Surely the most famous Scripture in national intercession is 2 Chronicles 7:14. Many of you are very familiar with this passage from the life of Solomon. He had just finished building the house of the Lord, the temple. God came to him inĀ a dream and spoke. Here is the key verse:
[I]f my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land. (2 Chr 7:14)
We want to hear from you. What is God speaking to you about this verse and what it means for us today?
We hope that the comments section will overflow with the wisdom and discernment He has given you that you can share with the IFA community.
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May our GOD. The GOD of Abraham, Issac and Jacob, to forgive us our sins and those who sin against. To please keep us in HIS Holy Holy Holy presence while we do what He commands of us individually and collectively.
May GOD keep His eyes and remain faithful to The United States Of America.
One Nation under GOD.
I any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not: and it shall be given him.
James 1:5
This verse has been coming up everywhere I look. The part that stands out to me are the words “turn from their wicked ways”. It’s not enough to humble ourselves, pray and seek His face, we must finish out the command and “turn” from sin, repent, change our way of thinking, thus resulting in a change of action, which can only come from seeking His face. Partial obedience is not obedience. My heart’s prayer is for His people to truly “turn”, myself included.
Several years ago the Holy Spirit spoke very clearly to me, “You, Mary, are going to be living in a time when all the evil that has been hidden “underground” will be coming out onto the surface of the earth. I am telling you this ahead of time so that you will not be dismayed when this happens. I AM in control. I AM doing this so that the evil can be discerned, rejected by My people, and skimmed off.” HE said, “It will be like a pox that has to break out on the skin before the disease inside can begin to heal.” I was not to be dismayed, but keep my eyes on the cleansing and healing that He purposed through this.
I pray that everyone who reads this will be encouraged,not dismayed. Although we grieve at the amount and placement of the evil we see, we will remember that I AM is in control and has healing “in His wings”
I know new believers are coming into the kingdom. Praise you Jesus. I wonder if repentance is enough with believers who have known Him. Have I died to myself enough? Is my heart loving the Lord with all my heart, soul, and mind? Joy = Jesus, Others, and then yourself.
When I go into prayer/prophetic intercession, what I keep getting is still hearing too much “I, I, I,” and what “man can do”, “we will beat this” etc. etc. Not to misunderstand, I am thankful and very grateful for brilliant minds at work with the medical and governing challenge of overcoming the plight of Covid-19.
BUT, there is still too much evidence whether from higher authorities; from the citizenry; and yes, even from ministerial / body of Christ voices too much self-focus agendas rather than Psalm 121 “I will look up… from where comes my help”! Thus, (and sadly) still the need for 2 Chronicles 7:14.
I will seek anyone’s face – other than God’s face.
I will look at Facebook, instead of turning to God.
May God have mercy on me and on our land.
He is waiting for the churches to wake up, but He is on a very short fuse now- He is beet red with anger and will not allow any foolishness, The current crisis is one way of His rising blood pressur, do you want to continue this crisis or be healed – it is your choice that determines your future.
This verse enabled me to begin a journey of intercession, not only for my country, but in my life, personally. As a member of the body of Christ, I believe that my life matters in the grand scheme of things. Every step I take that brings me closer to my Lord will result in benefits for all. I have become more open to the Holy Spirit’s voice as He conforms me to Christ’s image. Sometimes it is painful when I have to face my failures, but God is gracious to bring fruit from sincere repentance.
Even before the virus the Lord was speaking to me about repentance. I began to ask the Holy Spirit to “Search me and know my heart. Try me and know my anxieties. See if there is any wicked way in me and lead me in the way everlasting.” Ps 139:26-24. When the Holy Spirit searches He goes deeper than you ever could have imagined, revealing motives behind your good works you never realized. The Lord WILL have a spotless bride. We must learn what it really means to lay down our lives, take up our cross, follow in His steps, every day, because He is our first love. He requires more than repentance so we can return to our lives as we knew them before the virus. He wants to lead us into “a new thing”.
Gift of Giving: Time to establish our future with the words of our mouth!
āThe earth is the Lordās and the fullness there of.ā From this verse we can conclude that GOD OWNS IT ALL! Do you really believe God owns everything you have? From this statement we can observe the two parallel kingdoms on the earth. The Kingdom of God, and the kingdom of this world.(Satanās domain) These are opposing kingdoms. One is light, the other darkness. One believes God owns it all and we are to be the stewards. The other claims its own ownership! There is a constant war over who owns, and who controls the money.
Did you know MONEY has no brains? It must have someone tell it where to go and what to do! Are you with me so far? MONEY IS JUST STUPID! However, there are people in the world who believe it has value, and it is this faith that money has value which actually gives it the substance to buy things.
Since MONEY is stupid and its only value in the world comes from what people believe it can purchase, God has assigned HIS own realm of value which is, what money can accomplish. āHe who is faithful in little will be faithful in much.ā So, on this planet we have two totally different value systems. In Godās Kingdom, MONEY is used to serve others, while in the opposing kingdom the people serve MONEY! Every person on this planet is making choices every day on what to do with money. Jesus clearly stated that you canāt serve God and serve MONEY. You must choose who you will serve!
King Solomon was the richest man in the history of the world. Why? He asked God for the wisdom to serve! This pleased God for it represented what God values!
āGet wisdom and get understanding also. It is the principle thing.ā Clearly, God values wisdom more than riches, so HE rewarded Solomon for his choice with the understanding of the power of words.
āLife and death is in the power of the tongue.ā āA man shall eat good by the fruit of his lipsā. Solomon learned how to govern and steward his wealth by speaking positive words which produced abundance.
Now, the reason for this lesson. Our government, representing the kingdom of this world, is now sending out TRILLIONs of dollars to attempt to correct their panicked, fearful reaction to an unknown, immeasurable virus that could possibly kill millions of people if not dealt with immediately. Panic, being promoted by the worldās media machine, created a monster of something that might have only needed a whisper. Since the world serves MONEY, it is now trying to correct its foolish mistakes by throwing its worshipped substance at the problem. And, MONEY has never ever solved any problem of itself. It canāt because MONEY HAS NO BRAINS!
So, where is Godās Kingdom at this time? Are we to be the victim of the foolish decisions of the World, or has God got HIS PLAN for this time? It is time for Godās Kingdom residents to step up and pray. We must take control with our words of the money being sent out. It must go where God intends it. To provide substance to the things hoped for and fuel to rebuild what has been damaged. We must take control of a virus that truly has no authority on this earth except what we āthe believersā give it with our own words. We must speak to the mountain to be removed and for God to be glorified in all that is done.
āIf my people will humble themselves and pray, seek My face, and turn from their selfish ways, then God will hear from heaven, forgive their sin and heal their land.ā 2Chronicles 7.14
All of Godās promises are YES. We have the authority to speak NOW or we shall reap a horrible reward for silence!
Our church has been praying that verse over the last two years for revival . We pray 24-7 and we are crying out with verve for our city and country to repent. Our tears are intense and we gather together six nights a week to receive God’s word and pray online. We are learning to talk to Him about what He wants to talk about.
It starts with me. (or as Pogo once put it: We have met the enemy, and he is us!) Just as our family as Messianic believers finished up Passover and First Fruits this month, we were reminded that we also are to be regularly removing stumbling blocks and sinful patterns. So first we are working on areas where the Holy Spirit is convicting us, and setting things right with others. We are to lead by humbling ourselves, praying, seeking God’s face, and turning from our own wicked ways.
I was reading these scriptures yesterday. It is very interesting that these scriptures were given right after God filled the temple Solomon had built. Even though all the people were praising and worshipping God at that time, God knows the human heart. He knew that as surely as night follows day, the people would begin to fall away again after a period of time. He gave the following scriptures to the people with that in mind. We are no different than the Israelites. Even though we have been born again and are filled with the Holy Spirit, we tend to grow cold if we do not constantly cultivate out relationship with God. 2 Chronicles 7:14 was given so that when we do move away from God, we have His promise that if we will humble ourselves and pray, seek His face, and once more, repent of our sin, God will forgive hear our prayer, forgive our sin and heal our land.
I believe we are on the verge of a great move of God in our nation. God has heard our prayers.
We need peace on earth “as it is in heaven” and REVIVAL but they won’t come without our corporate repentance and steadfast prayer to the Father in Jesus’ Name. I am praying Jeremiah’s prayer in Lamentations 5:22…”Restore us to yourself, O Lord, that we may return; renew our days as of old, unless you have utterly rejected us and are angry with us beyond measure”
Those are the last words of the book of Lamentations. The first verses of the book are chilling:
How deserted lies the city, once so full of people! How like a widow is she, who once was great among the nations!
Come Lord Jesus! Rev. 22:20
I believe we are missing the entire context of what this scripture is telling us. We are not ‘humbling ourselves’, we are not ‘seeking His face’, and we are not ‘turning from our wicked ways’. That is why we are not forgiven and our land is not healed. Just my thought.
It is of important that the body of Christ return to her first love, return to prayer, repent and fast, so we can be healed, delivered and set free from operating as the world ..allowing countries of idol worshippers control and power over our land. We must be healed and delivered from pride, lust, greed, abominations and spiritual murderers. As the body of Christ wake up and shift, so shall our nation.
As a person. I must stay on the wall watching, praying and fasting for the body of Christ that I will not be distracted or deceived in this hour.
Our last flu epidemic produced more deaths than this mess. So, was this just that the information age caught up with reality and scared the world from a normal process of influenza that targets mostly the very week while most of us so-called “carriers” just go about our lives normally? Many people that were already sick and about to die anyway were counted as flu victims. So, what really happened?
Some experts say that even if we counted every person who had only days to live with folks who truly died only from this flu it still was not as strong and high in number as last Fall’s flu! So once again, what is the REAL story and lessons learned from this exercise? Well, I am feeling life must go on and we need to live our lives normally and some will naturally die anyway. So, all we are doing is slowing down and spreading the curve out so it will not peak too high in any one week. Yes, there were a few areas in China and Italy that may have been overwhelmed but did that justify the rest of the world to be forced stop working and stay at home?
