I Prayed have prayed
Father, use us to encourage the President and his staff! We thank you for the opportunity to get these cards into the hands of the President!
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Another large batch of your personal notes, prayers, and encouragements was delivered.   IFA Staff member Kris Kubal delivered the notes to Rep. Bost’s office, where the staff and Congressman’s wife Tracy received them with great excitement. Excitement, because they know that these notes from everyday people like you and me are so meaningful and uplifting to the President. In case you didn’t know, these notes bypass the regular White House correspondence office and the mailroom, and Rep. Bost personally sees that these notes make it right into the Oval Office, where they are housed in a zipper bag.  One note is plucked daily to be read by the President and staff. It serves as a reminder of the average person and their American values that He is there to serve, and as encouragement from God through everyday people like you and me.

How many times did his staff reach into that bag and pull out a note that said, “We are with you, Mr. President! Thank you for standing for life!” on a day when he may have been pressured to keep funding for Planned Parenthood intact?  Or pulled out a card that listed a scripture from Psalm 91 praying protection over the President and his family, when attempts may have been recently made on his life.

We don’t know how God is using these cards–but we do know that the President, his staff, family and the Vice-President love that they are are there to read.  Many of us will never get the chance to personally speak to the President and encourage him one on one, but with these notes, you are getting actually that opportunity!

Be watching–soon we will be expanding our ministry of encouragement to include others in the White House.  It is one of the most personally-impactful things we can do–and by consulting the Holy Spirit for what to say, and how to bless them, we can be used by God in incredible ways right in the Oval Office!

Want to send a note to the President?  Send one of our Presidential Prayer Cards (found on our website) or even a plain 3 x 5 notecard (no regular cards or letters, please) to:

President Trump
c/o Intercessors for America
PO Box 915
Purcellville VA  20134

We read each card, and will only pass along cards that are encouraging, personal, contain no demands or admonishment, and are easy to read.  Include your name and city and state if you like. If you’d like to include a scripture, that is great, but we will tell you that a card filled with just scriptures from top to bottom and no personal message may not make the cut.

Thanks to those who have participated–know that God is using your message on the right day, at the right time, to encourage the President and his staff!


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M e kelker
December 19, 2019

President Trump you will NOT be impeached, Be at peace God put u in the White House and HE will fight for U. Listen to prophet Kim Clement prophecy on you tube. We are praying for u. We will not give up.

Alicia Alatorre
December 10, 2019

Thank you for this opportunity to have a message for the President. Thank you, Mr. President for all you are doing to help us, the average American Citizen, keep our faith in our God, the One, True God, in service and worship. Thank you for being a help to Israel and alliance. Thank you for our Military that protects us and our freedom. Thank you for fighting for the average American Citizen and working class. Others have ignored us until tax time or election, making promises they never intended to keep.Thank you for helping small businesses. Thank you for loving us in America, a melting pot of nationalities, nonetheless, the same in citizenship, in faith, in love for our country, our God and one another. Which is what Jesus teaches.You are His instrument, His. No one can take you from Him or from where He has placed you. You are the Lord’s vessel for such a time as this. He placed you in authority and leadership because one day, we, in this nation, are going to need that strength, moral courage, leadership, and knowledge you posses to help us get through, as a people and a nation. Not to fall or crack when the going is tough. You and we, as a people and nation will be tougher! God bless you and yours. Cordially, Alicia Alatorre ([email protected])

December 7, 2019

Dear President Donald Trump and Melania and kids
God Bless you all and I am so glad to live in America for 9 years now and so long you are the president I like to live here longer, I pray every day till YHVH that He give you more 4 years to be president, i can not vote but I pray that YHVH do an miracle, I believe YHVH have an plan with you and this country so in name of Yeshua we will win.
Merry christmas and Happy Hanukkah greetings Ellen from Arkansas

Christine Schott
December 5, 2019

We appreciate everything you and your family have gone thru for us!!! We thank God for you. We pray for the protection of your family. We know God chose you for such a time as this. Merry Christmas 🎄 to you and your family and The Lord will bless you mightily. Christine Schott

December 5, 2019

Dear Mr. President,
This prayer-vision came to me after Franklin Graham’s prayer day. Perhaps it is for now.

