Your Action Needed!
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Your Action Needed!
Do you agree that repentance is needed in the Body of Christ? Do you know that every revival in history was based in repentance?
We are asking you to prayerfully consider taking action.
The Global Day of Repentance team asked IFA to share this message with you:
“Our prayer is that pastors and priests across the U.S. will be convicted by the Holy Spirit to allow time during their Sunday service on March 24 for people to privately reflect with the Lord on any issue ready for repentance. It can stay private, or the pastor may allow some to share,” said Jeff Daly, organizer of this special day of repentance. “More love, more joy, more unity among the flock will follow. Repentance is not a punishment, but a blessing. It’s worked every single time I’ve been involved in such a service.”
Would you prayerfully consider sharing this idea with your pastor?
All it takes is a call, email, or text with a prayerful suggestion. No need for manipulation — the Holy Spirit will do the convincing!
Would you pray this prayer with the community of IFA?
Give us the gift of repentance, Lord.
We don’t even know how to return. And as we think about Your Church, we don’t even know where to begin.
Give us the gift of repentance, Lord — of true repentance in Your Church.
As we stand here before You, we say: “I-we have sinned.”
Lord, we want to take the position in the gap, by Your grace and by the blood of the Lamb, through the forgiveness of our sins to call upon You on behalf of the Body of Christ in America, the Church in America, the Church that is in so many ways so blessed and so rich that it almost looks like the church of Laodicea. “We’re rich, we have it, we don’t need anything” — and yet we do not know how poor we are, how naked we are, how needy we are.
Give us eye salve; open our eyes that we may perceive our true condition before You, and repent.
Did you know that repentance is inextricably linked with the history of the United States of America? Here is information from
The United States of America was created by God’s miracles, in His perfect timing, moving through greatly outnumbered, but passionate Holy Spirit-inspired individuals, seeking the Liberty of Christ (Luke 4:18 ” He has sent Me… to bring liberty to the captives” ) instead of the tyranny of kings.
Knowing they needed His Hand, the Continental Congress held eight days of “humiliation, fasting and prayer” during the seven year Revolutionary War. After His miracles brought about victory in the War, issues arose between States under the weak “Articles of Confederation.” Delegates gathered again at Philadelphia in 1787 to attempt to resolve the divisions. At the beginning of the Convention George Washington, hero of the Revolutionary War, upon being voted head of the Convention, said: ” Let us raise a standard to which the wise and honest can repair. The event is in the hand of God.” When divisions arose, prayers to God each morning were performed; divisions began to be healed. At the conclusion of the Convention in 1787, where by God’s Providence a way was found to connect the States into a stronger, liberty-based, union, one lady asked Benjamin Franklin what the delegates had created. Franklin said: ” A republic, madam, if you can keep it.”
When George Washington was inaugurated on April 30, 1789, his classic inaugural address cited the Providence of God and His bestowing on us as a nation the “sacred fire of liberty.”
Now, 235 years later, a strong case can be made that we’ve not kept it; we’ve lost God’s Liberty, essentially by leaving God out of our schools and national dialogue and laws. We have disregarded the “hand of God” which George Washington spoke about. A broken border, crime in the streets, catastrophic debt, foreign wars, uneducated, sexually confused children, corrupt politicians, legalized sexual perversions, the ongoing killing of innocents, idols instead of the living God — all point to the imminent failure of this earlier God-based republic. God’s judgment is looming.
At the same time, the Living God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, upon which the Unites States of America was based, has a destiny for this nation which is not nearly complete: spreading the Liberty of Jesus Christ to a world starved for His Truth. And that Living God provides in His Word several places where a simple, but profound, process can be taken by which a nation can be forgiven of its sins and healed: repentance.
An entirely pagan and wicked nation, Nineveh, repented and the Lord relented from the disaster He had planned. (Jonah 3:10). Another well known Word says: “if My people called by My name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways I will hear from heaven, forgive their sins and heal their land” (2 Chronicles 7:14).
Our forefathers in this nation knew this process of repentance and used it over 800 times, starting with the Pilgrims over 400 years ago.
Congress has instituted national days of prayer, but the last call by the White House or Congress for a national day of prayer, fasting and repentance was in 1918, 106 years ago. We’ve had national days of prayer, but not as yet days of prayer and repentance.
This year, in 2024, a call has risen at the grassroots for a national day of prayer, fasting and repentance on Sunday, March 24, 2024. That also coincides with the celebration of Purim, based on the Book of Esther, pointing to our nation’s Judeo/Christian roots in the Living God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. As a stimulus for a national day of repentance, Purim celebrates the hand of God, and faith and courage in Him, leading to a triumph of good over evil, and victory of a Godly people and nation, precious to the Lord.
We see pastors and priests all over the United States including times of repentance during Sunday church services on March 24. We see ministries promoting this move of repentance among their networks. We pray that despite so many political issues Congress will issue a Resolution encouraging this spiritual solution on March 24 to our nations’ dire condition.