Many doctors now admit that even if we did not stay home even the highest peaks of this curve would have been manageable. In other words, they are saying that all we were trying to do was prevent was an over-load of our health system in the midst of an epidemic. Sure, it sounded bad when deaths were reported day-by-day and minute-by-minute but it was nothing that our present health system could handle. If that’s true then we just improved our readiness for a bigger epidemic in the future. That’s very good but was all this world-wide panic truly necessary? If it was NOT really necessary, then we have nothing to fear but fear itself!
The good thing is the experts have the whole summer to analyze the results. Then we all can make a more informed and better decision as the Fall season grows near. So, I plan on living a normal life with a few precautions by using protective gear that is recommended, but only if it’s mandatory or if I have a cold/cough. Liz and I still plan on taking a cruise to Canada in September and go on vacations next year. I plan on supervising the kids in the Fall but I may wear a mask or gloves if I feel it is necessary. Life must go on and when it’s my time may I go quickly without causing too much calamity and pain to others. I know where I am going, the Lord is watching over us and we have no need to fear the inevitable. If anything, we had extra time to get our lives in order. Amen, my dear friends.
Peace, love and blessings,
John Michael Domino
I had to come aside and seek God the Father all alone today. I’m a prayer warrior and realized my thoughts had become angry, resentful, any negative you can imagine. I realized then that it was the Wrong way to approach any important issue.
The Lord met me. HE told me the enemy was at work getting me to agree with his evil ways through the ungodly Thoughts and Speech.
To return to the Godly, I am to specifi ally concentrate on the appearance of negative thoughts and when they appear to snip it off ( just like trimming dead buds off your flowers). Don’t entertain that for even a moment but start praying the WORD and only the WORD. We have to have Healthy minds, bodies, emotions And attitudes to be effective in God’s army.
God Bless all those Interceeding day and night for the will of God to be seen on earth as it is in heaven.
As we come before the throne let us ask that ” the words of our mouth and the meditations of our heart be acceptable in HIS Sight.” Amen..
This is easier to accomplish than most of us realize. But it’s harder in the “reality” that we (God’s people) get in the way of the healing. When we are milktoast Christians, it’s hard to intercede for a nation when we, ourselves … are not in a continuous state of repentance. That’s not to say we give up on praying for the healing of our nation. But first and foremost is we must repent daily for our sons. Allow God and his Spirit to turn on the microscope in our lives. It can be uncomfortable initially but his Spirit of love helps us get used to it and understand why it’s so critical – because the picture is so much bigger than us. Until we get serious in our own personal lives as well as the collective body of Christ about dealing with sin and repentance… healing nationally will be slow. I firmly believe it will happen but our own repentance with true heartfelt change must proceed it.
The devil is the prince of the air; he is the accuser of the brethren. The devil has the ears and therefore the minds and hearts of multitudes through media outlets. Through news broadcasting, radio shows, Facebook and the like, he has highjacked the minds of not only unbelievers, but the believing with hate and accusation of lies. Fear, strife, hatred and chaos are just a few of the outcomes as a result of these lies. Remember the word racism? It was repeated over and over and over as a technique of mind control; to infuse a false belief. The news was starting to cause me to stumble in that their was so much of manās reasoning and so many lies that I now limit what I take in to stay informed. In this hour we must repent of our unbelief in being in agreement with evil for even in believers, the devil has a stronghold set up and people are blind. We must attend to the interests of God and what He is doing in this hour and partner with Him in personal and corporate repentance for His church to be worthy vessels to carry the latter day rain.
It starts with the word IF. IF my people, I believe in 7:14 That God will hear our prayer IF we as christians humble ourselves and Pray. seek His face. turn (Repent of our sins) Gods promise is that He WILL Forgive our sins and HEAL our land.
As I read this verse I felt the Lord saying “Get up and repent” “Stand in the gap for the people of this nation and of the world” “Pray unceasingly for redemption” “Call upon my name and I will do what I promised”
My prayer is that we all will stand in the gap for our country and repent of our sin of being lukewarm towards what is happening in this season. Lord, raise up our intercessors to breathe fire on the land and on Your people to pray for the turning around of our faith and the return to the God of our foundations. Lord, that You would work a new work in this land and create a new wave of intercessors that will call upon Your name and You will heal this land.
Exactly. Repent as individuals and as a nation. We have become a “bless me” club and have put aside accountability and repentance. Through history we see that mighty moves of God happen when we humble ourselves in repentance.
If my people who are called by my name is the qualifying condition for each of the terms that follow. As those who are grafted into the Vine we have special entrance into the presence of God. Having fulfilled the conditions have 2nd Chronicles 7:14 remain then enter in 2 it’s provision. He hears, forgives and heals. This is God’s disposition to those who call upon his name.
Have found this to be true since the day I accepted Jesus as Lord of my life. 40 some years now.
Lord thank you for Your Word. Lord I believe we need to turn back to You whole heatedly, forsaking anything that this World has to offer. Lord that our loyalty to You would be visable to
all people. That we will represent You in our acts of giving, compassion, loving others, forgiving those who come against us. May we be an example of Christ working through us by the power of the Holy Spirit. Forgive us Lord for the things we made a priority over You. May Your mercy and Grace and Love be new every morning and GREAT Your Faithfulness. In Jesus name I ask and pray and believe. Amen
Considering the reason for 2 Chronicles 7:14. 2 Chronicles 7:13
Ministry’s need to merge to bring humility and strength and accountability and maturity. Spirit Filled Pastors in my City have not had a single meeting about evangelizing. They are busy trying to build a Church or are too comfortable in the Church they have built. I hear God asking me to bring up the subject with my current Pastor who is starting a Church, and the Pastor of a Church I attended for a short time. Yikes! Please pray for me, that I am hearing correctly!!! And for God to prepare hearts!!! Understand I am not saying we all need to share the same building.
Return and discern. Malachi 3:18 there is a difference between those who serve God and those who wonāt. Our liberal media has pushed satanās agenda that America has had more corona-cases than other nations, because of course, he is the father of lies. Pray for all Americansā eyes to be opened to recognize the awesome hand of Godās protection on this country from the pestilence. 1) many nominal Christians may only recognize about one psalm by memory, Psalm 91 – well, God has protected us and we have seen a thousand fall at one side and ten thousand at the other side literally. 2) a friend commented to me āwe have probably lost 700 jobs for every 1 victim) oh forgive us Lord for complaining. Pray as Elijah did for his servant (1 Kings 18:43 x7) and Elisha for his servant (2 Kings 6:17) and for the truth to come out from China, Russia and Iran. Our nation should be overwhelmed by Godās mercy and repent. Pray the wicked media would be exposed for this hineous cover-up (Nehemiah 6:16)
Father your word is true. being humble is a foreign word in our culture, especially where name it and claim it is concerned. Forgive me for every time I criticized my enemies instead of prayed for them.
Forgive me for giving up Your Holy Ground to My enemies. Thank you Father for allowing me to be called by your name, allow me and your church to walk worthy of Your Name and to be your conduit spreading Your Good News. Help us to take into account the whole Gospel of Jesus Christ and walk in it drawing others In Jesus Name.
When we are humble and silent before the Lord, we are able to hear His voice. The more we hear what He has to say to us, the more we know who we are or our identity.
There are things for us to do, but more importantly itās just sitting in the presence of the Lord and we are changed…He just wants to use us to influence our world and our community.
Itās all about the redemption of peopleās lives and thatās His plan for the whole world!
Living in an small agriculturally based small town i have used this verse to help people understand the overuse of chemicals in crop production and its long term effects on the soil. I have also being in a small town with all its unique Histories of unresolved conflicts between various groups vying for power and control used this verse to attempt to get people to in sense get over themselves and humble themselves to apologize for past wrongs and conflicts in attempt to move forward. Today as i read the verse and chewed on it like a lot of verses in the bible it has many levels as to who it is speaking to. Today it was speaking to the Christian church as well as the country as a whole. We need to stop pretending to be a Christian nation and start living it in actions words and deeds. We have for too long let the minority view take over our societies norms with the acceptance of the gay movement and change by the vote of nine people the definition of marriage. We need to humble ourselves and repent of our sins so that we can then be a force for God’s kingdom here on earth.!!!!!!!!!
Speaking to “my people” Christ followers, The words “If” and “then” are the conditions of this scripture.
Followed by 7:15 with “Now” my eyes will be opened ears attentive to the prayer that is made in this place.
“If” we want God to hear our prayers and “then” respond, we must be mindful of the conditions set forth in this scripture.
Lord open the eyes and hearts of “your people. ” Thank you for the warnings you are sending in your great mercy!
For me personally, this time has been a battle to ‘humble myself, pray AND SEEK HIS FACE. Last night, God reminded me that all through history His desire is for relationship and intimacy WITH HIME, that each of us would hear FROM HIM and live. It is so easy in these days to connect with all of the excellent prayer calls, online prayer summits, virtual worship sessions – or even focus on the needs I am responsible for as a prayer minister. But He wants to heal our land and that comes from SEEKING HIS face. His face, His smile, His words, His glory bring us hope, strength to endure, and the impetus to change as change is required.His presence will allow us to know which voices to hearken to. I want to be ‘oily’ in this day. I want my lamp to be overflowing with oil for my family, my neighbours, my nation.
“Humble themselves, pray and seek my face…” This is what stands out in this verse for me. I feel some believers are just playing church. We need to get real. We need to unify. We need to humble ourselves before God, we need to pray like we have never prayed before and seek God and keep seeking His will not ours. I’m not sure what is to come, but I trust God, not man. We “the church” need to realize we are “THE CHURCH” filled with God’s power and capable of so much more. God be with us. WE NEED YOU!!