It unfolded like a 30 second news clip. The camera zoomed in on a boxer in the ring up against the ropes. Red gloves and closed fore-arms protected the unseen face from the pounding blows. I could only see the brown gloves of the opponent punching and punching, when suddenly, the red gloves exploded with a right, left, right left knockout. A referee ran forward, lifted the the arm of the winner . When he turned around, it was a very fit, strong Pres. Trump. He was tired and not smiling, but looked in awe of actually taking out the opponent. Two men rushed in and put a silk navy blue robe on the champion. He turned around with both arms lifted high.The camera zoomed in. On the back was a golden yellow circle with these words in red, “JESUS IS LORD.” The vision ended abruptly and I laughed and chuckled that God made sure the world knew who sponsored this amazing victory. The recent boxer photo of the president was almost identical to what I saw, except without the belt. I believe God might be saying this to you Mr. President. It is not by your might. It is not by your power, but it is only by the spirit of the Lord that you can take down the spiritual opponents. Please stay humble to hear His voice. I’m part of your prayer-force in Ft. Worth.

Pastor Sandy Shaw
December 5, 2019

President Trump – warmest greetings in Christ Jesus from SCOTLAND – Call Rabbi Jonathan Cahn from New York – to help at this critical time – alongside Paul White – Jonathan Cahn has written about you positively in his excellent book “The Paradigm” – he can be trusted, totally.

    December 5, 2019

    Hello, Pastor Shaw! Thank you for praying for our president. I’ve read the Rabbi’s book and heard him speak. His new book, The Oracle, is wonderful, too. I love Scotland and hope to get there some day. I am Judy from Ft. Worth on IFA.

      Wanda J Baldwin
      December 12, 2019

      Greetings Pastor Shaw,
      The Lord has led me to Rabbi Jonathan Cahn close to a year ago. I have read his books, and truly believe The Lord sent him to warn us of coming judgment if we do not turn from our evil ways and pray for revival in the United States of America.
      I also stand with you, Pastor and ask that Rabbi Cahn be contacted, and ask to stand in the gap with Paula White and pray for President Trump and our nation.
      To God be the glory for what He has done, and what He is doing now, and what He will do.

Cathy Womach
December 4, 2019

Dear Mr. President,

FACT: ALWAYS know that God has used you to Bless our nation beyond belief by your humble leadership.
Praying for you always in Jesus’ Name, as we rebuke the power of evil in this nation. The enemy is silenced as The Lord always reigns over evil.

✝️🙏Praying Psalm 91 over you, inserting your name ….🙏✝️

Your leadership inspires us all because you are a righteous man who hates evil….

I can’t wait to come to one of your rallies, with my son, but will have to travel as I live on the liberal west coast…

May you continue to humble yourself before God as a sinner, like all of us, so He can continue to do His Mighty Work in you!
It is a sight to behold!

Praise our Great God for you and your family……✝️🙏🇺🇸

December 4, 2019

Dear President Trump, a few years back while studying the Word and praying, God showed me that no politician would get this nation out of the mess we are in, they are the ones that got us in it. Only He could do it. I stopped watching the news,….until the debates…..then after each debate I had a sense in my spirit that you were the one. The night that you won the presidency was one of the happiest days of my life. I am 83, pray for you and know without a doubt that the mighty hand of God is on you. Isaiah 45.

Robert Hilliker Alaska
December 4, 2019

Dear President Trump, I am so very thankful that you are our President.I pray for you every day. I’m asking God that you will be elected again in 2020. Thank you for all you are doing for America and Americans.I ask Him to keep you strong, physically, emotionally , mentally and Spiritually. Please don’t let the haters discourage you , there are millions of Americans who love you and your family. Gods Bless you, your family, Vice-President Pence and his family,your Cabinet members, and all of the folks in your Administration , and God Bless America.