Suggested topics and a suggested schedule will be available to any shepherd of any church who asks. We also see hundreds, if not thousands of intercessors in other nations, taking time that day to pray and repent also, praying for His destiny and His Liberty to be restored in this nation, thus making this key day a global, not just a national day of repentance.
Prayer by Johannes Facius at IFA’s 25th anniversary conference. Find out more about the Global Day of Repentance at
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Yes, Lord, may we heed and be doers of Your Word, each of us working out our own salvation with fear and trembling!
Father, may Holy Spirit convict us and may You give us the gift of repentance. Thank You for grace and mercy. We-I have sinned. Please forgive me and all the people in this nation. You can have my heart, my life, my plans, my dreams, my emotions, my soul, all of me. Forgive us and heal our land. Renew or makeover this nation so it brings You glory. In Jesus Name. Amen.
Repentance is at the top of the list. The church has grown weak. The lack of repentance, leading attendees into a relationship with Christ not knowing about Him but knowing Him. The need for most Christians to return to thier first love is paramount and the path goes through the cleansing power of repentance. Without the holy spirit it becomes nothing but religion, dead works. He didn’t say MUCH done He said WE’LL done. Repent or you shall all likewise parish Luke 13:5. Repent for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand Mathew 4:17. It’s time to wake up, the state of the world is directly effected by the state of the church. Not a pretty picture. Time to dust off the Bible and partake of the living word as well as getting on our knees and praying fervently. Not fitting Him into your day but fitting your day into Him.
Dear Lord and God, You said, in an acceptable time, “I heard you and in the day of salvation, I helped you. Look, now is the acceptable time; look, now is the day of salvation.” May this be so Lord, in our nation and ALL the nations of the earth, for Your glory and our good. Amen
2 Corinthians 5:2
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Yea and Amen. we need desperately to repent, especially of the sin of lukewarmness. Please, Lord Jesus, by the power and guidance of Holy Spirit, give us a spirit of willingness, to repent of oul behavior. Se us on fire for you in these End times. Thank you Jesus.
Dear Lord, repentance is indeed a gift as only through that door can we get and maintain our relationship with you…Jesus opens that door for us. Help us repent individually and collectively for the sins of our nation that have led us away from you. Help us return to the faith of our forefathers that established this nation through your providence that we might become salt and light to the world. Transform us, O God, and direct our steps. Thank you for this gift, available only through the precious blood of Jesus.
Repentance is not the gift but an opportunity to receive the “gift” of forgiveness through Jesus Christ.
I think most of us that view repentance itself as a gift would agree with you! My experience has been that the Holy Spirit gives me the power to carry through with the choice to repent, in which I have rejoiced, and do call it “the guft of repentance”
There is no such thing as the, “gift of repentance”.
Perhaps what you refer to is just semantics – the definition of “gift”? In 1 Corinthians 12, God’s Word talks about -“There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit. . . . Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given . . . to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit, to another miraculous powers, to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits, to another speaking in different kinds of tongues, and to still another the interpretation of tongues.” This is not an exhaustive list of all of God’s good gifts to us by any means. Actually, it’s a pretty infinite list because our God is an infinite God. (“His mercies are new every morning.”)
What we do know is that – “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” And His gifts to us are many – from the gift of His only Son, Jesus (“God so loved the world that He “gave” His only Son . . .”) to “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith – and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God – not by works, so that no one can boast.” (Eph. 2:8-9) God’s grace, my faith, your faith – all gifts from God. It’s ALL God from start to finish! (so I can’t boast) He is the author and perfecter of my salvation.
Repentance must certainly be among God’s many good gifts – “I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. I will put My Spirit in you and move you to follow My decrees and be careful to keep My laws.” God said this to us in Ezekiel 36:26-27. God softening our hearts and opening our ears so we can receive and respond to Him – these are His gifts, doing for us what we cannot do for ourselves. My salvation, restoration, transformation, the quickening/convicting of my spirit moving me to repentance – these are all good gifts to me from my Heavenly Father – none deserved, but all freely given. (“He does not treat us as our sins deserve.”) Just as faith and forgiveness are surely gifts from God, so is the work He does in my heart – which draws me to Him and leads me to repentance. “The Lord disciplines those He loves.” His discipline is a gift! Every moment of my life is a gift from God and everything contained in those moments as well. I for one am thankful that God gives me the gift of a heart of flesh – that He gives me the gift of repentance and with it His mercies new every morning. Both are needed daily. Thank You, Heavenly Father, Giver of every good gift!
Wonderful explanation. Thank you!
Beautiful. Thank you!
I’ve never heard of the, “gift of repentance”. It is not a gift.
Yes yes yes
And praises Lord for teaching me
Answering our prayers requires we have FREE WILL
In John 15.7 Jesus sets 2 conditions for answing: frWom a pure heart and according to His Will.
His Will is all saved, all sanctified, all ready to suffer, Luke 9.23-26
O praising You Lord You have long done so even appearing when I asked and delivering from an addiction