Like many, II Chronicles 7:14 is the verse I go to and the words REPENT and TURN are the words most obvious. Also to those who express their hate toward our President, please direct them to I John 3:15.
We need to pray for hateful people to see their error and repent. If we harbor hatred toward anyone, we also need to repent. (Even those politicians who discriminate against us and see no place for us in their realm.)
God is the God of second chances, all along the Bible He delivers messages of second opportunities to return to His open arms, where He want us to be at.
My family and I minister in dance to a song by Mary Alessi called āprayā…says it all…and we believe it!
We are God’s people sealed as His once we accept JESUS as our Savior. God’s people need to maintain a daily relationship with Father GOD by speaking to Him and asking Him for the salvation of all those that are lost. Asking God to protect, guide, and save all those that are in power in our nation including our president. Pray for the protection, salvation, & peace of Israel because God will bless us if we pray for Israel’s peace. Ask God humbly for all the above plus with a sincere repentant heart ask God to forgive us & our nation for all sins- name them all. Ask God to have mercy on us for all the sins and to help us not sin against Him no more. In JESUS POWERFUL NAME. Amen
The key words are – pray, seek, and turn.
It has struck me, for at least the last couple of few years, that itās āmy peopleā God is speaking to. We have to look within and see the sin, no matter how small, and clean it out. God is calling for a remnant of Holy people who will turn their faces toward him and allow Him to speak to us. As one with a prophetic gift this verse has been a common thread throughout these past few years.
Humility is required of us all, if we are part of the remnant. If we are part of the remnant we should be honored and willing to pay the cost.
This is a serious word from The Lord. We MUST repent, we must humble ourselves, we must turn from evil. We need to ask Him to judge us first them we can repent for the sins of our family and our nation. We need to repent for the sins of the church.
If my people (not the world, those who are called by God’s name, his kids) will humble themselves (think of more than just what is best for you, esteem others better than yourself) and pray (talk to God, play with God, enjoy his presence) and seek my face (not what is going on in the world, not being distracted or only looking for an escape but truly wanting a face to face encounter with God) and turn from their wicked way (again not the world’s, ours wicked ways, should be unheard of but it’s not, OUR wicked ways, time to get the house in order) then (connector word, when his people have finished the above four tasks), then I will hear from heaven (God will know the exact moment that it has been accomplished) and will forgive their sin (promise, no hesitation) and will heal their land (Done, promise, no hesitation. Father in heaven show each of us what that looks like. For some it may be a complete overhaul, for others to step in or step out, for some it may mean hanging with a different group, habits that need to go, shows that shouldn’t be watched, books that shouldn’t be read, practices that need to stop. Whatever it is that needs to go in each of us, tell us so that we can accomplish it. At the end of the day, if you aren’t happy no one else is really happy. Get up in our business, show us us the way that you see us. help us not to be men pleasers but to be God pleasers. Thanks for all that you are doing. We are counting on you. In Jesus’ name Amen
This is one of my favorite verses to pray …… it is for us , Godās children , to humble ourselves , to pray , to seek God and in obedience to Him turn from our wickedness …. this is the part of the scripture that pricks my heart . Turning from the sin in my life and the idols like tv , money , comfort , food…. and anything else I put before my heavenly FATHER . So I come to YOU Father asking You to forgive me of my sins and I submit myself under Your Lordship . I ask You on behalf of this nation to forgive us for seeking other gods to worship forgive us for turning from You and I pray we as individuals and our nation and leaders will turn back to YOU our first love … in Jesus Name amen
If WE would do what God tells us to do, He would amaze us with His answer! II CHRON 7:14
1. humility oh what lessons (and example) Jesus taught us on that
2. prayer what a precious privilege to come directly to the Throne of Grace. pray without ceasing
3. seek MY FACE Ps 27:8 “You have said, SEEK MY FACE, (require MY PRESENCE as your vital need)
4. Turn from every sin. Hebrews 12:14
pray, repent – especially those with shallow prayer lives. It is time to pray for our leaders, regardless of political preference. Pray, repent of national sins. Pray for God’s mercy.
In Jonah 3 in (NIV) Jonah obeyed the word of the Lord and went to Nineveh. It says that Nineveh was an important city–a visit required three days, which I believe to mean that it was needed to speak to people of Nineveh. On the first day that Jonah started in the city. He proclaimed forty more days and Nineveh would be overturned. The Ninevites believed God and in America, there is still a remnant of true Christians and those can declare a true fast and from the least to the greatest put on sackcloth. When the news had reached the king of Nineveh, he rose from his throne, took off his royal robes, covered himself with sackcloth and sat down in the dust. And issued a proclamation in Nineveh. Let them give up their evil ways and their violence. Who knows? God may yet relent and with compassion turn from his fierce anger so that we will not perish.” Verse 10 says, God saw what they did how they turned from their evil ways, he had compassion and did not bring upon them the destruction he threatened.
I saw something again today regarding all forms of media. The comment was,” there are those who hate Trump and everything he stands for if he is for something, they will automatically oppose it.” That kind of hate that deliberately destroys regardless of consequences is hard for me to grasp. I feel totally clueless sometimes regarding people that are within the ” norm”. That was within the scope of illness in the way I was taught about behavior.
So yes, the birus was a fear based act not factual. Whn it’s over we will still recall the ” shaking” for God says it’s time to choose as HE spits out the lukewarm.
Arise, shine, for the Light has come. And the Glory of the Lord is risen upon thee.
This has been a foretaste of what it will be to ” tighten our belt”, and spend enough time in His presence you can hear and follow His directions. AMEN
In view of an election year and a worldwide pandemic, the message I received from these two verses (within the context of chapter 7) is a national level repentance for shedding the innocent blood of millions of unborn babies in this land. The blood has soaked the land we live in and has been crying out loud to God for vengeance. Everyone of us living in this land is guilty as long as Roe v Wade is not turned over and abortion decreed as illegal nationally. We, the children of God, we who bear Christ’s name, we who know God’s Word and His commands for life – Do not murder, we must:
1. Humbly come to God and repent first for our personal sins, and then for this national sin of slaughtering defenseless unborn babies.
2. Pray and vote for leaders who choose life. (Who we vote for does matter because the leaders we have chosen actively/passively will make decisions on our behalf. Not to vote should never be Christians’ choice. When no candidate fits our preference, to choose the lesser evil is better than not to choose at all. Think of the states who even supported the abhorrent law to let babies who survived the abortions to die instead of making efforts to save the babies’ lives!)
3. Pray and vote in November for a President who will nominate pro-life judges at all levels.
4. Pray and support organizations who fight for the voiceless unborn babies in ways God has enabled us to engage in.
5. Use social media platforms to share God’s message.
You can add on ….
God has made us as creative beings. May He cleanse us daily and use us to fulfill His purposes in this pandemic time. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.
Here’s a link to sign your name for the moral outcry to end Roe v Wade:
The Lord has asked me to share that, starting on May 1st, that we are to fast and intercede for all the 7 mountains (family, churches, governments, education, business, media, sports/arts/entertainment) for the 30 days before Pentecost. We are to ask for an UPPER ROOM outpouring of the HOLY SPIRIT with fire that happened after Jesus resurrection. It is time to resurrect the true church!! Love and blessings to everyone. Thank you IFA for arranging the White House conference calls with the President and others!!
Revelation 18:4, KJV: “And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.” … Do not take part in her sins, or you will be punished with her”…This is a time to reassess and reset…to examine our lives and evaluate where we may have been too deoendent on the things of the world or at time unwittingly looked to man for answers…this is a time to reset our priorities and set our
focus on the things of God…may we be wise as serpents and gentle as doves during this down time that God has
graciously given to us
Amen and Amen.
I like the fact that this movement starts in a movement of the Holy Spirit creating humility instead of human natural reasoning parading as religious reasoning and pretense to create a false religious humility that is paraded around before men in order to get the praise of men. The inner work of the Spirit in Solomonās heart produced humility right at the exact moment when Solomon could have indulged a whole life-time of religious pride at the architecture of the house that he built for God – as if following the script of Nebuchadnezzar in pride glorifying himself by exalting the glorious Babylon that he had built and leaving God out of the equation. Solomon could have taken credit for the building of Godās House and then used the most fancy religious reasoning of flowery words by professional Psalm-writers to glorify himself. The origin of this movement to humility in an intimate dream given inwardly by the Holy Spirit reminds me of my too-frequent failings of trying to generate false humility in self-effort in my flesh and for display to religious others – a temptation to which the glorious Solomon later fell as did a whole generation who exalted their glorious Temple above Jesus by saying āwe have no king cut Caesar … crucify Him!ā all to save their Temple – and the Source of this humility in the Holy Spirit reminds me of my desperate need of intimate dependence on the Holy Spirit – for all things, including my next breath.
The depth of our personal sin keeps us in bondage to the enemy. Ask The Lord to reveal your deep sin so you can confess it. Then we are purified to pray 2 Chronicles 7:14 for our nationšāļøšŗšø
Thank you for letting me share. I keep hearing 2 Chronicles 7:14 quoted, prayed, and claimed and yet I feel like a very important piece is over looked – the TURNING from wicked ways – and this is addressed to HIS PEOPLE not the world. It is the body of believers… the followers of God… the Bible believing God, God honoring people both Jews and Christians and yet there is anti Semitism in some Christian circles, lack of support of Israel, divisions, criticisms, comparisons, competitions, unforgiveness, jealousies, etc. (not to mention immorality, abuse and pornography) 1 Kings 8:38 records the similar discourse in 2 Chronicles 7:14 and adds that there is a virus or plaque in the heart – and this blocks God from HEARING and HEALING> For us to have the revival we want it begins with each of us… and all of us who claim to be HIS PEOPLE>
I love that a formula for answered prayer or healing of the land is laid out in a single verse.
If my people who are called by my name.
*Will humble themselves (this speaks of brokenness, complete reliance on God.) We must confess that all our agendas and best laid plans are faulty without Christ at the center.