    Martha Robinson
    December 4, 2019

    Dear President Trump and First Lady Melania,
    This nation is so blessed that God has anointed you to be our President and First Lady.Thank you for your courageous stand against issues that threaten our freedom and democracy. Daily we pray God’s protection upon you and your family. We pray that His wisdom,strength, and guidance will surround you. You have accomplished great things that no other President before you has done. Seek the Lord with all your heart and acknowledge Him for His work through you and He will continue to lead you to victory. Please know that multitudes of people are praying for you and your family. We love you. Thank you Lord Jesus for our 45th President.
    Jim and Martha Robinson

    Call unto Me and I will answer you and show you Great and Mighty things you do not know.
    Jeremiah 33:3

Maralyn and Ray Killorn
December 3, 2019

Dear President and Mrs. Trump.

We send our heartfelt THANK YOU for your service to this country and the American people You are doing a wonderful job and we respect you.

Melania did a perfect decoration of the White House. I don’t know which was more perfect – Melania or the decorations??? Both are stunning.

God bless and keep you and your beautiful family.

Ray and Maralyn Killorn
Union Gap, WA

Cheri Risch
December 3, 2019

Dear President Trump,
You are God’s workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works that He has planned and prepared for you to walk in. Ephesians 2:10 Thank you for being faithful to follow Jesus and walk in the light of His truth. We pray for you and your family daily and thank you for your service.

December 3, 2019

MR PRESIDENT I am an 84 yr old prayer warrior. I have prayed for

you months before you were elected. I KNOW YOU ARE GOD’S MAN AND



December 3, 2019

Mr. President,

I thank GOD for you; and for all the ways you are trying to bring this country back in line with God’s principles. May Our Heavenly Father crown all your efforts with success! Great success!
Merry Christmas to you and to all your family.


Christa Ferreira
December 3, 2019

I would like to send a personal prayer card to President Trump, but can’t find the Presidential Prayer Card announced in this article on the IfA website. Can somebody help me?

    December 3, 2019

    I can’t find it either

      December 4, 2019

      We will post the link, but you can always send any 3×5 card with your message for the President to IFA…

Kathi byker
December 3, 2019

Dear President Trump. I am amazed at the supernatural amount of strength and energy the Lord is giving to you as I see you going from state to state, country to country. You are like the energizer bunny. On another note, I just wanted to tell you about a wonderfulNew thing I have been doing daily. Having holy Communion. Yes, at home usually by myself. Jesus said whenever you do this remember me. So daily I pause to remember what he did on the cross. The red represents his broken body shed so that my body can be whole in every way. The blood shed for forgiveness of my sins. I remember his personal love for each of his followers. As I swallow these elements, I receive the finished work on the cross. Many people are doing this wonderful daily fellowship or I should say communion with our Lord. People are getting healed. Glory to his holy name

Dawn Dodson
December 3, 2019

Mr. President
I plead the blood of Jesus over you, your family and your staff.
You and your family were hand picked by the Ancient of Days to be our President for 8 yrs. You and your family and staff will prevail against ALL ODDS

Margaret Noftz
December 3, 2019

Exodus 14:13
And Moses said, unto the people, “Fear ye not, stand still and see the salvation of Yahweh, …

I Samuel 17:32-49 David kills Goliath. David’s faith was in his Creator, Yahweh. David ran toward Goliath knowing who he was in Yahweh, David is but a youth against this giant. It was David’s faith in Yahweh which brought forth the victory This was a physical battle. It was to show forth that defeating Goliath began in the spiritual realm even before the battle took place. Most people are looking in the physical realm and not seeing nor understanding that there is a spiritual battle going on. There seems to be a lot of evidence against President Trump. The evidence might be there, but, the question is, can it stand against the power of Almighty? The battle is Yahweh’s

Elma Pahls
December 3, 2019

Dear Mr President! I pray for you, your family, our country & my family daily. Thank you for all you do for us. You have fulfilled many of your promises and continue to amaze us with your energy to do the right thing. You and your staff are truly amazing. Don’t give up for God has chosen you to accomplish his will for these times. My family loves and prays for you.

