
All glory to God!
There are times when our Mighty God will lift the curtain and allow a glimpse of what He is doing to encourage us and remind us that our prayers are indeed vital and effective. Co-laborers in this age of shaking.
What a wonderful article of encouragement! Thank you for giving us the backstory and showing us how God used us all in our own ways to make a difference in this crisis. I have been praying but wxe don’t always know how God is using our prayers. Sometimes he gives us a glimpse to build our faith . Thank you IFA and thank you Kris for sharing
Thank you Jesus for your amazing love and Holy Spirit guidance during these most challenging time. Thank you IFA for these encouraging stories that are building our faith in these times. God would bring these to my mind and I would pray. I will continue to pray.