*Will pray and seek my face. This speaks of our relationship with God. psalm 103:7 says “He made known his ways to Moses, his deeds to the people of Israel”
The people of Israel always cried out to God but once they got what they wanted it wasn’t enough. They would soon cry out for more. They sought his hands, not his face. They saw his deeds, Moses however saw God’s face. Moses sought to know God’s ways and what was pleasing to God.
*Turn from their wicked ways (repentance) this goes beyond confession or speaking, this requires a complete turnaround or change of heart. Asking God to forgive us and admitting our sin to God then choosing to walk away.
Then I will hear from heaven and forgive their sin and heal their land.
The verse starts with If (a conditional word) and ends with Then.
If you do these things… Then I will…
Hearing from Heaven, God the Father, means listening to the Son, the WORD. God sent His son into the world. God sent His WORD and healed them. Psalm 107:20 “He sent out His Word and healed them, snatching them from the door of death.” I believe our nation needs to return to the Word of God. I’m praying for a resurgence of the Bible in our culture.
The Holy Spirit is who can lead us to personal repentance. I pray for more of the Holy Spirit to fall on people in America, and to fall on individuals worldwide, BOTH the regenerated souls AND the unregenerated souls. We (both true Christian and nominal) can say the words of repentance, but it is the Holy Spirit who brings genuine repentance. And it is The Holy Spirit (āeven the Spirit of Truthā) who leads us into all truth. It is good for Christians to examine their consciences through the lens of the Holy Spirit and to ABIDE in The Word and to āseek the faceā of the One who forgave and forgives their sins. It also is wonderful when the unregenerate soul THEN seeks forgiveness from the one Who died for that soul, through the power of The Holy Spirit. A new Christian is then born! We PRAY for release of The HOLY SPIRIT!
I am hearing the Holy Spirit and/or the ministering angels saying to me we should humble ourselves and we must depend solely on our Father for it the answers. The way to humbleness is learning not on our own understanding and/or the worldās understanding but His. His humbled children receive His knowledge by praying to hear His still small voice (answers)……while acknowledging His voice while trusting we can hear Him followed with living in obedience to His word (from His voice and infallible word). Father Godās answers are the decisive factors when we live in humbleness towards Him for His blessings and corrections. His children possess an attitude of loyal devotion when seeking His face for favor and fellowship……
God did not cause this virus, but I feel God is using this pandemic to bring an awakening, an awareness to this nation and to the whole world of His presence and coming judgement. Heās calling His bride to warn everyone we can to become believers and followers of Christ before the coming rapture. āAnd we know that ALL things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purposeā. Romans 8:28. Be brave fellow Christians, tell everyone you know of the gospel, as if they are running into a fire. Letās all stop being complacent and apathetic, I pray.
Dr. David R. Reagan
Letās get one thing clear right up front: God is sovereign, and that means the current coronavirus was let loose with His permission. Satan may have been the agent, but it would be unbiblical to blame it on Satan. The Bible never blames Satan for natural disasters. So, what is God doing? What is He trying to say to us? I
believe He is warning us of impending judgment, and therefore He is calling the world to repentance. The Bible teaches that God never pours out His wrath without warning because He does not wish that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance and salvation (2 Peter 3:9). How God Warns God warns in two ways. First, He raises up prophetic voices who identify the sins of the people and issue a call for them to
repent. Then, if they dismiss the prophets and refuse to repent, God will send remedial judgments ā again, for the purpose of calling people to repentance. Deuteronomy 28 contains a detailed listing of the types of
remedial judgments God will place on a nation that becomes rebellious against Him and His Word. They include:
1) Cities in chaos (verse 16)
2) Crop Failures (verses 16-18,38-40,42)
3) Livestock diseases (verses 18,31)
4) Loss of children (verses 18,32,41)
5) Confusion in all undertakings (verse 20)
6) Pestilence (verses 21-22)
7) Diseases (verses 27,35)
8) Insanity (verses 28-29,34)
9) Drought (verse 24)
10) Troubled marriages (verse 30)
11) Defeat in wars (verse 25)
12) Foreign domination (verses 33,43-44)
God specifically warned the nation of Judah that if they ignored His prophets and His remedial judgments, the ultimate result would be the destruction of their nation and the exile of their people worldwide.
Jeremiahās Ministry
One of the prophets God raised up to deliver His message of warning to Judah was a man named Jeremiah. God told him to survey the nation and compile a list of the peopleās sins. God was well aware of the sins. He wanted his prophet to become aware of them. April 2020 Lamplighter
Jeremiahās report to God contained a very dirty laundry list of sins:
1) Lies and blasphemy (5:2)
2) Immorality (5:7)
3) Arrogance (5:12-13)
4) Social injustice (5:25-28)
5) Religious corruption (5:30-31)
6) Closed minds (6:10)
7) Greed (6:13)
Jeremiah proceeded to sum it all up in three breathtaking statements:
! āThey have made their faces harder than rockā (5:3).
! āThey have a stubborn and rebellious heartā (5:23).
! āThey do not even know how to blushā (6:15).
Jeremiah went forth and began proclaiming the sins of his people while calling for their repentance. Needless to say, this did not make him a popular person. The people of Judah turned against him big time when he began to prophesy that if they refused to repent, God would pour out His wrath upon them (6:22-26). The people accused the prophet of being full of wind (5:13)
Amen I also have been hearing listen to my prophets and repent.
I always say,āGOD is in control,ā and they is my anthem. I plead, pray, and prostrate myself in my room for the mighty SAVIOR to love, rescue, save HIS sheep.
GOD loves unconditionally and all sins are forgiven, so repent and pray.
I believe that God is sending a direct message to His people through this passage that is ignored by His people. This is one of the conditions that God has placed in this passage that we should give great concern and thought searching our hearts allowing God to break through the wall of denial that has entered our spirits. That condition that God wants The Church to conform to is, “turn from their[our] wicked ways.” Too many of us are resisting this in the bases that “we do not have any wicked ways” within us when in fact, we do. Turning from our wicked ways means we as God’s people must repent, and return to following the ways of God, which means we read and study the Word of God, then we will see God “heal our land.” Amen!
Those words in those scripture’s apply to the Body of Christ! We are the light of the world! The decisions that we make will determine what happens in this nation and the world. Especially when it comes to the up coming elections! I pray that we repent and turn from sin and turn to God! We don’t vote for a party or person we vote for an agenda(Platform). I hope we choose the agenda that best aligns with our beliefs and values. Choose life!
We need to spend more time not just reading the Word but heeding the Word. Take a stand for Biblical Truth on issues like abortion, marriage, family and moral lives.
Reading a lot in Isaiah lately. God used enemies as consequences of Israel’s terrible rebellion. Yesterday I read about Governor Northam’s church bathroom decision. I have been so very grieved. I have family in Virginia, including 3 granddaughters. What if, what if, some of the chaos going on is a consequence of the absolute rebellion in the church, caused by sloppiness in our relationship with Him? We all are aware of some, no need to list stuff. Not that I ever doubted the need for 2 Chronicles 7:14. Now I am so certain of the urgency for GOD’S PEOPLE, of course including myself, to humble ourselves and repent.
To trust in Him..and lean not on my own understanding….keep moving forward one moment. Heath or step at a time with His guidance..pray without ceasing and be strong in the Lord and the power of. His might!! As I cry out to Jesus at the foot of the cross the blood of the LAMB..I place it all in His hands..AMEN
I’m in agreement with other Christian leaders that this is a moment of reset for both the Church in America and the Nation. Reading Lance Walnau’s book explains that God knew that there was going to be chaos when Trump was elected. This not simply a political disagreement. We are contending for the soul of the Nation. I believe that American Christians and Pastor’s are to blame because we have kept silent when we should have stood for righteousness. We have been presuming on the Grace of God rather than praying and seeking wisdom. I am 75 years old and confess my generation has especially guilty of this. We have given cultural unrighteousness inch after inch; made excuses for our children; and not corrected but covered sin in the church trying to be gracious. My prayer of repentance includes “in Your judgement, remember mercy.” It is a time of dividing “who will stand for the Lord” and “who loves unrighteousness”. Merely saying “sorry” and “going to church” is not going to do the job. It requires total commitment to Jesus; I believe that we have a responsibility toward our neighbors and our Nation to speak the truth in love and pray without ceasing..
When the closing of everything started happening, I was praying about everything happening. I felt lead to Read 2 Chro. 7: 12 – 18. We must stay in the hidden place of the āsanctuaryā of the Lord. This was an attack by the enemy of God, His people and His Nations. The enemy underestimated the people of God. We are rising up like a mighty army to fight this wickedness. There is mighty move of God, a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit coming at Firstfruits or Pentecost. The Presence of God will pour down a rain like we have never seen before. His rain will wash away this virus and will refresh the land. Jesus is coming soon, itās time for the Bride if Christ to make herself ready. We need to be Washed by the Washing of His Word, Cleansed by His Blood, to be made ready.
We must humble ourselves and pray.
At the beginning of each year, I ask the Lord what He wants to tell me for the new year. At the beginning of 2020, the Lord gave me three words: repentance, purify, and hope. I knew then that I needed to repent of my own sins and God would purify me. Now I understand that those words are also for the entire body of Christ. He is asking us to repent of all sin so He can purify the body of Christ and make us into the spotless bride that we need to be! He is the hope, our only hope, and our eternal hope. He will bring us through this time of testing, training, and purification. Amen!!!
That mighty little word:
MY people.
Are we HIS people?
Do we call HIM Father?
IF so. Do we obey HIM?
“MY House shall be called a House of Prayer.” said JESUS.
Is your house a house of prayer?
Before this pestilence arrived, I searched and searched but couldn’t find a church that held a mid-week prayer meeting.