Beverly Largent
December 3, 2019

My family voted for you and will again! We pray for you, we love you and Melania and the family💗❤💚💜💙💛🌈🙏 and God Almighty appointed YOU, Melania, and your family!

Sherry E Alvarado
December 3, 2019

Dear Mr. President,

We stand with you as You stand for Righteousness, Justice, Freedom, and Protection of the people of this nation.

Whom shall we fear?…….. We acknowledge that God is the God of the Angel Armies ( 2 Kings 6 – 8) and the warring angels are here to fight and bring Victory, God’s Kingdom come here on earth as it is in heaven.


Kathy Collins
December 3, 2019

Mr. President We pray daily for you, your family, & and Administration. We pray Psalm 91 for protection, Isiah 54:17 for protection and surround you with the powerful blood of Jesus. Keep fighting for us! You’ve got Gods army behind you!! Amen!!!

December 3, 2019

Declaring 1 Chronicles 4:9-10 “Jabez (We cry out) cried to the God of Israel, “Oh, that you would bless our President Trump and and Vice President Pence and their families also that you would enlarge their territory (tent pegs). Let your hand be upon them and that you would keep them from harm so that they will be free from the pain (of those against them). And God granted our President Trump and Vice President Pence from our request. Wow it doesn’t get any better than this. Your promises over their lives and our country are yes and amen!!

Ramona Kinash
December 3, 2019

Mr President, you know you are on the right path – God’s path for YOU – when the hounds of hell are on your heels…and they certainly are after you! I pray strength, health, tenacity, discernment, knowledge, protection, righteousness, humility before God, & a heart after God into your life. God’s richest blessings to you, your family & your cabinet.

Maresa Craig
December 3, 2019

Dear Mr. President
Thank you for all you have done and are doing for the USA.
I belong to a group that has been praying daily for you since you threw your hat in the ring. We knew from the Lord you were his pick for such a time as this.
Blessings on you and your family at Christmas time.
We are expecting another four years after this.

Cynthia Lussier
December 3, 2019

Dear President Trump, I pray daily for you and your beautiful family. I’m so sorry for all you’ve had to go through for us and our country. You are a strong, brave man. Not many would give up all you have for us. Many of us are out here praying for you and for our country. Don’t give up! We believe in you! Don’t listen to the others who cry out against you. The Battle is the Lords!

Grace Cushman
December 3, 2019

Dear President Trump
We pray in the holy name of Jesus for God’s protection for you, your family and your staff. We pray for God’s will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. We pray it is God’s will for you to win the next election and justice to be done in the media & in the Congress. Amen

Vicki Wood
December 3, 2019

President Trump and family, I am praying for you and your family and believing that God’s hand of mercy and grace is upon you and your family. I pray that each of you are able to rest in the promises of our Lord from His Holy word. May God’s word be the lamp unto your feet and the light for your path each day. (Psalm 119:105)

Psalm 121:1-8 NIV
[1] I lift up my eyes to the mountains—where does my help come from? [2] My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. [3] He will not let your foot slip—he who watches over you will not slumber; [4] indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. [5] The Lord watches over you—the Lord is your shade at your right hand; [6] the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night. [7] The Lord will keep you from all harm—he will watch over your life; [8] the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.

May God bless you and your family and I wish you a Merry Christmas!


Joel Gunn
December 3, 2019

Mr PRESIDENT,keep the faith. Thank you for being you. I hope you get re-elected.

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Dave Kubal
IFA President
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