So true. I think the wave of tornadoes in the South Easter Sunday revealed Godās disappointment in our Easter Services. The failure to stir people to repentance and prayer. I live in Knoxville TN and was so deeply grieved at the lukewarmness of the worship time in my own churchās service- no altar call given! I repent of my own apathy or failure to intercede. Grant us godly sorrow, leading to true repentance. Where are our genuine tears of repentance? This generation does not know even how to enter into the presence of God by praise and thanksgiving. Perhaps I am like Lot and no one heeds my warning because my lifestyle has not convicted anyone of the reality of the Return of Christ. We all grieve over abortion, but letās look deeper. Worldliness, silence condones the sinful behavior around us. God grant us boldness to be salt and light to illuminate darkness. I have looked and looked in Knoxville for any church preaching repentance, holiness and sanctification. Very few mention the blood of Jesus. Oh God stir our hearts, Zech. 12:10 pour out your spirit of grace and supplications that we might look upon him who we pierced and mourn, now before itās too late as in Revelation. Thanks for sharing.
“If two of you agree on earth as touching anything it will be done of MY Father in Heaven.”
O beautiful Jesus, Wonderful Savior, Mighty King of the Universe, speak LORD we pray to those You have called to pastor your sheep. Awaken them to the reality that one day they will need to stand before YOU and give an answer for their lives, as will we all. BUT to whom much is given, MUCH is expected. Grant, dear LORD JESUS, for the fear of GOD to come upon your servants that we may bow before YOU and surrender our own ideas and plans and implore you to enlighten us and bring us back to the true teachings of scripture, and deeply realize the price that YOU paid to save us, and the cost that previous generations have paid, so that we could know You LORD, and truly value your Word today.
If I may, being home, being a retiree was already home, I got to recognize how much I took for granted and despite what is going on, choose to actually practice loving from my Father’s handbook and address all having recognized how impatient I was and because of God’s grace a view point from LOVE HIMSELF is now my direction of speech and action…choosing
A prayer – Lord, Be merciful to us! Pour out the power of Your life changing presence that we so desperately need.
Raise up Your mighty army of believers to embrace this important 4 stage paradigm daily!
Do this so that with each new day, each of us will take adequate time to –
1. Humble ourselves before You
2. Pray
3. Seek Your face
4. And turn from every sinful way that You kindly and mercifully show us.
Thank You Jesus that You are doing this!! And it is happening right NOW!!
Thank You! Raise, equip and mobilize each of us to do our vital part as You, and You thru us, grow this army of God pleasing believers. Let this ALL be for Your fame and glory alone.
Protect us from any person who would rise up and take any credit or glory from You.
This we claim, in Your name Jesus and AMEN!!
That yes, “If” suggests “man” choosing(to me) and “when” best speaks of loving our Father too much to fail to, refuse to…. humble, pray, seek and turn from with an
abhorrent disdain for or toward that which must no longer continue in action or speech. To know His love for us, makes room for the corrected choice. He loves us so much, He made room for us through Jesus.
That love causes me to not want to “return” to how things “were”, but to how and where our lives can be, should be. It takes choosing…when and no longer hesitate in “if”
I personally see a brighter day opportunity, choose ye.
Repentance is the key…. there are many sins this nation and her people need to repent for…. greed, lying, corruption, taking prayer and the 10 commandments out of the schools and our governments.killing the innocent, making the earth an idol along with our possessions, addictions…. the list goes on. I really feel the Lord is waiting for us to kneel before His Throne to weep, moan and cry out for mercy.
I interpret this verse and the one before as a wake up call. Itās pretty obvious to me that the enemy has gained strong footholds in our society. Abortion, corruption, division, hatred, lawlessness all abound like never before. This behavior only comes about when the citizens turn their backs on God and go their own way. Sin abounds.
The foundation of our country is at risk. The constitution is looked at as some kind of outdated document by many of our politicians. Equal justice under the law has not been followed. Yes , our country is in deep trouble. We as a people have been reluctant to face the reality, and yet we have sensed it, and even been agitated by it, but we really donāt know what to do about it. Now, the world has stopped abruptly and we have time to ponder our situation.
This process started for me about a year before the election. I felt God saying, seek Me, and pray for your country, for a large battle is about to begin. Over the last 4 yrs, I have realized that I cannot be effective in my prayer life if I do not have a deep personal relationship with my Savior.
As I read the Bible, I realized that I did not have the commitment, devotion, love, and power as shown in the early church. As I began to intercede for our country, and interactwith people around me, I became very frustrated and agitated. God was giving me discernment concerning the spiritual forces operating in our midst, but I did not have the power to battle it effectively. I felt like that story in the bible where a person tries to cast out a demon and the demon manifests and says I know Paul, but who are you? The demon then lashes out at the person trying to cast him out. Why did the demon know Paul? Because Paul was walking in the Spirit and the demon knew Paul had the power over him. I would be very bold and risk speaking about subjects that really triggered many people, like my support for our President. It never ended well. I would become as agitated as they were. I would tuck my tail between my legs and go off and pour out my heart to God. Note what direction it pushed me. I began to spend more time with God, more reading the Bible, more seeking, more listening to people like Derek Prince. Through all of this I also had to confront major giants in my life; fear, anxiety, sins, past sins, physical problems. It is through these problems that my will became broken which allowed me to serve God more fully. As my will yielded, guess what, His power in me increased. I began having prophetic dreams. It seemed like my words were just the right ones to make some stop and think. My compassion for others is increasing. I donāt see people as my enemies. I am to love them. I see the enemy as spirits and principalities that manipulate and deceive people. I fully expect it now. Of course the devil deceives, he is the prince of this world, the father of lies and there is no limit to his treachery.
So the key part of this scripture is āseek my faceā. This is a command for us. As the heat is turned up, I see this awakening happening. God is calling his church, his people, to Himself and asking us to seek him. I believe the outcome will be a church filled with his power and love. I envision all gifts of the Spirit working. I see a church performing miracles. What a testimony that will be!
So I encourage everyone to press in and learn and understand what Jesus did on the cross for you personally. Not just head knowledge, but ask God to show you what that act of surrender on the cross did for You. It changed everything and allowed us the opportunity to have the living God fill us with the Holy Spirit and all His power. As the Church enters into this understanding, we are going to see major changes to our country.
Michael Guidera, thank you so much for your comment. It seems to be exactly what I am going through also. I do not feel I have the power that others have and I too get agitated when I need to confront lies. I am afraid and anxious and angry with myself for being a coward. But I have been pressing in, trying to yield my will and know that in His time He will work things according to His will. Thanks for the encouragement.
HI Carol
It is a process for God to empty us out through trials and then there is room to fill us with his Spirit. No formula for it, its in His time. Also it seems we are to keep stepping out even when the outcomes are not great. The old saying, practice makes perfect. I am finding walking in the Spirit to be very much a learning process, like playing an instrument. Two steps forward, one step back sometimes. But never give up and you will progress because God is faithful.
Nationally recognized Christian leaders need to call the church and the nation to repentance. Quoting the first three steps of 2 Chronicles 7:14 (humbling, praying and seeking Godās face) without the fourth step (turning from our wicked ways) is meaningless if we truly want God to hear, forgive and heal our land.
Humble ourselves by admitting that we fail God, confess our deepest sins that we refuse to acknowledge (the belt of Truth)this makes our prayers powerful and effective. After we ourselves confess to Him, we should stand in the gap for our land and confess the sins of others who do not know what they do. He Himself will heal our sins and heal our land as we submit. Like Esther, who prepared herself to go to the King and ask requests of Him, we need to be cleansed; like Esther and Mordecai who changed the coarse of a Nation. But it is God who we must acknowledge, it is not our own power or might, like David who with one stone was able to bring down a giant; because he was right with God and acknowledged Him, stood up for His will and purpose, in His strength. Like Caleb and Joshua who were not afraid of the giants and went and took the land. This is what He speaks to me. Thank you for allowing us to share. God bless all who are interceding for our Nation and the whole earth. In Jesus Name.
These verses are a real heart issue. We can quote them over and over but if they do not penetrate our heart and let the Lord examine us daily, we will be missing the things He is trying to show us for ourselves, our fellow brothers and sisters and our nation. We have let Him down with continued abortions, with not standing against the LBGTQ community, the sexual immorality in this country that is not even considered a sin anymore, etc. God, help us to weep for our sins and the sins of this nation. We do want you to bless us again Lord but there is much searching and cleaning up to be done in every one of us. O Lord continue to be patient with us.
Repentance is vital. God is so willing to forgive and restore but we have to live in repentance. Then he pours out his peace and blessings.
I believe that God has lifted His protection over America for rejecting His love for us. We have a reprieve āIf my people will prayā
This verse is addressed to “my people which are called by My Name.” In a New Testament context, that would be those of us that call ourselves by His Name–Christians. This brings to mind I Peter 4:17-18, “For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God? And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and sinner appear?”
Also, I was reading in Jeremiah this morning and Jeremiah 18:7-10 stood out to me regarding our nation. “At what instant I shall speak concerning a nation, and concerning a kingdom, to pluck up, and to pull down, and to destroy it; If that nation, against whom I have pronounced, turn from their evil, I will repent of the evil that I thought to do unto them. And at what instant I shall speak concerning a nation, and concerning a kingdom, to build and to plant it; If it do evil in my sight, that it obey not My voice, then I will repent of the good wherewith I said I would benefit them.” My heartfelt cry and prayer is that we will repent and turn from our wicked ways, realizing that it needs to begin with us that are called by His Name, it needs to begin with me! May God grant us a revival of repentance and brokenness before Him whom we have forsaken. “For my people have committed two evils; they have forsaken Me the fountain of living waters and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns. that can hold no water.” Jeremiah 2:13. May God grant us a true revival, a great awakening, with many coming to Christ!!
I heard the Lord say, “I know how to deliver My people, as they seek My face, submit and obey”..
Yes he gave me 2nd chronicles 7: 14 , from the beginning of the crisis. I know that God is Loving . But he is also a God of judgement . We must repent for the sins of the Nation and our own sins.
Come Holy Spirit! Fill the hearts of the faithful and enkindle in them the Fire of Your Love. Enlighten the minds and hearts of all your children. Renew in us the gifts and fruits we received in our Baptism and Confirmation, especially Wisdom, Discernment, Fortitude, and Fear of the Lord. Illuminate our consciences so that all of us sinners are granted the Grace to see how offensive our sins (great and small), are to God and truly repent and amend our lives. Help us during the trials of this world, and help us to always seek the love and help of our Triune God. Without You, we can do nothing. We ask all of these things in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
We have to do more than quote it! Or teach on it! We have to do it. Bow low to the ground and submit. Be quiet before the Lord. Let him speak to you personally about where YOU are. Pray. Not go through a list, but talk to our Father, seek His face (not his hand). If there are places in your life that are not surrendered, strongholds, unholy living, unconfessed sins….make it right focusing on the blood of jesus and looking at HIM, not your sins…repent. TURN away from whatever the Holy Spirit reveals. Then turn your attention to our nation. Repent of the sins of america (or your country). Cry out to our Father for Righteousness to rule. God WILL hear And HE will heal our land! Our hope is in Jesus Christ Alone. Not the government, not medicine, not financial stability….but Christ alone. Heās waiting on US. Letās bind together as one and answer the prayer of Jesusās in John 17…..Father make them one, even as we are one!
To me I take it just as it reads. I have confessed that I know we are a culture of more then what we need. That is what hascaused a terrible distraction from our true life purpose that was revealed to us with our own personal revelation of salvation. Many idols eg. Social media games sports programs etc have taken over our attention. Right a lot of those things are shut down and many of us are experiencing what we took for granite we no longer have control over. I see a line in the sand where we will have to choose what we believe and what are we going to do about it. I pray we all humble ourselves and seek the Lord in prayer and thru scriptures. Edie
Second Chronicles 7:14
The Lord is telling us that the people who are called by his name or committing great sinsS . I pray that Godās people would stop sinning so God can forgive us of our sins and heal our land.
What strikes me most about this passage is what comes before it and right after it. 13 When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command the locust to devour the land, or send pestilence among my people, [2Ch 7:13 ESV]. Then comes the instructions for our response to a situation with pestilence… 14 if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land. [2Ch 7:14 ESV]. Finally, verse 15 indicates God’s response to our humble repentance… yes, verse 14 says He will heal our land, but look at what comes next. 15 Now my eyes will be open and my ears attentive to the prayer that is made in this place. [2Ch 7:15 ESV] WOW! That’s quite a response. May we enter into a deeper understanding of God’s ways through this passage.
This is indeed a critical verse for these times. Pay special attention to the first part of the “IF” and do not go further until you have understood and observed this. IF MY PEOPLE WHO ARE CALLED BY MY NAME… Being called by God’s Holy Name is taken too lightly today. Wearing His Name is a holy priviledge, but many today use the name ‘Christian’ in casual ways. We have Christian varieties of everything that is in the world. Its an add-on to marketing, advertising and added as a label to just about anything to make it sound good and acceptable. But carrying His Name is sacred. Many who call themselves Christians today are so in name only – a lable without the contents. Everyone who calls themself by this NAME, needs to examine themselves and see if they are really in the faith. (2 Cor 13:5) They must test themselves to see if they fail the test. We cannot live for the name of God, simply by applying a label.
We also cannot be the People Who are Called by The Name, if we are not daily and hourly called in the sense of being urged onward, pulled by, caught up in, even compelled by His Name. We must be drawn, empowered and obediant to the calling of His Holy Presence. Are you “CALLED BY HIS NAME”? Does the mention of HIS NAME compell you follow?
This is the first condition of the promise. Make sure you are included before you read further.
That is one that I say every day.O how I wished we as a Nation under God said it 50 years ago.The change we would have now.Never too late for God to hear us today.Amen
Preparing for Christ’s return has been a focus to share with our Zoom community support group the pastcfew weeks.
Those of us who believe Matthew 24 and Daniel 12 alert us for the end of this age will take detailed assessment in searching their hearts. God will reveal any ways that are not profitable in advancing in the great commision we are called into for the harvest in the 3rd Great Awakening!
God does not want any to perish but all to come into a saving grace.
Woe to the lukewarm believers, hidden sins are being exposed; God’s mercy is great, but He keeps His Word there is consequences for unrepentant sin. Warning: keep our lamps filled for the bridegroom will come as a thief in the night.
Father teach us to humble ourselves before You with pure heart as your elected chosen, following the example of Solomon. We need You more than ever. Our nation’s PRIDE has reached to Your Throne.
Father forgive us once more. Let your power be manifested making a complete renewal in the hearts of all who have been confused running away from your Grace, let them see You as You are, Almighty, Powerful, Compassionate Merciful Lord of all, Our REDEEMER, Savior,the Beginning and the End.
DISCERN, DISCERNMENT = DIS + CERN, from Latin, dis + cernere.
“CERN” is related to ācertainā and āsieveā (Use āto see clearlyā.)
DISCERN is a word of darkness; it is not rooted in the Light of God’s Love. DISCERN is incorrectly structure in its root as CERTAIN vs. UN- CERTAIN, DIS-CERTAIN. DIS = opposite of, lack of, apart from any certainty.
The word derivation-etymology is incorrect and the coupling is a dis-aster.
Say instead, āWisdom and Knowledge is a tree of Lifeā or seek Wisdom and Certainty
Originally in the earlier forms of Latin āDISā denoted godhead, of Jupiter in particular. Afterwards used exclusively as the designator of the god of the infernal region.
Be very careful of using words beginning with DIS-! Any negative element in the word structure negates the Eternal Energy and Light of the word.
Dire Is the Stage ā that is set ā for anyone who uses words that begin with D-I-S-.
I do believe the Lord is calling the Church to repentance and revival; not the world. We are being called to be the “salt and light” we are intended to be. Then we leave the results in His mighty hands!
In order to understand this verse, we must also read the verse before it that ends with, āor send plagues among you.ā
I believe God will restore the land when HIS PEOPLE turn from their wicked ways. Because when the āchurchā is made right, they will teach Gods truth and govern the land according to Gods ways.
God did not bring COVID … but HIS people allowed it to happen because China has been ātoleratedā too long and allowed to have their evil ways to infect and spread throughout the world.
Yes we need to take care of America, but the evil in the world … the countries who are communists, need to be stopped. We, the ecclesia need to rise up in the spirit and declare the strongman spirit of anti christ over China and other countries under this principality , to be shred up and sent to the pit of hell in Jesus name!
It tells me, we need to call out to him and repent for all the sins of this nation. We are killing unborn children in the womb and even those that are botched abortions. We can’t even watch TV anymore without there is LGBT content on it. Look at what Hallmark stands for now. We have Drag Queens in our libraries reading to our children. We must turn away from our wicked ways and ask God to heal our nation. This is a wake up call.
We need to connect with God on 3 levels: rationally (seek and adopt his legal opinion – his will), relationally (seek his face, know his heart and intentions towards us) and change our routines (practically implement an expression of his legal and good intentions). IF his people will unite in this, he will heal our land.
God is trying to tell us in this verse and during this virus to call on Him. We need a revival ,an awakening, to have God teach us all that He is in control. This is a time of reflecting on who God is and His power. If we call on Him, He will heal our land. PRAISE BE TO OUR GOD MAKER OF HEAVEN AND EARTH.
The converse of that statement, tells us that if we dont repent, we’ll get what’s going coming to us. We should fear and tremble for our national sins have been abundant, flamboyant, and shamelessly broadcast to the whole world! No other nationhas ever sinned so efficiently and profitably as us!! Holy Lord, touch each heart to truly be repentant. Give understanding to the nations that look up to us as role models, i know it must be so confusing to them…
To understand 2 Chronicles 7:14, we have to look at the context. Verse 13 says, “When I shut up heaven and there is no rain, or command the locusts to devour the land, or send pestilence among My people, 14 if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray….” The remedy for pestilence is repentance. In fact, you could call this a “pestilence of repentance.” What should we as a nation repent for?
God is saying, “It’s about the blood! It’s about the blood!” The blood of over 61 million aborted babies is crying out from the land, and this pandemic is God’s judgment on our nation. Why is no one trumpeting this from the rooftops? Dick Simmons, an intercessor whose War Room looks out onto the US Supreme Court, says we are missing it. This pandemic is about abortion. He points to Hosea 4:
1 Hear the word of the Lord, You children of Israel, For the Lord brings a charge against the inhabitants of the land: āThere is no truth or mercy Or knowledge of God in the land.
2 By swearing and lying, Killing and stealing and committing adultery, They break all restraint, With bloodshed upon bloodshed.
He points out that it is imperative in this moment we understand, cry out, repent, and apply the blood of Christ to see the end of legalized abortion. If not, we will experience a greater judgment depicted in Hosea 5. We are now experiencing what the prophet calls “the moth,” but failure to respond to God’s warning will result in us being torn by “the tiger.”
12 Therefore I will be to Ephraim like a moth, And to the house of Judah like rottenness.
13 āWhen Ephraim saw his sickness, And Judah saw his wound, Then Ephraim went to Assyria And sent to King Jareb; Yet he cannot cure you, Nor heal you of your wound.
14 For I will be like a lion to Ephraim, And like a young lion to the house of Judah.
I, even I, will tear them and go away; I will take them away, and no one shall rescue.
Bill Bright warned America using this very scripture some years, says Dick Simmons.
David Wilkerson (a personal friend of Dick Simmons) warned us of coming judgment years ago. By God’s grace, it was held back until now. If we do not heed the warning of Scripture and these modern-day prophets and repent for the shedding of the blood of innocent babies, it will get worse and America may be lost. We desperately need a national day of repentance. Now!
My eyes will be open and my ears attentive to every prayer made in this place.
2 Chronicles 7:15 NLT
There’s no denying that God’s at work. The verse preceding states that there may be swarms of grasshoppers and plagues among us. And that’s happening now. As Christians we need to take a good long look at what we condone, what evil we tolerate. We’ve been overran by destructive behavior that has become common. Pray, intercede, speak up.
From Passover forward we are living in a new day. Heaven is ready to come day to those who humble themselves, repent, pray and seek to stay close to God through holiness.
While it just started, we will increase in the same works the Lord himself had done in order to bring in the masses whoās hearts are calling out to God for intimacy (a revelation of how much we are loved by Jesus), peace and true life/living in Him.
We need to truly repent daily, praise Him in everything, study the word, and step out in the things He is already telling us to do.
These coming days will be better than when Jesus walked here on earth (you will do greater works than these) and will continually increase the church until He returns. These days are those days He spoke of…
Jesus told me – “My people bemoan the loss of their liberty. But did they use it for themselves or for the gospel?”
Very interesting comment. Seems like the contemporary Western church has been extremely self-focused. Thank you for sharing to generate deeper seeking of GOD’s FACE.
To answer your question would take a week! So,I will tell you what GOD is saying to me right now!There is but one GOD! Jesus Christ is his son! Satan is real, he is here right now! It is time for GOD’s people to speak of him now! His sevents whorship MONEY!!! They are your enemy! But it is important to remember that GOD loves all of us!
Tell people the truth, Satan servents killed JFK, demand the government to you who really did it! The same with the twin towers in New York and the list go’s on.
It is time to speak of Satan actions in your own life to your cildren and how you dealt with it!
2 chronicles 7:13 is the key to understanding what God said to Solomon and is saying to His people today.
āIf I shut up the heavens and there be no rain, if I send locust to devour the land or send PESTILENCE among my peopleā,….If my ..
God says He will punish sin no matter how beautiful our buildings and worship are. God is saying the same thing today by sending warnings of impending judgement.
Today we have LOCUSTS in Asia Africa and Middle East, Covid-19 around the World and an impending Famine. The Church needs to REPENT and return to the Holy God. God will not compromise His holiness
You are praying amiss. We should have been praying years ago for Christ followers to live according to the Beatitudes. No slavery. No present glossing over the terribleness of the legacy ofslavery No disenfranchisement of Native Americans. No policies protecting white Supremacy. No racism No zenophobia. No homophobia. No daring to speak for God without first developing the humble and soft heart of God. No judging another without walking a mile in his or her shoes. Stop looking āout thereā for blame and start looking within! What does God require of us in this present church age of Grace? And one more thing. Stop being silent in the face of bullying and lying because you think you are working for āa greater goodā. The children are watching!
I believe the Lord is using this time of isolation, by calling the Body of Christ for a time of repentance. Psalm 139:23 and 24: “Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me, and know my anxieties; And see if there is any wicked way in me, And lead me in the way everlasting.” He is preparing us for what I believe is the third and finial Awakening. Prayer is of the utmost importance! It is a time of prayer and preparation as the church is judged first. We need to seek the anointing. This is the time for our light to Shine for Jesus even through social media. Even so, come Lord Jesus!
This scripture was prayed over The Hebrides Isles which brought transformation to the NATION (Scotland – late 1940ās). I keep reading and watching what Revivalist Duncan Campbell said about āGod moving inā – answering the cries of intercession!! āHeāll do it AGAINā in response to ours!!!!
The most important word here is humble, without humility we donāt acknowledge our need for forgiveness. We donāt understand the need to turn from our wicked ways and pray. My prayer is for opened eyes & hearts that those who have been deceived by the evil one will see the truth of who they have aligned themselves with.
We as believers have too long allowed our government to have their way when it comes to moral issues! We allowed for Roe v Wade and the result was millions of unborn babies were killed. Recently we watched as gay and lesbian groups won the battle in overturning Godās plan for marriage and professors to teach our youth that there are more than 2 genders! Oh how we need Godās forgiveness! Should more of us sought His wisdom in handling these issues, would results have been different? Even now Heās calling for believers to make a difference. Father forgive us and show us your way!
Yes Yes and Yes and Amen!!!!!!!!
We need to repent, turn from our WICKED ways. Like the Israelites, too many are wanting to go back to Egypt instead of a true national repentance and return to God and HIS commands.
The Lord, our God is always calling His own close to Himself & through His mercy leading us to participate in His will for our earth. āChildren- see your need for Me. Ask Me, come close and look into my eyes. Repent for you and your nation and I WILL HEAR you, FORGIVE your sins and HEAL your Land. I want to do this! I am good and My mercy endures forever!ā
I find it interesting the preceding verse:”If I shut up heavens so that there is no rain, or if I command the locust to devour the land or if I send Pestilence among my people” vs13 and My people who are called…”
Amazing times we are living in!
We who call Jesus as are King are getting ready for the explosion of souls coming to Him.
Excellent point!
The verses I read this morning seem fitting for you said (too): Isaiah 66:1&2.
āHeaven is My throne,
And earth is My footstool.
Where is the house that you will build Me?
And where is the place of My rest?
2 For all those things My hand has made,
And all those things exist,ā
Says the Lord.
āBut on this one will I look:
On him who is poor and of a contrite spirit,
And who trembles at My word.
My thoughts on 2 Chron 7:14. Why don’t people quote this verse from the beginning of the paragragh instead of in the middle of a sentence. 13 āWhen I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command locusts to devour the land or send a plague among my people,. We need to understand the context of this verse. There is a drought in Africa right now and locusts are devouring what food is left. We also have a plague going around the world at this time affecting everybody. Now read the rest: 4 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. Where is this coming from or what is God responding to? Read all of chapter 6. Focus on words like “hear from heaven” “forgive” “sin” “pray-prayer” “toward”. This is Solomon’s prayer before the people sinned. Go and read Daniel 9. His prayer after people sinned and towards the end of their captivity. Finally go back to 2 Chron 7. Meditate on the real promise here. 15 Now my eyes will be open and my ears attentive to the prayers offered in this place. 16 I have chosen and consecrated this temple so that my Name may be there forever. My eyes and my heart will always be there. This is where I want to be. In His presence.
The world, not just America, is corrupt morally and spiritually. Could the snakes of Number 21:4-9 be an OT type of the COVID-19? Read these Bible passages in order and consider the application today.
Numbers 21:4-9
John 3:14-15
Romans 8:28
Could God be calling the pandemic āsnake (sin) bittenā world to the cross?
The Lord is speaking gratitude to me, I embrace all he has done, all he is doing and all he has yet to do, even the trials, as the trials in our lives are what our God works patience, character, persistence, and yes, if we let him, our faith.
I am also reminded of the Israelites traveling through the wilderness. When the trials come, they murmur and complain and turn against God to idols. Then God shows mercy and blesses them, removes the trial in His mercy, whether it was lack of food, lack of water, a plague, and they praised our God at the moment of blessing, but then turned from Him shortly thereafter, becoming complacent once again and turned to idols. This goes on and on and on through the entire book of Exodus and into Numbers. It breaks my heart as I am reminded of the similarities I see between the Israelites back then and the American Christian and Jew today.
I pray this trial we are going through will turn this nation Nancy to Him but that we would never become complacent ever again.
As needful as 2 Chron.7:14 is, we must back up to 2 Chron. 7:13 where God tells Solomon what He will do if His people sin; now we have the problem and the solution. Note: God is not talking to the world He is talking to His people.
Good point David, thank you!
We, Gods people, need to search our own hearts; for out of the evil intent of the heart the mouth speaks.
King David said ‘Search me and try me and see if there is any wicked way in me’. So must we.
We have many little foxes that are spoiling the vine and the depths of our hearts need cleansing from the idolatry that we knowingly and unknowingly live in and with daily.
Show us any wicked ways we have within us O Lord and let repentance be a daily occurrence in our lives. Amen
One day somebody is going to crunch the numbers and show that more babies lives were saved from abortions cancelled during the season of covid-19 than lives lost to the Virus. God sternly judged Israelites who passed their babies through the fires to Molech. The church in America has silently sat while millions have been destroyed in their mothers bodies. We have no reason for assuming we are less evil then the Israelites. God will be seen as right to come to the aid of our most vulnerable.
And who knows what a Blessing those born babies may be (even to all of us)! Let’s pray that is the case–that they will be a blessing to all and be blessed and find Jesus early in their lives & be spiritually healed and not tormented with thoughts of not being wanted.
The reports seem to be contrary for there are more women flooding into the abortion clinics than ever. Fear is still trying to reign as we continue to pray eyes be opened, ears unstopped to the the all consuming love of our heavenly Father.
The COVID-19 pandemic appears to be one of the pestilence mentioned in verse 13 and serves as a wake-up call to repent. In our case here in the US it has meant for us to realize we have drifted away from the centrality of God in our lives. He has A place but not THE place. So we must repent and restore Him to His rightful place of preeminence in our hearts, our daily lives, our work and ruthlessly eliminate anything that distracts us from a godward life – not only in our hearts and homes, but in our churches as well. I have been praying fervently for an outpouring of urgency and vision on our pastors and leaders to bring their congregations back to the basics of connecting deeply with Him and one another, and passionately engage in mission. And to move away from the entertainment and consumer mentality that has led us away from engaging with the Lord, hearing from Him, and experiencing the power of the Holy Spirit in our ministries, and has made us lose our impact.
That is what jumped out at me when this Covid thing started back in March & people would quote 2Chron. 7:14. We read it as step 1: Humble themselves, Step 2, etc… maybe, just maybe we ought, to read it, in a sense — in a backward fashion. In other words: I will heal their land, if: Step 1: they turn from their wicked ways, #2–seek My Face, #3: pray & #4–humble themselves.
Wouldn’t surprise me if we got it all backwards to begin with! Ha–Sooo….human-like.
Good words, Kathryn. The “if” is often overlooked, but it is the key word in this verse to understand God’s process for us correctly.
This morning I woke up at 4:40 am. I lay in bed and started to worship the Lord quietly. I felt a strong anointing. I have not been able to turn over and sleep on my stomach. I said Lord I just want to turn over on my stomach. Itās been over a year since I could do that. The drs said arthritis. I was able to lay on my stomach for with no pain. PTL I got up had a cup of coffee and hit on the prayer chain which I am involved in for years. I felt victory this morning . As we where praying we had a a good report about one of our intercessors son has recovered from the virus. PTL The blood of Jesus civets us. Healing is the childrenās bread. There has been a shift. The whole prayer team felt it. Victory is ours. As we sang Victory is ours I saw soldiers dressed in uniforms like in George Washingtonās day marching like colonial days. There where so many praises going on with our prayer chain. A Shift has occurred PRL Father has heard our prayers. Jesus us Lord. Greater is He( the Holy Spirit) in us than he that is in the world. Fear not for I am with you, I will never leave you nor forsake you. We will see the greatest revival that has been prophesied for years. Not by might , not by power but by the Holy Spirit. No one can take credit for it just Father God who loves us. Amen
In 2019 I visited churches of many denominations just to observe and discern the Holy Spiritās presence. I left most services unmoved or motivated by the presence of the Holy Spirit. Church seems to be based on entertainment rather than singing and preaching the word of God. Too much focus on appealing to the likes and demands of the youth culture of our day. Praise and worship has become a rock concert with 2 or 3 people doing all the singing and choirs are small and in the background. Fewer people are allowed to express their talents and love of God through praise and worship songs and musical instruments. The songs have very little theological depth and tend to repeat simple phrases a lot. I am a member of a mega church which use to draw people because of our praise and worship experience but the choir and orchestra has been downsized to the point of insignificance. Many people have left the church and especially those who like to use their gift of playing an instrument or singing. I think there is a power struggle of what church will have the largest membership and the biggest footprint. I think of this issue as the John and James attitude of wanting to sit with Jesus on the throne. There is only one King and His name is Jesus. No earthly man will ever come close to living the earthly life that Jesus lived. All honor, glory and praise belongs to Jesus. 2 Chronicles 7: 13-16 speaks to me and you. We, individually, are a church where the Holy Spirit dwells and we should represent Jesus in every inch of our individual worlds we live in. We are His disciple in our private life, at home, at work, at play and in government. There are two kinds of people Christians and pagans. Does your world see me and you as a Christian or a meaningless pagan? God has put life on pause with the Coronavirus for us Christians to be still and know that He is God and Jesus is Lord and King. The cure for this pandemic lies with me to humbly pray, confess and repent of my personal sins and turn my heart and my mind toward the word of God and Jesus. When I have truly repented then the Holy Spirit will forgive me and return to my soul the peace, love and joy that we all want. The Holy Spirit will then order my steps and I will be Godās walking, talking church. Proverbs 3: 5-6. When enough of us Christians have repented and rededicated our lives to the cause of Christ we will see a revival in the walls of our church that walls and ceilings cannot contain. The world will then recognize us by our love for one another and revival will fill our land and the Holy Spirit will dwell in us and the church, verse 16. Men I am speaking to us. We are warriors for Jesus but we are missing from the battle. In the words of a great American, Todd Beamer. who led the charge to take down a hijacked AA plane, āLETāS ROLLā for the Kingdom of God and our coming King Jesus. I will meet you in the battle.
Like a loving Father it is the IF THEN proclamation. Laying down the clear instruction to a wayward or unruly child.
The difference between our Heavenly Father from our loving earthly father is that He will heal and not retaliate. We ourselves destroy ourselves by the arrogance of disobedience.
Key wordsl: humble ourselves
Humility, repentance and seeking God … there is no other way for America to survive. If we do not do these things we will slide further away. I think it is a call to individuals as well as the Nation.
This may have been an intercession in the days of Solomon but Gods nature has not changed making this relevant for us as well.
Who We Are Where We Are and what are we doing we must be in tune with the infinite father amen
I love this verse, of course, let’s pay attention to it, BUT I often wish the people of God would proclaim another verse, from God’s new covenant promises. If you take this verse, you have to pay attention also to v 19 onwards. But those days are passed. I think it’s specifically for Israel at the time, who would go into exile and then, ultimately have the temple destroyed twice. I’d suggest we proclaim 2 Corinthian 5.17 – 21 which includes “God was in Christ, reconciling the world to himself, not counting their sins against them…. be reconciled to God!” The Old Testament is wonderful and speaks of Christ throughout, but the Old Covenant is obsolete… and gone.
The old Covenant points to the new and in essence seems to be still operative in individuals.
Repent and confess and be born again. NT
Repent and confess and be healed.
How can the OT be obsolete when we keep quoting from it (Ps. 23; Ps. 91 for example) & using scripture like the one we’re talking about? Add to that, that Jesus said: For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished. Matthew 5:18 (NASB)
Heaven & earth shall pass away, when All is accomplished. Has heaven or earth passed away? I read that the Hebrew understanding/translation of this says a more accurate understanding is that “I come to sustain or strengthen the Law & (the Prophets)”, meaning to maintain the knowledge and OBSERVANCE of God’s Word. I don’t believe this means one must observe all the ceremonies but observe His moral law and honor all He had spoken by His Prophets & given to His angels or Holy Spirit to give to mankind. So we are regularly being taught from the OT–in that sense, it will never be obsolete, till heaven & earth pass away. Anyway—just some thoughts of mine.
Thanks Kathryn but if you look again, my comment was about the Old Covenant, not Testament being obsolete. The OT contains the OC. (eg it never existed until Moses). Read Hebrews 8.13. And how could Heaven EVER pass away? So what did Jesus mean? If you read His words in context, He was talking about the destruction of Jerusalem – and the Temple in 70AD – the Temple was known by all jews as ‘Heaven & Earth, it was where God met with man. This was signalling the end of the ‘old’ and the start of the ‘new’. The hearers of His words fully understood what He meant. The rest of Acts, the Letters, Revelation (and since then), has been unfortunately about dragging people out of the old system and into the new creation.
If My people! We the body of Christ must turn our worship and focus back to God. We have been distracted by much causing us to idolize everything other than God. We have become complacent and desensitized so that we love darkness more than light. We must now come humbly back to God, repent of our idolatry. Truly seek Him and only Him with all our hearts, souls and minds. Walk in the light before Him. Then He will hear our cries and bring healing to His people and they in turn will reflect His light so the world will see and come to know Him. Not only will we be healed but many will turn from darkness to light, from the power of Satan to God, repenting of sin and receiving salvation through faith in Jesus Christ!
Repentance – It is a part of our lifestyle in relationships. All the relationships that we each individually have. As the old saying goes. Jesus, others and you so to speak. Keeping relationships squeaky clean really does give us and our relationships full of joy. Reading the Bible is very helpful in bringing clarity to the areas that are not in the light especially our relationship with our Creator. His light revealed in His word is lovingly powerful to cleanse or to wash us, as we yield to the Spirit therein. Oh what Love!
Prior to the Coronavirus I was experiencing a sifting whereby what was exposed is my sins and habits of denying my Lord. I woke up one morning with these words on my mind, āI am removing everything that is not of meā. The scourging was so intense I knew if the Rapture took place, I felt I would be left behind. The Lord revealed my hypocrisy, cowardliness and half truths. As I acknowledged my sins I was comforted. The Lord has humbled me and I came through this examination with renewed strength and boldness and desire to intercede with more insight. In the midst of this crisis the Lord is cleansing His church and strengthening our testimony. I have more patience and encouragement, knowing the Lord will present His church without spot or blemish and I have reached a place of surrender to rely on the Lord and not my own understanding and to be persistent in knowing His Word and praying with compassion for others.
I agree as I am experiencing the same. Praise God.
He is refining us. PTL!
Dear Lord, this prayer goes out to all people that hurting. Whether it be finances, health, loneliness, abandonment, loss of time with friends and family, loss of face to face contact. May these people find assurance through you Lord. Please help them in time of need. May you be with them now and always.
God is looking to bring the greatest awakening ever in history. He wants to do a shaking to shift out corruption in the leadership of many states (especially the hard hit ones), and bring them back to Himself.
God has urged me to pray for repentance over my region/the nation, spiritual cleansing…..That Holy Spirit partner with the angels to bring repentance to my region/the US. I am praying for my leaders, that this state will repent and become restructured.
That it will change spiritually and practically, back to simpler ways, and even look different.
Repenting , standing in the gap and repenting for the church, praying continuously in the spirit .
To me itās more directed to Godās people world wide….Jews and Gentiles!!! There isnāt any revival without any challenges! Hence the proud has to be brought low to be at the stage of humility, reverence and total obedience to the One Holy God of Heaven! When there is humility, there is repentance, then freedom comes! Truth, justice and righteousness of His are the only remedies for breakthrough and deliverance! Reverence- Repentance – Revival !!! Itās time to fast and pray more and harder !
Pray Psalm 133 and read Revelations having an ear to hear in Rev 2:29 and many times repeated in Rev Mark and Matthew. Have an ear to hear what the Spirit is saying to the Churches!
We are to have the Word hidden in our heart and carry out the Great Commission and share with all who will hear and obey God!!!
Repentance and obedience is critical at this time for us called by his name!!
Pray Psalm 133 and read Revelations having an ear to hear! Rev 2:29
A and many times repeated in Rev Mark and Matthew. Have an ear to hear what the Spirit is saying to the Churches!
We are to have the Word hidden in our heart and carry out the Great Commission and share with all who will hear and obey God!!!
The last part and most important part of this instruction is “turning from their wicked ways” or repentance. Repentance comes to the fore and only to the fore after humbling, praying and seeking.
Luke 5:32 āI have not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance. Jesus answered, āIt is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.āā
Therefore, 2 Chron 7:14 is speaking to the dead, sleeping-Laodicean Church, who has watered-down the Full Gospel of Gods truth